Student says

Lorena Lobato Pardavila

Fermilab, Scientific Data Services

iCSC 2017, tCSC 2016, CSC 2013

“I am proud of saying I’ve participated in the three types (CSC, tCSC and iCSC) and I had an amazing experience in each of them.

I could broaden my knowledge in Physics Computing, Software Engineering, and Data Technologies, learning from great experts in the fields.

Moreover, being surrounded by international people from different scientific centers who became good friends afterward, made CSC one of the best useful, great, and fulfilling schools I ever had the opportunity to attend.”

Student says

CSC 2019, tCSC 2019

“The CERN School of Computing was an important step towards understanding how physicists and software engineers can productively grow as a team.

With excellent organisers and professors, the lectures were up to date, engaging as well as practically significant.

I personally loved the experience of having intellectually stimulating conversations with all the experts and getting relevant feedback on current trends in research.”

Student says

CSC 2018

“Taking part in the CERN School of Computing had been for me the opportunity to investigate and explore new areas as well as sharpen my knowledge of topics I was already acquainted with in a very nice and friendly atmosphere.

I really enjoyed the multicultural environment and the possibility of exchanges with domain experts.”

Student says

CSC 2019

“I was amazed by the quality of lectures and hands-on exercises given by experts and tutors at the CSC, and even more impressed by the amount of team-building events and outdoor day trips.

The informal atmosphere and the friendliness of lecturers makes that students can benefit most from the school.

If you are a young scientist in physics or an engineer in computer science, do not hesitate to apply!”

COVID-19 Information

CERN Ambulance
CERN Ambulance

Last update: 27 January 2022

Our priority remains the health of schools participants!

tCSC 2022:

The Thematic CERN School of Computing 2022 is taking place from 1 to 7 May 2022. Assuming a continuous positive evolution of the pandemic, the school will take place in Cargèse, FranceCOVID-19 measures

tCSC security 2022

The Thematic CERN School of Computing (tCSC security 2022) is taking place from 19 to 25 June 2022. Assuming a continuous positive evolution of the pandemic, the school will take place in Split, CroatiaCOVID-19 measures

CSC 2022:

The CERN School of Computing 2022 is planned to take place in Krakow, Poland, from 28 August to 10 September 2022. Further information will be provided on Spring 2022

CSC 2020

43rd CERN School of Computing
23 August – 05 September 2020
Kraków, Poland

School is cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The 43rd CERN School of Computing (CSC) is organized in collaboration with University of Science and Technology (AGH), together with Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN).

The two week programme consists of more than 50 hours of lectures and hands-on exercises, covering three main themes: physics computing, software engineering, and data technologies.

Academic programme

Physics Computing

  • Introduction to Physics Computing
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science tools for interactive exploration

Software Engineering

  • Software Design in the Many-Cores Era
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Creating Secure Software

Data Technologies

  • Data Management
  • Data and Storage Technologies
  • Data Visualization

Additional lectures

  • Heterogeneous Programming
  • When Internet history meets philosophy
  • Future of the Universe and of Humanity

Optional CUDA training

  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

Students who pass the final examination will receive a diploma from CSC, as well as 6 ECTS credits from AGH / IFJ PAN.

The School is aimed at postgraduate (minimum bachelor degree or equivalent) engineers and scientists, working at CERN or at other research institutes, with experience in particle physics, computing or related fields. We welcome applicants of all nationalities, and encourage all qualified persons to apply. Limited financial support may be available.

More information

including registration details, academic programme information, organisation, application procedure and deadlines.


tCSC 2020

8th thematic CERN School of Computing
7-13 June 11-17 October 2020
Split, Croatia

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this edition will now take place in Spring 2021

The 8th thematic CERN School of Computing (tCSC) theme is “Efficient Scientific Software for Heterogeneous Architectures”

tCSC 2020 is organized in collaboration with the University of Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) and is hosted at the Mediterranean Institute For Life Sciences (MedILS) Conference Centre. The Centre is a historical building situated in a wooded and landscaped park, located on the Adriatic Sea coast, a few kilometers from the center of Split.

Academic programme

Scientific and computing challenges in fundamental physics

Technologies and Platforms

  • Introduction to efficient computing
  • Hardware evolution and heterogeneity
  • Data-oriented design
  • Summary and future technologies overview

Parallel and Optimised Scientific Software

  • Writing parallel software
  • Modern programming languages for HEP
  • Optimizing existing large codebase
  • Practical vectorization

Programming for Heterogeneous Architectures

  • Scientific computing on heterogeneous architectures
  • Programming for GPUs
  • Parallel cross-architecture programming
  • Design patterns and best practices

Additional lectures

  • Student presentations session
  • Future of the Universe and of Humanity

The School is aimed at postgraduate (minimum bachelor degree or equivalent) students, engineers and scientists with few years experience in particle physics, computing or related fields. We welcome applicants of all nationalities and encourage all qualified persons to apply. Limited financial support may be available.

School information on Indico

More information including registration details, academic programme information, organisation, application procedure and deadlines.


iCSC 2020

13th Inverted CERN School of Computing
September 28 – October 2, 2020
Geneva, Switzerland

iCSC 2020 is moving online. We kindly ask all participants to register – access to the zoom channels connected to each lecture and exercises will be granted.

School information on Indico

More information including, programme and timetable:

The 13th Inverted CERN School of Computing (iCSC 2020) consists of lectures and hands-on exercises presented over a few days by former CERN School of Computing students. The Inverted School provides a platform to share their knowledge by turning students into teachers. Topics covered this year:

  • Programming Paradigms and Design Patterns
  • Heterogeneous Programming with OpenCL
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Reconstruction and Imaging
  • Modern C++ features
  • Big Data processing with SQL

The event will take place online. The attendance is free, after registering, access will be granted to you tune in from anywhere in the world – you can follow all classes, or these that interest you the most.