CSC 2023

44th CERN School of Computing
20 August – 2 September 2023
University of Tartu

The 44th CERN School of Computing (CSC 2023) is organized in collaboration with University of Tartu and is hosted at the Delta Centre – a modern digital technology, analytical and economic thought center in the Nordic region.

Physics Computing

  • Introduction to Physics Computing
  • Data Science and Interactive Data Exploration
  • Data Analysis
  • Introduction to Machine Learning

Additional Lectures

  • Student lightning talks session

Software Engineering

  • Tools and Techniques
  • Software Design in the Many-Cores Era
  • Creating Secure Software

Data Technologies

  • Data Management
  • Data and Storage Technologies
  • Data Visualization

The two week programme consists of more than 50 hours of lectures and hands-on exercises, covering three main themes: physics computing, software engineering, and data technologies.

The School is aimed at postgraduate (minimum bachelor degree or equivalent) engineers and scientists, working at CERN or at other research institutes, with experience in particle physics, computing or related fields. We welcome applicants of all nationalities, and encourage all qualified persons to apply. Limited financial support may be available.