CSC on IT Services

CERN School of Computing on IT Services
4-8 November 2024
Ferney-Voltaire, France

CSC IT Services 2024

This school is organized by CERN with involvement of the IT Department and will be hosted at the Appart’City Ferney-Voltaire.

Academic programme

The school on IT Services aims to empower CERN members of personnel (including Students, Fellows, Origin, Quests, Staff, and Users) to get the most out of the computing services delivered by the CERN IT Department to the physics community.

The school is recommended for any person that is using the CERN IT services either to deliver information, analyze data, automate tasks or work in engineering projects. We expect participation from both active users who would like to be more proficient and newcomers at CERN that would like to discover and get an introduction to the ecosystem of computing services available to all CERN users.

The school is not open to persons without a CERN status.

(Please note that this programme may be subject to minor changes.)

More details in the indico page of the event


tCSC on ML 2024

Thematic CERN School of Computing on Machine Learning
13-19 October 2024
MedILS – Split, Croatia

tCSC Machine Learning 2024

This school is organized by CERN in collaboration with the Faculty of Science, University of Split and will be hosted at the Mediterranean Institute For Life Sciences (MedILS) Conference Centre. The Centre is a historical renovated building situated in a wooded and landscaped park located on the Adriatic Sea coast, a few kilometres from the centre of Split.

Academic programme

The school will focus on the theme of ML and AI for Dana Analytics and Accelerator Technology. The complete programme will offer 22 hours of lectures, workshops and hands-on exercises, as well as a student presentations session, and special evening lectures. Classes are prepared and given by speakers who are ML & AI professionals with many years of experience in academia and research.

(Please note that this programme may be subject to minor changes.)

More details in the indico page of the event