CERN School of Computing alumni database contains over 4000 entries of students and lecturers of more than 60 schools which took place in last 50 years.

Alumni database
Firstname | Surname | Year | School | Role | Country | Affiliation |
Ann | Abbott | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Nicolai | Angelov | 1970 | CSC | ST | Russia | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Richard | Ansorge | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Free School Lane |
Derek | Ball | 1970 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Willy | Banz | 1970 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Danish Space Research Institute |
Werner | Baron | 1970 | CSC | ST | Austria | Instutut der T.H. Wien |
David | Barron | 1970 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Highfields |
L. | Bolliet | 1970 | CSC | AC | France | Grenoble |
Gérard | Carles | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Georges | Cazzuja | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Sandro | Centro | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova |
Sergio | Conetti | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Trieste |
Maria | Crescenti | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova |
M. | Cresti | 1970 | CSC | AC | Italy | Universita di Padova |
Adreas | De Groot | 1970 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Zeeman Lab |
Alain | Desrousseaux | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | Institut De Sciences Nucleaires Informatique - Grenoble |
Antonio | Di Leva | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino |
A. | Donnachie | 1970 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
Peter | Dubock | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
J.J. | Duby | 1970 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | IBM Corporation |
Max | Engeli | 1970 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Fides Union Fiduciare |
Claude | Frank | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Anton | Fröhlich | 1970 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Donald | Gibson | 1970 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Corporation |
Udo | Gorsch | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
D. | Harting | 1970 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Karl-Heinz | Hauer | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | Insitut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik |
F. | Hertweck | 1970 | CSC | AC | Germany | Munich |
Louis | Hertzberger | 1970 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Zeeman Lab |
Geerd | Hoffman | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | Zentrum für Experimentelle Kernphysik |
Klaus | Horn | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik |
Jane | Jacobsen | 1970 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Fred | James | 1970 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Werner | Joho | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | SIN |
Yves | Jongen | 1970 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Louvain |
Peter | Karow | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Harald | Kemen | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
P. | Kirsten | 1970 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | London |
Vladislav | Kotov | 1970 | CSC | ST | Russia | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Lew | Kowarski | 1970 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro | Ladron De Guevara | 1970 | CSC | ST | Spain | Junta de Energia Nuclear |
Jacques | Leblanc | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Bernard | Levrat | 1970 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | IICE |
Kjell | Lugner | 1970 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
G.R. | Macleod | 1970 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Mario | Mazzanti | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Milano |
Bill | Miller | 1970 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Stanford University |
Gerhard | Mordak | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Alan | Norton | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Ogilvie | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
George | Papakonstantinou | 1970 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Brian | Penney | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College of Science and Technology |
Rosalie | Pocock | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Charles | Porte | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Jacques | Postel | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | Institut de Physique Nuclearie |
William | Purvis | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College of North Wales |
Maria | Reineri | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | Centro di Calcolo di Torino |
Claude | Revillard | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CCI |
Marie-José | Robert | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | Institut de Physique Nuclearie |
Roland | Rosner | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Gerhard | Rudolf | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CCI |
Silvani | Sala | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instutito de Fiscina |
Per | Scharff-Hansen | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk Jacob | Schotanus | 1970 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Nijmegen |
Mario | Scire | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Messina |
Christian | Serre | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stuart | Sharrock | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Ian | Smith | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Patric | Sparrman | 1970 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Umea University |
E.W.D. | Steel | 1970 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Claus | Stolze | 1970 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
C. | Strachey | 1970 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Timothy | Streater | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | String | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Westfield College |
Uno | Svedin | 1970 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Terence | Swetman | 1970 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Free School Lane |
Panagiotis | Thecharopoulos | 1970 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Athens |
Vincenzo | Valente | 1970 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Paul | Van Bist | 1970 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Brussels |
Jean-Pierre | Vialle | 1970 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
P. | Villemoes | 1970 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gilbert | Vuilleumier | 1970 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Lab de Physique Nucleaire |
W. | Wójcik | 1970 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Experimental Physics |
Vasilii | Zacharov | 1970 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Josephine | Adams | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rachid | Ayed | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1972 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Barron | 1972 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Gabriel | Barta | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Donald | Bell | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | National Physical Lab |
Ernest | Bertnik | 1972 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Warsaw |
Lutz | Blumhagen | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freie Universitat Berlin |
François | Bonthonneau | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | CAEN |
Jed | Brown | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Atlas Computer Lab |
Hans-Jörg | Brundiers | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
Alain | Calient | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Birgitta Gunilla | Carlson | 1972 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Instutit of National Defence |
Emilio | Casal Zamorano | 1972 | CSC | ST | Spain | University of Valencia |
William | Chapman | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Pietro | Coffaro | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Palermo |
Sergio | Conetti | 1972 | CSC | LE | Italy | University of Trieste |
Franciscus | Crijns | 1972 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Nijmegen |
Martin | Davies | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Marco | De Giorgi | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova |
Anna | Della Ventura | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Milano |
David | Doole | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Bristol University |
J.J | Duby | 1972 | CSC | AC | France | IBM Corporation |
Patric | Elcombe | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Free School Lane |
Evangelos | Evangelides | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Alain | Faye | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Véronique | Frammery | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Gosman | 1972 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Zeeman Lab |
Jeffrey | Greenieaf | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | AERE Harwell |
Fotini | Gritzali-Paradopoulou | 1972 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Jean-Louis | Guyonnet | 1972 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Centre de recherches nucleaires |
Eustratios | Hanoussis | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | CCPN |
Günter | Haring | 1972 | CSC | ST | Austria | Technische Hochschule |
Heinrich | Heller | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Michael | Houlden | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Per Olof | Hulth | 1972 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Institute of Physics |
Fred | James | 1972 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Jenni | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Dennis | Jennings | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | System Dynamics |
Ross | Keyser | 1972 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Franz | Krefft | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Dietmar | Kuhn | 1972 | CSC | AC | Austria | Insbruck University |
Hans | Langmaack | 1972 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Saar |
Leopold-Baudouin | Lathuy | 1972 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Ecole Royale Militaire |
Richard | Lednicky | 1972 | CSC | ST | Russia | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Brian | Lewis | 1972 | CSC | ST | Austria | International Atomic Energy Agency |
W.O | Lock | 1972 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Dorzh | Lodongin | 1972 | CSC | ST | Russia | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Maurizio | Loreti | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova |
G.R | Macleod | 1972 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Madew | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Alexander | Mayer | 1972 | CSC | ST | Israel | Tel Aviv University |
Jean-Marie | Meyer | 1972 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Centre de recherches nucleaires |
Giovanni | Mirabelli | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome |
Winfried-Alexander | Mitaroff | 1972 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Bjarne | Mortensen | 1972 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Norman | Moulsdale | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Birmingham |
Pertti Ilmari | Nummi | 1972 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Helsinki |
J. | Oberski | 1972 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | Institute for Nuclear Research |
William | Olle | 1972 | CSC | LE | Norway | Norwegian Computing Centre |
Ellen | Owen | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Kiel |
M.A | Perry | 1972 | CSC | LE | Norway | ESRO |
Robert | Philippe | 1972 | CSC | ST | France | University of Paris XI |
H. | Pietschumann | 1972 | CSC | DI | Austria | University of Vienna |
Hansjóerg | Pluess | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | SIN |
Alois | Putzer | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Ian | Pyle | 1972 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | AERE Harwell |
Bernd | Radig | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Peter | Renton | 1972 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Paul | Richmond | 1972 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Kay | Runge | 1972 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Rusell | 1972 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Silvano | Sala | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Johann | Schraml | 1972 | CSC | LE | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Martin | Siebert | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | Zentrum für Rechentechnik |
Alan Gerald | Silvermann | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Studach | 1972 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Miran | Tiringer | 1972 | CSC | ST | Yugoslavia | University of Ljubljana |
Danilo | Venturi | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Frans | Ververs | 1972 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Henk | Wind | 1972 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
B. | Zacharov | 1972 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Paolo | Zanella | 1972 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Joachim | Zeiler | 1972 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freie Universitat Berlin |
Guiseppe | Zito | 1972 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bari |
Ivar | Aasen | 1974 | CSC | ST | Norway | Agder distrikshøgskole |
Per | Aastrand | 1974 | CSC | ST | Norway | Chr. Michalsen Institute |
David | Allin | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Birminghan University |
Francoise | Astesan | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Bruno | Baldo | 1974 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Roma |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1974 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Ursula | Berthon | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
René | Bilhaut | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Giancarlo | Bisacchi | 1974 | CSC | ST | Italy | Centro di Calcolo dell'Universita |
Lutz | Blencke | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Zentrum für Rechentechnik |
Ian | Bloodworth | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Rudolf | Böck | 1974 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
L. | Bollet | 1974 | CSC | AC | France | University of Grenoble |
Ian | Booth | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Axel | Brandt | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Brauel | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Guy | Bridet | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | CCPN |
René | Brun | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Buxton | 1974 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Warwick |
D.A | Caton | 1974 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Cuglieri | 1974 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Ole-Johan | Dahl | 1974 | CSC | AC/LE | Norway | University of Oslo |
Michael | De Beer | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | Centre Nucléaire de Saclay |
Ervin | Dénes | 1974 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Central Research Institute for Physics |
Jean-Jacques | Dumont | 1974 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Richard | Endsor | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Culham Research Lab |
Klaus | Engler | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Rechenzentrum |
Roar | Fijellheim | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jürgen | Franz | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Fakultat für Physik |
J.H | Friedman | 1974 | CSC | LE | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Claus-Peter | Glasneck | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Geir | Green | 1974 | CSC | ST | Norway | RUNIT |
Björn | Grung | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
S. | Guibound Ribaud | 1974 | CSC | LE | France | Centre Scientifique CII |
Svein | Hallsteinsen | 1974 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Throndheim |
Gerd | Hochweller | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Wulf | Isenbeck | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik |
Werner | Jank | 1974 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sverre | Jarp | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sanjay Kumar | Jha | 1974 | CSC | ST | India | University of Delhi |
Hans | Johansson | 1974 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Dipak | Khakhar | 1974 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Harald | Kirkman | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Werner | Klaering | 1974 | CSC | ST | Austria | Rechenzentrum Wien |
Paul | Kummer | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Pedro | Ladron De Guevarra | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Jack | Lang | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | HEP |
Jacques | Lecoq | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | Oab des Applicarions Electroniques |
E. | Lillestøl | 1974 | CSC | DI | Norway | University of Bergen |
W.O | Lock | 1974 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Lundborg | 1974 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
G.R | Macleod | 1974 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Matt | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
G.R | Mazaré | 1974 | CSC | LE | France | Centre Scientifique CII |
George | Mcpherson | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Jiri | Moundry | 1974 | CSC | ST | Czechoslovakia | Czech Academy of Science |
J.M | Olsen | 1974 | CSC | AC | Norway | Department of Physics Bergen |
Christian | Pellegrini Cice | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
A.J | Perlis | 1974 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Yale University |
Yves | Perrin | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Guido | Pfeiffer | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jean-Pierre | Pharabod | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
David | Quarrie | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Florence | Ranjard | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manfred | Reitberger | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Evaristo | Ricci | 1974 | CSC | ST | Italy | Via Cancello Rotto 8 |
Michéle | Rumpf | 1974 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Otto | Schaile | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Fakultat für Physik |
Rudolf | Schikora | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Inst. Für Medizinische Datenverarbeitung der GDF |
Peter | Schmitz | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Hartmut | Schubel | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Kondar | Siahaan | 1974 | CSC | ST | Germany | Abt. Für Informatik II |
Jacques | Steyaert | 1974 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Louvain |
Bruno | Stricker | 1974 | CSC | ST | Italy | Centro di Calcolo dell'Universita |
Frank | Sumner | 1974 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Tord | Tengstrand | 1974 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Research Institute of National Defence |
Per | Thoristeinsen | 1974 | CSC | ST | Norway | Central Inst. For Industrial Research |
Johannes | Timmermans | 1974 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Nijmegen |
Istvan | Toth | 1974 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1974 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Richard | Wakeford | 1974 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Eric | Wassenaar | 1974 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Zeeman Lab |
Paolo | Zanella | 1974 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Evelyne | Algre | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
D. | Aspinall | 1976 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University College Swansea |
Vebjörn | Bakken | 1976 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1976 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Charles | Barrie | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
David | Bates | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jean-Philippe | Baud | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
André | Bogarets | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Boyd | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Rolf | Buhring | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Fabrizio | Cagliardi | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
D.A | Caton | 1976 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus | Dahlmann | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Diana | Dainton | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Claudine | Dang Vu | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
H. | Davies | 1976 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Razmik | Dovlatyan | 1976 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Dominique | Duvalet | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Helmut | Eichinger | 1976 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
G.A | Erskine | 1976 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Larry | Filipow | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | St. Catherine's College |
Howard | Flack | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Lab de Cristallographie au Rayons X |
Gérard | Fouque | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
G. | Frank | 1976 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
J.H | Friedman | 1976 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
J. | Ganouna | 1976 | CSC | DI | France | IN2P3 |
Ronald | Hagelberg | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dieter | Hann | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hahn-Meither Institut |
Frederic | Hart | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
A.C | Hearn | 1976 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of Utah |
Peter | Heinrich | 1976 | CSC | ST | Austria | IAEA |
Thore | Henriksen | 1976 | CSC | ST | Norway | AS Computas |
F. | Hertweck | 1976 | CSC | LE | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Andreas | Heusler | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Bauke | Hiemstra | 1976 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Twente Technological University |
Anne | Hivernat | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fred | James | 1976 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Jones | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
David | Kalinsky | 1976 | CSC | ST | Israel | The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Yuri | Kamyshkov | 1976 | CSC | ST | Russia | Academy of Science of the USSR |
Knud | Klein | 1976 | CSC | ST | Norway | Central Inst. For Industrial Research |
Jean-Pierre | Koutchouk | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andre | Lacourt | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carl Gunnar | Linden | 1976 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Research Institute for Physics |
W.O | Lock | 1976 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Bengt | Lorstad | 1976 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Institute of Physics |
G.R | Macleod | 1976 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Tyrrell | Mark | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudolf | Meier | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freiburg University |
Wolfgang | Meincke | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bonn University |
Stephen | Mellor | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jean-Pierre | Melot | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Bristol |
Roland | Morano | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Felix | Müller | 1976 | CSC | ST | Austria | Universitat Insbruck |
Paul | Popescu-Zeletin | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hahn-Meither Institut |
L. | Pouzin | 1976 | CSC | LE | France | IRIA |
Harmut | Preissner | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Bruno | Raine | 1976 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Patrick | Ridley | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Guide | Rietti | 1976 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instituto di Scienze della Informazione |
Roberto | Saban | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Valerey | Sergeev | 1976 | CSC | ST | Russia | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Janet | Seyboth | 1976 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Constant | Smits | 1976 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | FOM Institute |
F.H | Sumner | 1976 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Andrew | Syms | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Culham Research Lab |
Per | Trinderup | 1976 | CSC | ST | Denmark | NEUCC |
L. | Van Hove | 1976 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Odd | Vislie | 1976 | CSC | ST | Norway | Central Inst. For Industrial Research |
F. | Walkden | 1976 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Salford |
Michael | Waters | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Howard | Watkins | 1976 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roy | White | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Liverpool University |
James | Wilson | 1976 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Glasgow University |
Vasilii | Zacharov | 1976 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Zanella | 1976 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Geert | Andersson | 1978 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1978 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Richard | Batley | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Roman | Bednarz | 1978 | CSC | AC/LE | Poland | INR |
D. | Belsnes | 1978 | CSC | LE | Norway | University of Oslo |
Maria Enrica | Biagini | 1978 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
René | Bilhaut | 1978 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Catherine | Bloch | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tor | Bloch | 1978 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Brightly | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Lars | Bugge | 1978 | CSC | ST | Norway | Oslo University |
L. | Camilieri | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Canzler | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Luigi | Cerofolini | 1978 | CSC | ST | Italy | Ist. Mathematica Applicata |
James | Conbuy | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Christian | Coutures | 1978 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Robert | Cranfield | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Daniel | Drijard | 1978 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Antoine | Ducorps | 1978 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Luc | Durieu | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jean-Marie | Ferte | 1978 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Institute de Physique |
Ian | Finley | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Cambridge University |
Stephen | Fischer | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Thomas | Fischer | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freiburg University |
Rudolf | Frühwirth | 1978 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for High Energy Physics in Vienna |
Erwin | Gabathuler | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Norman | Gee | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Walter | Grosshans | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freiburg University |
Zbigniew | Guzik | 1978 | CSC | LE | Poland | INR |
Wojciech | Guzinski | 1978 | CSC | LE | Poland | INR |
Ralph | Haglund | 1978 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
John | Harvey | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Southampton University |
Henning | Hasemann | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jean-Yves | Hemery | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Zbigniew | Hoffman | 1978 | CSC | AC | Poland | INR |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Kim | Kirsebom | 1978 | CSC | ST | Norway | Oslo University |
Peter | Klok | 1978 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Nijmegen University |
Panayotis | Kokkinias | 1978 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Paul | Kunz | 1978 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Stanford University |
Jean-Pierre | La Hargue | 1978 | CSC | ST | France | CISI |
Michel | Letheren | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Egil | Lillestøl | 1978 | CSC | AC/LE | Norway | University of Bergen |
W.O | Lock | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Macallister | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Marek | Machura | 1978 | CSC | LE | Poland | INR |
G.R | Macleod | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Bé | Meijer | 1978 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | IKO |
Gerard | Metzger | 1978 | CSC | LE | France | Institut de Sciences Exactes et Appliquées |
Lars | Monrad-Krohn | 1978 | CSC | LE | Norway | MYCRON |
Michel | Mur | 1978 | CSC | ST | France | CEA |
Dieter | Notz | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Kenneth | Peach | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Edinburgh University |
Giovani | Piacentino | 1978 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Pisa |
J. | Piekarz | 1978 | CSC | LE | Poland | Institute of Experimental Physics |
Meinhard | Regler | 1978 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for High Energy Physics in Vienna |
Wolfgang | Rümer | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bonn University |
Jürgen | Sauerland | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
T. | Schipper | 1978 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Lyn | Scott | 1978 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Glasgow University |
Irene Maria | Seis | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Sendall | 1978 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mario | Serio | 1978 | CSC | ST | Italy | Laboratori Nazionali |
Anthony | Shave | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
R. | Sosnowski | 1978 | CSC | AC | Poland | INR |
Daniel | Teichroew | 1978 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of Michigan |
Bruno | Thomauske | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | Freiburg University |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1978 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriele | Waltermann | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Watts | 1978 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Friedemann | Weik | 1978 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Hochschule Darmstadt |
Vasilii | Zacharov | 1978 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University of London |
Paolo | Zanella | 1978 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Roman | Zelazny | 1978 | CSC | DI | Poland | INR |
Graham | Adams | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Roar | Almaas | 1980 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
T. | Anagnostopulos | 1980 | CSC | AC | Greece | YEET |
Apostolos | Andritsakis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Elizabeth | Bailey | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1980 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergio | Bartalucci | 1980 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Robert | Beardsworth | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Leeds University |
Kennerh | Bell | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Herbert | Boerner | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikal Institut Bonn |
Walter | Bonin | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Charles | Brown | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Doris | Burkchart | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Costas | Chremos | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | Electronic Lab Athens |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1980 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Andrew | Clark | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Ann | Daniels | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of London |
Robert | Dobinson | 1980 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Kostas | Efstathiov | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Sylviane | Ejzman | 1980 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Martha | Emmanuel | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Jürgen | Fent | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Margaret | Fraser | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Erwin | Gabathuler | 1980 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicolaos | Gaitanis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Michael | Geary | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Pamayiotis | Georgiadis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Athens |
Hans | Grote | 1980 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Constantine | Halatsis | 1980 | CSC | LE | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Pieter | Hartel | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Hearn | 1980 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of Utah |
Jean-François | Huppert | 1980 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Fred | James | 1980 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Lenart | Jirdén | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael Joseph | Jonker | 1980 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Harmut | Kalinowsky | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Mainz - Institut für Physik |
George | Kallos | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Athens |
Herbert | Kapitza | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Hamburg |
Maria | Katzourakis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Panayiotis | Kokkinias | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Hanolis | Konstantinides | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Th.G | Kouyoumzelis | 1980 | CSC | AC | Greece | University of Athens |
Doris | Kuwert | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
W.O | Lock | 1980 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
G.R | Macleod | 1980 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Martszausky | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Freiburg |
Pierre | Matricon | 1980 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Alexandros | Megariotis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Anders | Melin | 1980 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
M.E | Mermikides | 1980 | CSC | AC/LE | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Hans | Mueller | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Wuppertal |
Gabriele | Nicklas | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Freiburg |
Christian | Nietzel | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
Alf | Nilsson | 1980 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Mike | Papazoglou | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Gerhard | Peise | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Aachen |
George | Philokyprou | 1980 | CSC | DI | Greece | University of Athens |
Martin Christopher | Powell | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of London |
B. | Randell | 1980 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Newcastle |
Antonio | Ranieri | 1980 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Manfred | Rosenberg | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
Emmanouil | Sagriotis | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | Electronic Lab Athens |
Dirk | Samyn | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roland | Scheider | 1980 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Mainz - Institut für Physik |
Friedrich | Schlepuetz | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Universitat Zurich |
Michael | Scory | 1980 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite de l'Etat |
Anastasia | Tjonou | 1980 | CSC | ST | Greece | Epidemiology University of Athens |
Catherina | Treca | 1980 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Louis Julien Felix | Tremblet | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Philip | Turner | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Andries | Van Dam | 1980 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Brown University |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1980 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Helen | Watson | 1980 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Pauline | Wichman | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | SIN |
Andrew | Wylie | 1980 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Zachariou | 1980 | CSC | LE | Greece | University of Athens |
Vasilii | Zacharov | 1980 | CSC | DI/LE | United Kingdom | University of London |
Paolo | Zanella | 1980 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Olaf | Achterberg | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Experimentalphysik |
Mohamed Ali | Al.-Uugrabi | 1982 | CSC | ST | Libya | Tripoli - Liya |
Apostolos | Apostolidis | 1982 | CSC | ST | Greece | Aristotelion University |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1982 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Bleach | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Peter | Böckmann | 1982 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
L. | Bolliet | 1982 | CSC | AC | France | IMAG |
Helmut | Burkhardt | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
John | Buxton | 1982 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Warwick University |
Francesco | Carena | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wisla | Carena | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicola | Cavallo | 1982 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1982 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
M.C | Crowley-Milling | 1982 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Giovanni | Darbo | 1982 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instituto di Fisica Genova |
Robert | Dobinson | 1982 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
K.E | Drangeid | 1982 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | IBM Corporation |
Michael | Draper | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Erwin | Gabathuler | 1982 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonia | Ghiselli | 1982 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Jacques | Guyot | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Centre Universitaire d'Informatique |
Mathias | Heiden | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giorgio | Heiman | 1982 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Eric | Herwijnen | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus | Hinrich | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Ginette | Jorat | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gilles | Kahn | 1982 | CSC | LE | France | INRIA |
Jurgen | Kruger | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Wuppertal |
J.C | Latombe | 1982 | CSC | LE | France | ENSIMAG |
Bernard | Levrat | 1982 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CUI |
E. | Lohrmann | 1982 | CSC | AC | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Maurice | Mencik | 1982 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Michael | Metcalf | 1982 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Mettei | 1982 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Gisle | Midttun | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ulf | Mjörnmark | 1982 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Giuseppe | Mornacchi | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Morris | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Hans | Müller | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jürg | Nievergelt | 1982 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Dieter | Notz | 1982 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Sean | Ó Danachair | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
David | Parker | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Glenn | Patrick | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Steve | Peggs | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Martine | Pichon | 1982 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Pierre | Pilette | 1982 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite de l'Etat |
Paul | Porth | 1982 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Louis | Pouzin | 1982 | CSC | LE | France | INRIA |
Frances | Rake | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Minick | Rushton | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Mathias | Schmitz | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jamie David | Shiers | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Geir | Skjeviling | 1982 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Angela | Smith | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Merle | Spongberg | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Heidelberg |
Jili | Strachota | 1982 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | USSR |
Ulrich | Straumann | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Trond | Svendsen | 1982 | CSC | ST | Norway | Institute of Energy Technology |
Robin | Tasker | 1982 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Klaus-Matthias | Teichert | 1982 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat München |
Silvia | Tendino Santoni | 1982 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Géza | Turchanyi | 1982 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Central Research Institute for Physics |
Andries | Van Dam | 1982 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Brown university |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1982 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Vasili | Zacharov | 1982 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Zanella | 1982 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Paz | Alvarez | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
J. | Armada | 1984 | CSC | AC | Spain | Junta de Energia Nuclear |
Clive | Baillie | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
Jean-Francois | Baland | 1984 | CSC | ST | Belgium | UEM |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1984 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan | Battle | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Escola universitaria de Girona |
Michael | Behreus | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Didier | Best | 1984 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Princeton University |
Volker | Blobel | 1984 | CSC | AC/LE | Germany | II. Institut für Experimentalphysik der Universitat Hamburg |
L. | Bolliet | 1984 | CSC | AC | France | Laboratoire IMAG |
Robert | Brun | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paul | Burkimsher | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fransisco | Calviño Tauares | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Peter | Cambell-Burns | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Michael | Canon | 1984 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Research Lab |
Frank | Carrubba | 1984 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Hewlett Packard Lab |
Josep | Casanovas | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | UPC |
Bonifacio | Castaño | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Grupo de atlas energias |
Joaquin | Casulleras Ambrós | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Jean-Marrie | Chevalier | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | LPNNE |
Hans Petter | Christiansen | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1984 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Nicanor | Colino | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Grupo de atlas energias |
Jose Maria | Crespo | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Serge | Da | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | Centre d'Orsay |
Piet-Hein | Daverveldt | 1984 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Instutuut-Lorentz |
Jep | De Bie | 1984 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
C. | Delobel | 1984 | CSC | LE | France | IMAG |
Fransisco | Diez | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Junta de Atlas Energias |
Robert | Dobinson | 1984 | CSC | AC/LE | United States of America | University of Illinois |
Jheroen | Dorenbosch | 1984 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
John | Edmends | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Mark | Enderby | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Adoloratta | Farilla | 1984 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Bari |
Peter | Flynn | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Erwin | Gabathuler | 1984 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Phillip | Gaisford | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Schweiz Institut fur Nuclear Forschung |
Thomas | Galligaro | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | LEP |
Beatriz | Gato Rivera | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | CSIC |
François | Ghinet | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Enrique Miguel | Gonzalez Romero | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Grupo de atlas energias |
Leif | Gustafsson | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
René | Hausammann | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Universite de Geneve |
Werner | Herr | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Roland | Horisberger | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernard | Hyams | 1984 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Jeffrey | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Bristol University |
Panos | Kostarakis | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
B. | Levart | 1984 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CUI |
Tim | Levy | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of London |
Jan | Linders | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose Maria | Llaberia Griño | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Jordi Girona Salgado |
Albert | Llamosi | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Sue | M'Clatchey | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria Pilar | Mareca | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | CSIC |
Jean | Marin | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jean-Paul | Marinier | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | DPC |
Luis Gonzaga | Martinez Laso | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Junta de Energia Nuclear |
Pedro | Mato Vila | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Ulf | Matthiesen | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Dortmund |
Richard | Mcclatchey | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
Alastair | Mckeeman | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ken | Miura | 1984 | CSC | LE | Japan | Fujitsu Limited |
Manuel | Mollar | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Valencia |
Julio | Morales | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Nadine | Neyroud | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Nicolas | North | 1984 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | National Physical Lab |
Marie | Nygård | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jürgen | Oehlschlager | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kernforschungzentrum IK 1 |
Richard | Oppenheim | 1984 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Yale University |
Karl | Osen | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Pasini | 1984 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Jaime | Prat-Martinez | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | Lab de Clermont-Ferrand |
I. | Ramos | 1984 | CSC | AC | Spain | Universidad de Valencia |
Brian | Randell | 1984 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | university of Newcastle |
Karl Heinz | Ranitzsch | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Wolfgang | Rauch | 1984 | CSC | ST | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Peter | Reinicke | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut |
Teresa | Rodrigo | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Junta de Energia Nuclear |
Roland | Rosner | 1984 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of London |
Herbert | Rotscheidt | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut |
Martine Ghislaine | Roussille | 1984 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite de Mons |
Carlo | Rubbia | 1984 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
J. | Rubio | 1984 | CSC | AC | Spain | Junta de Energia Nuclear |
Andreas | Ruetscht | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institute of Medium Energy Physics |
Miguel | Sainz | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Escola universitaria de Girona |
Frédéric | Saldana | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
J. | Salicio | 1984 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Sergio | Santiago | 1984 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Schwabl | 1984 | CSC | ST | Austria | Technical University of Wien |
Cristian | Stanescu | 1984 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Elio | Toppano | 1984 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instituto di Fisica via Ungheria |
Pierre | Vande Vyvre | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus | Vendt | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria Felisa | Verdejo | 1984 | CSC | LE | Spain | Faculded de Informatica |
Martin | Verges | 1984 | CSC | AC/LE | Spain | Faculded de Informatica |
Phelippe | Verkerk | 1984 | CSC | ST | France | Universite Pierre-Marie Curie |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1984 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Vidal | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Jose Angel | Villar | 1984 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 1984 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Waymann | 1984 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
Dietrich | Wiegandt | 1984 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ian | Willers | 1984 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
K. | Wilson | 1984 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Newman Lab of Nuclear Studies |
Wei-Min | Wu | 1984 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Zanella | 1984 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Tadeusz | Zeludziewicz | 1984 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Bern | Anders | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Anna-Lena | Andersson | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Charles | Askew | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Southampton University |
Sylvia | Barlag | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1986 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Guy | Barrand | 1986 | CSC | ST | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Chris | Bee | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Claudia | Billat | 1986 | CSC | ST | France | Ecole Polytechnique |
Sylvie | Braibant | 1986 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite de l'Etat |
Julian | Bunn | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
I. | Butterworth | 1986 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Carpenter | 1986 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Luigi | Casalegno | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Chiu | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1986 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University College Cardiff |
Sergio | Cittolin | 1986 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Martine | De Jode | 1986 | CSC | ST | Belgium | IIHE ULB |
Erwin | Deffur | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Dimitri | Delikaris | 1986 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
C. | Delobel | 1986 | CSC | AC | France | Grenoble |
Frank | Dong | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of London |
Marianne | Dufour | 1986 | CSC | ST | France | Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire Théorique |
Laure | Esteveny | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Endre | Futó | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Karl | Gather | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Iikwa | Gilead | 1986 | CSC | ST | Israel | The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Paulo | Gomes | 1986 | CSC | ST | Portugal | CFMC-INK |
Yves | Grandjean | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Harvey | 1986 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Janet | Hayman | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research |
L.O. | Hertzberger | 1986 | CSC | AC/LE | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
W. | Hoogland | 1986 | CSC | DI | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Sverker | Johansson | 1986 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Daan | Josephus Jitta | 1986 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Manolis | Katevenis | 1986 | CSC | LE | Greece | Research center of Crete |
Barry | King | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Johannes | Knapp | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kernforschungzentrum IK 1 |
B. | Levart | 1986 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CUI |
Anne | Levy-Mandel | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Birgit | Lewendel | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Alberto | Masoni | 1986 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Cagliari |
John | Mcmillan | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Leeds |
Jürgen | Meissburger | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kernforschungzentrum IK 1 |
Geneviene | Moguilny | 1986 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE |
Rogelio | Montaña | 1986 | CSC | ST | Spain | Inst. De Fisica Corpuscular |
Mauro | Morandin | 1986 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Padova |
Giulio | Morpurgo | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Richard | Mount | 1986 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Oscar | Nierstrasz | 1986 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Kees | Nieuwenhuis | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Salvador | Orteu | 1986 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
Elizabetta | Pace | 1986 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Marco | Pellergrino | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Achille | Petrilli | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bounderwijn | Pijlfroms | 1986 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
Thierry | Pun | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ian | Pyle | 1986 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Ferneberga House |
Jens | Rasmussen | 1986 | CSC | ST | Denmark | University of Copenhagen |
Wolfgang | Ruhm | 1986 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
F.H | Samner | 1986 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
D.J | Schotanus | 1986 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | Njmegen |
Karsten | Spang | 1986 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Ian | Ten Hagen | 1986 | CSC | LE | unknown | unknown |
D. | Tsichrists | 1986 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Klaus | Valett | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
René | Van 'T Veen | 1986 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Andries | Van Dam | 1986 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Brown University |
Bert | Van Uitert | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1986 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
J. | Vermaassen | 1986 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Jos | Vermulen | 1986 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 1986 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Karl-Heinz | Watzlawik | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Wolfgang | Weihs | 1986 | CSC | ST | Germany | Uni-GH-Siegen |
Victor | Wichers | 1986 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Groningen |
Dietrich | Wiegandt | 1986 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Igor | Zacharov | 1986 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Paolo | Zanella | 1986 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro | Abreu | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Universidade de Lisboa |
Jim | Allaby | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Artur | Alves | 1987 | CSC | LE | Portugal | INESC |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1987 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Gaspar | Barreira | 1987 | CSC | DI | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Paul | Bartholdi | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Geneva Observatory |
Chafik | Benchouk | 1987 | CSC | ST | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Alastair | Bland | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kalyanee | Boruah | 1987 | CSC | ST | India | University Guwahati |
René | Brun | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Carpenter | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaoao Carlo Lopes | Carvalho | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Augusto | Casaca | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | Portugal | INESC |
Hugo Manual Da Costa | Cascais | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University College Cardiff |
Mauro | Comin | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Pedro Luis | Corral Villate | 1987 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Santander |
Adriano | Couto | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Dario | Crosetto | 1987 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
José Lopes Pinto | Cunha | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Mogens | Dam | 1987 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Gabriel | David | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | INESC |
Daniel | Davids | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giampiero | Di Pirro | 1987 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
António | Ferraz | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Anne | Finnigan | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Uwe | Gaethke | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Hamburg |
José Maria | Gago | 1987 | CSC | AC | Portugal | INESC |
John | Gary | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Heidelberg |
Clara | Gaspar | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Rainer | Geiges | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Heidelberg |
Ian | Glendinning | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Kenneth | Gollingworth | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Hebbeker | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pessy | Hollander | 1987 | CSC | ST | Norway | Norsk Data A/S |
Jose Carlos Pedro | Jesus | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | INESC |
Bob | Jones | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hubert | Kreutzmann | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
Inge | Kristiansen | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hubert | Kroha | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Takis | Ksynos | 1987 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRCPS Democritos |
Jason | Leake | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
B. | Levart | 1987 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CUI |
Dave | Levinthal | 1987 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Florida State University |
Nicole | Lhermitte | 1987 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Yves | Ligier | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CUI |
Herbert | Lipps | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Lourenco | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Dierk | Lüers | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Jon | Lundström | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Emanuel | Machado | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Catherine | Magnin | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gaetano | Maron | 1987 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Alves | Marques | 1987 | CSC | LE | Portugal | INESC |
Rogert | Merat | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Geneva University |
Claudine | Metral | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CUI |
Marco | Mignacco | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Miller | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Mike | Moore | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Richard | Mount | 1987 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Paul | Murdock | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | SIN |
Antonio | Nunes Da Cruz | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Arlindo | Olivera | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | CEAUTL |
Luis | Peralta | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Luiz Moniz | Pereira | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | Portugal | Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Antonio | Porto | 1987 | CSC | LE | Portugal | Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
A. | Putzer | 1987 | CSC | LE | Germany | Heidelberg University |
Fons | Rademakers | 1987 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Urlich | Raich | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jörg | Richstein | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simon | Riggs | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Rui | Riheird | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Adriaan | Rijllart | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Peggy | Rimmer | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose Carlos Pedro | Saint | 1987 | CSC | ST | Spain | Burjasot Valencia |
Rüdiger | Schmidt | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francis | Somers | 1987 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite Catholique de Louvian |
Luca | Stanco | 1987 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Padova |
Beat | Stoehr | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut for Hochenergie Zurich |
Detlef | Swoboda | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Werner | Thiel | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
John | Thrasher | 1987 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Panos | Trahanias | 1987 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRCPS Democritos |
D. | Tsichritsis | 1987 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CUI |
Jan | Ulander | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andries | Van Dam | 1987 | CSC | AC | United States of America | Brown University |
Cathrinus | Verkerk | 1987 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Luis | Viseu Melo | 1987 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Sarah | Wheeler | 1987 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
Ian | Wilkie | 1987 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ian | Willers | 1987 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rainer | Wurth | 1987 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Paolo | Zanella | 1987 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Francese | Allen | 1988 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Research Lab |
Sverre | Alvsvaag | 1988 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Goram | Appelquist | 1988 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Paul | Arnold | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1988 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Lothar | Bauerdick | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Physik |
Petros | Beltran | 1988 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Charles | Bennett | 1988 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Research Lab |
Tor | Bothner | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus-Dieter | Brand | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | BUGH - Wuppertal |
Mauro | Campanella | 1988 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Milano |
Brian | Carpenter | 1988 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Augusto | Casca | 1988 | CSC | LE | Portugal | INESC |
Antony | Cass | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrick | Crehan | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College Dublin |
A. | Danthine | 1988 | CSC | LE | Belgium | Universite de Liege |
Chris | Dean | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Philippe | Deferet | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria | Dimou | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roberto | Divia | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hugh | Durrant-Whyte | 1988 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Jean | Fanchon | 1988 | CSC | ST | France | Ecole Polytechnique |
Gilles | Farrache | 1988 | CSC | ST | France | unknown |
Pascal | Foucault | 1988 | CSC | ST | France | Centre de recherches nucleaires |
José | Galvan Herrera | 1988 | CSC | ST | Spain | Instituto de Estructura de la Materia |
Norman | Gee | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus | Georing | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Manolis | Gergatsoulis | 1988 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Ludwig | Gerland | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Hamburg |
S. | Harvey | 1988 | CSC | LE | unknown | unknown |
Eugenia | Hatziangeli | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Henningsen | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Hey | 1988 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Charles | Hoare | 1988 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Richard | Hopkins | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paul | Jeffreys | 1988 | CSC | DI | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephen | Kinder | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | SERC Daresbury Laboratory |
Stavros | Kokkotos | 1988 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Michael | Kramer | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Marcel | Kunze | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Karlsruhe |
Anne | Lecy-Mandel | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Favag Microelectronics |
Michael | Letheren | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernard | Levrat | 1988 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Piotr | Maaecki | 1988 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Stavros | Maltezos | 1988 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Peter | Malzacher | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Frankfurt |
Pedro | Mato Vila | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Metcalf | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alessandro | Miotto | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kenichi | Miura | 1988 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Fujitsu America Inc. |
Richard | Mount | 1988 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Lasse | Normann | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tuomo | Oksakivi | 1988 | CSC | ST | Finland | Siltavuorenpenger |
Andreu | Pacheco Pagés | 1988 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
Ana | Pereira | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
José | Péres | 1988 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
F. | Perriollat | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Richard | Phillips | 1988 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Michael | Pilawa | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jorge | Puimedon | 1988 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Mayte | Quesada | 1988 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Santander |
Paul | Randles | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Pal | Ribarics | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Andreas | Rollnik | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Joachim | Rose | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Marion | Rosenberd | 1988 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | ULCC |
Carlo | Rubbia | 1988 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dietmar | Schall | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Ingo | Schnaider | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Frankfurt |
Vassilis | Seferidis | 1988 | CSC | ST | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Gian Piero | Siroli | 1988 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Bologna |
Nancy | Spencer | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Eugéne | Tanke | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Thouw | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
John | Thresher | 1988 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Philip | Treleaven | 1988 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University College London |
Maria | Valera | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
H. | Van Der Beken | 1988 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | JET Join Undertaking |
Gabriele | Vedovato | 1988 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNL Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1988 | CSC | DI/AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Vidal | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Ann | Walraverns | 1988 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Xiao Jing | Wang | 1988 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of Atomic Energy |
Mathias | Warns | 1988 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Oliver | Willm | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Zanella | 1988 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicolas | Ziogas | 1988 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro | Alvares De Lara Sanchez | 1989 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Walter | Anderson | 1989 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Iowa State University |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1989 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Karl - Heinz | Becks | 1989 | CSC | LE | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Bernard | Berg | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mark | Birrittella | 1989 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Cray Research Inc. |
Christian | Boissat | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ken | Bowler | 1989 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
Agnés | Bradier | 1989 | CSC | LE | Belgium | Commission of the European Communities |
Udo | Buchner | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Dortmund |
Massimo | Caccia | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Federico | Carminati | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Godfrey | Carnagie | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of London |
Brian | Carpenter | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Johnathan | Caves | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Xiaoyu | Chen | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Strathclyde |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1989 | CSC | AC/LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Giulio | D'Agostini | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Roma |
G | Dalgeir | 1989 | CSC | ST | unknown | unknown |
Begoña | De La Cruz Martinez | 1989 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Hans | Döbbeling | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Robert | Dobinson | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Drummond | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Eric | Durieux | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Geneva University |
Stephan | Egli | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Stefan | Eichenberger | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Peter | Erhard | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Erik | Evrard | 1989 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Tibor | Fadgyas | 1989 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Hungarian Academy of Science |
Oscar | Fiestas-Tejada | 1989 | CSC | ST | United States of America | International Atomic Energy Agency |
Michael | French | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Rudolf | Frühwirth | 1989 | CSC | LE | Austria | Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften |
Erwin | Gabathuler | 1989 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
David | Gaunt | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Jorge | Gomes | 1989 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Philip | Hallam-Baker | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
W. | Haynes | 1989 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Andreas | Hemker | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Anthony | Hey | 1989 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Hans | Hoffman | 1989 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Christian | Isnard | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Zbigniew | Jakubowski | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Paul | Jeffreys | 1989 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Anders | Johansson | 1989 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Stefan | Keh | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lin | Li | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik GTHZ |
Dieter | Linnhöfer | 1989 | CSC | ST | unknown | unknown |
Weizhao | Lu | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Emmanuel | Machado | 1989 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Petri | Mahönen | 1989 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Helsinki |
Elena | Malandain | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Africa | Marco-Gimeno | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Marquina | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roberto | Martinelli | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Padova |
Hans-Theo | Meinholtz | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | Insititut RWTH Aachen |
Catia | Milardi | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Günter | Müller | 1989 | CSC | LE | Germany | IBM Corporation |
Jean-Marc | Naef | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Geneva University |
Alan | Norton | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
A | Ogle | 1989 | CSC | ST | unknown | unknown |
Yaozhi | Pan | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Antonio | Pastore | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Emilio | Picasso | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ulrich | Post | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Sergio Manuel | Pratas Coelho Da Silva | 1989 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Veikko | Punkka | 1989 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Helsinki |
A. | Putzer | 1989 | CSC | DI/AC | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Universitat Heidelberg |
Tore | Ramsøy | 1989 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Paul | Rautenburg | 1989 | CSC | ST | Canada | Carleton University |
Les | Robertson | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Röhner | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut Aachen |
Andreas | Roth | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
H | Schleich | 1989 | CSC | AC | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Universitat Heidelberg |
Stephane | Spahni | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Geneva University |
Andrea | Sterbini | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Roma |
Ally Aamer | Sued | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | FBLJA |
Ann | Sweeney | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
K | Tittler | 1989 | CSC | AC | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Universitat Heidelberg |
Shaheen | Tonse | 1989 | CSC | ST | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Philip | Treleaven | 1989 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University College London |
Mario Vitorino | Turda Dos Santos Reis | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Jacobus | Van Dijk | 1989 | CSC | ST | United States of America | BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Stefania | Verasani | 1989 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1989 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
George | Vouros | 1989 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRCPS Democritos |
H.M | Wacker | 1989 | CSC | LE | Germany | DFVLR |
Herbert | Walseth | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mark | Watts | 1989 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Daresbury Laboratory |
Karl | Watzlawik | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | KFA |
Claudia | Werner | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Bruce | Wessels | 1989 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Williams | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Torster | Woeniger | 1989 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Paolo | Zanella | 1989 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Roberto | Aiello | 1990 | CSC | ST | Italy | Sincrotrone Triese |
Kent | Anderson | 1990 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Digital Equipment Corp. |
Nicoletta | Anzoino | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gerasimos | Barlas | 1990 | CSC | ST | Greece | Institute of Telecom. and Inform. |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1990 | CSC | AM/AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Olof | Barring | 1990 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Mikael | Bergqvist | 1990 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
D. | Bertrand | 1990 | CSC | LE | Belgium | University of Brussels |
John | Best | 1990 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Corporation |
George | Brothers | 1990 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Digital Equipment Corp. |
Paloma | Cardenal Campoamor | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Carpenter | 1990 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédérique | Chollet | 1990 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1990 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Dario | Crosetto | 1990 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Dahlinger | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Andre | Danthine | 1990 | CSC | AC | Belgium | Universite de Liege |
Martin | De Prycker | 1990 | CSC | LE | Belgium | Alcatel Bell Telephone |
Ervin | Dénes | 1990 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Central Research Institute for Physics |
Mark | Dobie | 1990 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Robert | Dobinson | 1990 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Duellmann | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Philip | Duval | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Ilias | Eftymiopoulos | 1990 | CSC | ST | Greece | Nuclear Physics Institute |
Henning | Engelien | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
Anna | Esposito | 1990 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Salerno |
Frank | Frommberger | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institute der Universitat Bonn |
Rekha | Gupta | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Handschuh | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Ioannis | Kokkinos | 1990 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Crete |
Andrzej | Krys | 1990 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Lodz |
Murat | Kunt | 1990 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Ulf | Larsson | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jacques | Lemonne | 1990 | CSC | DI/AC | Belgium | Inter-University Institute |
David | Lord | 1990 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Yves | Maumary | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Clark | Mcgrew | 1990 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of California |
Martin | Merkel | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Elie | Milgrom | 1990 | CSC | LE | Belgium | Universite Catholique de Louvain |
Myriam | Nemry | 1990 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite Catholique de Louvain |
Heiko | Oertel | 1990 | CSC | LE | Germany | Technical University of Braunschweig |
Wolfgang | Ott | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Heinz | Pernegger | 1990 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Viera | Rozinajova | 1990 | CSC | ST | Czechoslovakia | Slovak Technical University |
Jean | Sacton | 1990 | CSC | AC | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
S.D | Smith | 1990 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Heriot-Watt University |
Mortgen | Steffensen | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Richard | Taylor | 1990 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
John | Thresher | 1990 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Paul | Van Binst | 1990 | CSC | LE | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Andries | Van Dam | 1990 | CSC | AC/LE | United States of America | Brown University |
Pierre | Vande Vyvre | 1990 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rinus | Verker | 1990 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Williams | 1990 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Pierre | Wolper | 1990 | CSC | LE | Belgium | Universite de Liege |
Hong-Gong | Wu | 1990 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Pitro | Zafiropulo | 1990 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | IBM Research Lab |
Paolo | Zanella | 1990 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Tamas | Zeisel | 1990 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Hungarian Academy of Science |
Jian-Feng | Zhou | 1990 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Aimar | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Torsten | Åkesson | 1991 | CSC | AC | Sweden | Lund University |
Cesare | Allppi | 1991 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Maarten | Ballintün | 1991 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Peter | Baltes | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Renaud | Barillere | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1991 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Karl - Heinz | Becks | 1991 | CSC | LE | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Frank | Block | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Wuppertal |
Bernd | Brandl | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
René | Brun | 1991 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Carpenter | 1991 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1991 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Michael | Colombo | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Dinu | Coltuc | 1991 | CSC | ST | Romania | ICPE |
Michael | Dahlinger | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Stanislaw | Deniziak | 1991 | CSC | ST | Poland | Kielce University of Technology |
Robert | Dobinson | 1991 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Mark | Dönzselmann | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Karvelas | Efstratios | 1991 | CSC | ST | Greece | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Allan | Engelhardt | 1991 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Hans | Essel | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Metthew | Fausey | 1991 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Martin | Feuerstack | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut |
Günter | Flügge | 1991 | CSC | LE | Germany | III. Physikalisches Institut |
Kevin | Furnival | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Norman | Gee | 1991 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Horst | Göringer | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Jean - Jacques | Gras | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Christophe | Guicheney | 1991 | CSC | ST | France | Laboratoire de physique corpusculaire de Caen |
Per | Hagen | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John Renner | Hansen | 1991 | CSC | LE | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Stephen | Haywood | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans | Heukenkamp | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
John | Hilgart | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bert | Hoffman | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | IHEP |
Frank | Hoffman | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hahn-Meither Institut |
Holger | Ihssen | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Pawel | Jochym | 1991 | CSC | ST | Poland | Jagiellonian University |
Leif | Joensson | 1991 | CSC | AC | Sweden | Lund University |
Christian | Joos | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
Doug | Kemp | 1991 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Kubiniec | 1991 | CSC | ST | Czechoslovakia | Comenius University |
Paul | Kunz | 1991 | CSC | LE | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Joy | Kyriakopulos | 1991 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Giuseppe | Levi | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomas | Lindén | 1991 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Helsinki |
Hakan | Lohmander | 1991 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Gunnar | Mæhlum | 1991 | CSC | ST | Norway | Universitet i Oslo |
Johannes | Mainusch | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Livio | Mapelli | 1991 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Massimo | Marino | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jozef | Masarik | 1991 | CSC | ST | Czechoslovakia | Comenius University |
Jens | Meyer | 1991 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Paolo | Morettini | 1991 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Genova |
Anreas | Müeller | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Tom | Nash | 1991 | CSC | LE | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Trygve | Odegaard | 1991 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Steffan | Ohlsson | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomasz | Ostrowski | 1991 | CSC | ST | Poland | Technical University of Szczecin |
Sanjeev | Pandey | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aida Constanza | Pardo Torres | 1991 | CSC | ST | France | Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 |
Dennis | Parkinson | 1991 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | DAP Unit |
Roger | Penrose | 1991 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Antoine | Perus | 1991 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Jan Hendrik | Peters | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Carsten | Peterson | 1991 | CSC | AC/LE | Sweden | Lund University |
Rafal | Pietrak | 1991 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University |
James | Purvis | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gururaj | Rao | 1991 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Data Systems Division |
Sven | Ravandal | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ruhr-Universitat Bochum |
Fabio | Riccardi | 1991 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Napoli |
Thorsteinn | Rögnvaldsson | 1991 | CSC | LE | Sweden | Lund University |
Tiziano | Rovelli | 1991 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli studi di Bologna |
Robert | Russell | 1991 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of New Hampshire |
Carlos | Saenz Gamasa | 1991 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Erich | Schafer | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Mainz |
Thomas | Schwab | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Archana | Sharma | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roger | Shepherd | 1991 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | INMOS Limited |
Torbjörn | Sjöstrand | 1991 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ludek | Smolik | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
John | Stav | 1991 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Throndheim |
Flavio | Sticozzi | 1991 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Califormia Institue of Technology |
John | Thresher | 1991 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Tomasicchio | 1991 | CSC | ST | Italy | instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nazionale sez. Bari |
Hans Jakob | Torgersen | 1991 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Enrico | Trasatti | 1991 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Roma |
Andries | Van Dam | 1991 | CSC | AC | United States of America | Brown University |
Elizabeth | Veitch | 1991 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Edinburgh University |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1991 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Lode | Vermeersch | 1991 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Gent |
Stefan | Walther | 1991 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Mainz |
Johannes | Weber | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institute for High Energy Physics IHP |
David | Williams | 1991 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Jorn | Wroldsen | 1991 | CSC | ST | Norway | GIH |
Geraldo | Xexéo | 1991 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roberto | Amendolia | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | Universita degli Studi |
Ann Kari | Amundsen | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dimiter | Balabanski | 1992 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Sofia University |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1992 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Anatoly | Bazhan | 1992 | CSC | ST | Russia | INP |
Andrew | Belk | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Bell | 1992 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Ulster |
Elena | Belyakova | 1992 | CSC | ST | Russia | IINR |
Fridjof | Berlin | 1992 | CSC | ST | Norway | NAVF |
Adrian | Biland | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Pedro | Borralho | 1992 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
René | Brun | 1992 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Jürgen | Brunner | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
N. | Cabibbo | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Manel | Camps | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Federico | Carminati | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Brian | Carpenter | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sandro | Centro | 1992 | CSC | DI/LE | Italy | University of Padova |
Giovanni | Cesari | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Trieste |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1992 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Enrico | Clementi | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | Studi Superiori in Sardegna |
Joel | Closier | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Dobinson | 1992 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Dogson | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans | Dravermann | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Guenter | Duckeck | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Neil | Dyce | 1992 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Bristol University |
Susana | Fernandez | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrick | Ferran | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Steve | Fisher | 1992 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Tim | Foreman | 1992 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Martin | Grossmann-Handschin | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Manuel | Guijarro | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Radu | Ionicioiu | 1992 | CSC | ST | Romania | IRID |
Laurence | Jacobs | 1992 | CSC | LE | United States of America | MIT - Massachusetts Institute for Technology |
Dirk | Kampmann | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Richard | Kaschowitz | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Arash | Khodabandeh | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Annette | Knight | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Axel | Köhler | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Frank | Kraske | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Joachim | Kurzhöfer | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Dortmund |
Xaveer | Leijtens | 1992 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Gjergji | Leka | 1992 | CSC | ST | Albania | University of Tirana |
Chris | Lishka | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Löwe | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Lamberto | Luminari | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Livio | Mapelli | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria-Laura | Mazza | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Derek | Mcauley | 1992 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Cambridge University |
Norman | Mccubbin | 1992 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Eric | Mcintosh | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michele | Michelotto | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Sape | Mullender | 1992 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | University of Twente |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1992 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Sandra | Parlati | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNGS Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso |
Joseph | Perlas | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hywel | Phillips | 1992 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Birmingham |
Sergio | Pratas Coelho Da Sailva | 1992 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Francisco | Radoso | 1992 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Federico | Rapuano | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Gerhard | Reicherz | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Vicenre | Rey Bakaikoa | 1992 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Les | Robertson | 1992 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Duarte | Rodrigues Coutinho Duarte | 1992 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Eva | Sanchez-Corral | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Sankey | 1992 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Bernard | Sarosi | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hansjörg | Schmidt | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mainz |
Andreas | Schulte | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kemforschungzentrum Karlsruhe |
Ulrich | Seehausen | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Elettra | Siliotto | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | Via Marzolo |
Jorge | Silva | 1992 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Darren Paul | Spruce | 1992 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Matt | Tarrant | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pavel | Tavina | 1992 | CSC | ST | Czechoslovakia | Comenius University |
Laurent | Thibaudau | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Thresher | 1992 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Sophie | Tissot | 1992 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Luminita | Todor | 1992 | CSC | ST | Romania | Research Institute for Informatics |
Roberto | Tripiccione | 1992 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Giorgio | Urso | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | Via Marzolo |
Nicholas | Uvarov | 1992 | CSC | ST | Russia | INP |
Enzio | Valente | 1992 | CSC | AC/LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Marco | Verdecchia | 1992 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of L'Aquila |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1992 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Jouko | Vouskoski | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Johannes | Weber | 1992 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
David | Williams | 1992 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Katherine | Wipf | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Fabienne | Wolf-Bacha | 1992 | CSC | ST | France | College de France |
Thom | Wolff | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Nikolaus | Wulff | 1992 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Paolo | Zanella | 1992 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | Services Informatiques |
Dvid | Allen | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
António | Almeida | 1993 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Roberto | Amendolia | 1993 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Marcin | Antoniuk | 1993 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Ahmet | Ayan | 1993 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Middle East Technical University |
D. | Baden | 1993 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Maryland University |
Françouise | Barale | 1993 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Ingrid | Barnett | 1993 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Geoffrey | Bate | 1993 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University Santa Clara |
Michael | Bauer | 1993 | CSC | LE | United States of America | NASA |
Audun Elias | Bergan | 1993 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Tim | Berners-Lee | 1993 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans-Martin | Bosch | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Bram | Bouwens | 1993 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
Adrian | Branco | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
René | Brun | 1993 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Claudio | Bruschini | 1993 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Genova |
Adalberto | Caldas Ferreira | 1993 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Brian | Carpenter | 1993 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Carron | 1993 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Sergio | Centro | 1993 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Robert | Churchhouse | 1993 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Gianfranco | Ciccarella | 1993 | CSC | LE | Italy | Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli |
Eric | D'Amico | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Dobinson | 1993 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Tom | Doeppner | 1993 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Brown University |
Jorge | Dominguez-Sol | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chris | Eck | 1993 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eric | Eisenhandler | 1993 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of London |
Michael | Ernst | 1993 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Bern | Feyen | 1993 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Antwerpen |
Ingrid | Fladmark | 1993 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Gunter | Folger | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Domenico | Galli | 1993 | CSC | ST | Italy | DFUB |
Maurizio | Gentile | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Goldner | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Dortmund |
Alexandra | Gomez | 1993 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Fabio | Hernandez | 1993 | CSC | ST | France | IN2P3 |
Stanislaw | Jagielski | 1993 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Aizat | Khasanov | 1993 | CSC | ST | Russia | LCTA |
Jukka | Klem | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bohdan | Kotlinski | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Michael | Kraufgaertner | 1993 | CSC | ST | Israel | The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Aristotelis | Kyriakis | 1993 | CSC | ST | Greece | NRC Demokritos |
Ralf | Mayer | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
John | Morrison | 1993 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Stefan | Nickel | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Wolfgang | Niessen | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Teroe | Petersen | 1993 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Christoph | Rethfeldt | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Lindner | Rolf | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | GHS Wupperta |
Przemyslaw | Ruda | 1993 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Bruno Richard | Schulze | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Raquel | Schulze | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernard | Schutz | 1993 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Alberto | Segreto | 1993 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Palermo |
Jamie | Shiers | 1993 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ralf | Spiwoks | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Dortmund |
Pontus | Stenström | 1993 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Nelson | Stephens | 1993 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Wales |
Zbigniew | Szkutnik | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jacek | Szlachciak | 1993 | CSC | ST | Poland | Soltan's Institute for Nuclear Studies |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1993 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Jouko | Vuoskoski | 1993 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ernst | Wilhelmsen | 1993 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
David | Williams | 1993 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Holger | Witsch | 1993 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Paolo | Zanella | 1993 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Martin | Zinser | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Erik | Zude | 1993 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Wolfgang | Ahner | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Avetik | Airapetyan | 1994 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Antonio | Almeida | 1994 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Antonello | Asmone | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome |
Gaspar | Barreira | 1994 | CSC | AC | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Hanna | Bielawska | 1994 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Lodz |
Valerio | Bocci | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Claudia | Bondila | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
René | Brun | 1994 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergio | Centro | 1994 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Sergio | Cittolin | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Anna | Colaleo | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Horia | Comisel | 1994 | CSC | ST | Romania | Institute of Gravity and Space Sciences |
Pere | Commas Illas | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Istvan | Csabai | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Eotvos Lorand University of Science |
Michael | Doherty | 1994 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Claus | Dohmen | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Alessandra | Doria | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Magnus | Engstrom | 1994 | CSC | ST | Sweden | FYSIKUM |
Dietmar | Etyl | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Peter | Fath | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Adalberto | Ferreira | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 1994 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Agnes | Fulop | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics |
Tamas | Gaal | 1994 | CSC | LE | France | INRIA |
Simeone | Giani | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicole | Gonthier | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Santiago | Graña-Dominguez | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mark | Halpaap | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
John | Harvey | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Felix | Hassine | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
L.O. | Hertzberg | 1994 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Anthony | Hey | 1994 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Stephen | Hunt | 1994 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Tamas | Javorfi | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics |
Robert | Jones | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jozsef | Kadlecsik | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Central Research Institute for Physics |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1994 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Janos | Kertész | 1994 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Cambridge University |
Arash | Khodabandeh | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rainer | Kowalik | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Marie-Claire | Lagier | 1994 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Lain | Last | 1994 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Frederic | Lefevre | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Fabian | Leimgruber | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut für Physik |
Michel | Maire | 1994 | CSC | LE | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Hermann-Josef | Mathes | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Carmenita | Moore | 1994 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Sandor | Nagy | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Kossuth University |
Monica | Nicolescu | 1994 | CSC | ST | Romania | Research Institute for Informatics |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1994 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Damiano | Pasaresi | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instituto Nazinale di Geofisica |
Gerhard | Peise | 1994 | CSC | LE | Germany | Consultant |
Robert | Pennington | 1994 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Carnegie Mellon University |
Guido | Polivka | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut für Physik |
Eugene | Prokhorenko | 1994 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Alphonse | Radamakers | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gerhard | Raven | 1994 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF-H |
S. | Ravndal | 1994 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Redmond | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
M. | Reeve | 1994 | CSC | LE | Belgium | European Commission |
Pal | Ribarics | 1994 | CSC | LE | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Tamas | Roska | 1994 | CSC | LE | Hungary | Hungarian Academy of Science |
Jesus | Sahagun | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Surender | Saini | 1994 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Oak Ridge National Lab |
Davide | Salomoni | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Antonio | Saravia | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Matthias | Schroder | 1994 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Swaim Hall |
Merkus | Schulz | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernard | Schwab | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Volker | Serfling | 1994 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Peter | Sloot | 1994 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
K. | Szegö | 1994 | CSC | DI | Hungary | RMKI |
Laszlo | Szendrei | 1994 | CSC | ST | Hungary | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics |
Arnaud | Taddei | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Guy | Tel-Zur | 1994 | CSC | ST | Israel | The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Roberto | Timellini | 1994 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Gennady | Tipografschik | 1994 | CSC | ST | Russia | Serpuhov |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1994 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Ferenc | Vajda | 1994 | CSC | LE | Hungary | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics |
Hans | Van Der Marel | 1994 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Rinus | Verkerk | 1994 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Gyorgy | Vesztergombi | 1994 | CSC | LE | Hungary | RMKI |
Othmar | Wigger | 1994 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Stefan | Agnvall | 1995 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Stockholm |
Alberto | Baldisseri | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | CEN Saclay |
Sarbartha | Bandyopadhyay | 1995 | CSC | ST | United States of America | State University of New York at Buffalo |
Aneta | Baran | 1995 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Maria | Barja | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roger | Barlow | 1995 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
Gaspar | Barrerira | 1995 | CSC | AC | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Wulf | Bauerfeld | 1995 | CSC | LE | Germany | DeTeBerkom |
Michael | Beldishevski | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Dennis | Black | 1995 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Enrique | Blanco | 1995 | CSC | ST | Spain | University of Valladolid |
Matthias | Blume | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Wuppertal |
Ginevra | Bressani | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino |
Cristian | Calomfirescu | 1995 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Centre for Health Statistics |
Antonio | Candiello | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | Department of Physics Galileo Galilei |
Michela | Canepa | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Genova |
Wisla | Carena | 1995 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Cattaneo | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Miles | Chesney | 1995 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | MEIKO |
Jiri | Chudoba | 1995 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Nuclear Centre of MFF |
Samuel | Cohen | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | Institute de Physique Nucleaire |
Thomas | Czarnecki | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut |
Reinier | Dankers | 1995 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | National Inst. for Nuclear Physics and HE Physics |
Silvano | De Gennaro | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
David | De Roure | 1995 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Bernard | Debray | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | Grand Accélérateur National dIons Lourds |
Frantz | Delbecque | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Oleg | Derugin | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Michael | Dirkmann | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Dortmund |
Mark | Doszelmann | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans | Drevermann | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ton | Engbersen | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | IBM Corporation |
François | Etienne | 1995 | CSC | DI | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Elizabeth | Falk | 1995 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Harald | Falkenberg | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Eusebio | Fernandez Dominguez | 1995 | CSC | ST | Spain | ETSI Telecomuncacion |
Isabel | Fernandez Gonzalez | 1995 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Susana | Fernandez Vega | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 1995 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Markus | Frank | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jens | Fritze | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luciano | Gaido | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Julian | Gallop | 1995 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
J. | Ganouna | 1995 | CSC | AC | France | IN2P3 |
Francesco | Giacomini | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
G. | Gorsdidier | 1995 | CSC | AC | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Marco | Grippeling | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Randy | Groves | 1995 | CSC | LE | United States of America | IBM Corporation |
Andreas | Gruber | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Patrick | Gunnarsson | 1995 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Stockholm University |
Michael | Haney | 1995 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of Illinois |
Philip | Harris | 1995 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
L.O | Hertzberger | 1995 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Anthony | Hey | 1995 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Philippe | Huet | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aachen | Irfan | 1995 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Robert | Jones | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Per | Jonsson | 1995 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1995 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Giorgio | Kramer | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Svetlana | Kushpil | 1995 | CSC | ST | Russia | Lab of High Energy (NEEO) |
Isabelle | Laugier | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jean-Marie | Le Goff | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Emanuele | Leonardi | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome |
Christophe | Leroy | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Letheren | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Haken | Lie | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Liebana | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Oleg | Lodygensky | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Andrew | Maier | 1995 | CSC | ST | Austria | Inst. für Hochenegiephysik der OAW |
Christian | Mailot | 1995 | CSC | LE | France | Thomson-CSF |
Alon | Marcus | 1995 | CSC | ST | Israel | Tel Aviv University |
Francois | Mauger | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | Laboratoire de physique corpusculaire de Caen |
Christophe | Meessen | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | CPPM |
Michael | Metcalf | 1995 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Navert | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut für Teilchenphysik |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1995 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniela | Parena | 1995 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Torino |
Ashruf | Patel | 1995 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Sunderland |
Ioan | Pertache | 1995 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Centre for Health Statistics |
David | Quarrie | 1995 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Michel | Ricard | 1995 | CSC | ST | France | CPPM |
Stephen | Ritt | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Bertrand | Rousseau | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Klemens | Rutz | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Rd | Schaffer | 1995 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexandru | Scortan | 1995 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Centre for Health Statistics |
Irina | Semenova | 1995 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Maria | Skiadelli | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Sollander | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ingrid | Suchodolinska | 1995 | CSC | ST | Slovakia | Institute of Experimental Physics |
Arkady | Syamtomov | 1995 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | N.N. Bogoliubov Inst. for Theoretical Physics |
Jan | Theissen | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Michael | Trott | 1995 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Wolfram Research Inc |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1995 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Peter | Uelkes | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Joseph | Unger | 1995 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Carlo | Vandoni | 1995 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Fofi | Vassilopoulou | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | unknown |
Helmut | Wagner | 1995 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Walker | 1995 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Oak Ridge National Lab |
David | Williams | 1995 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Doina Cristina | Aiftimiei | 1996 | CSC | ST | Romania | Istitute of Atomic Physics |
Marnix | Arnold | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Leon | Aronson | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Vladimir | Averchenkov | 1996 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Ralph | Barth | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
L. | Bauerdick | 1996 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Wulf | Bauerfeld | 1996 | CSC | LE | Germany | DeTeBerkom |
Enrico | Becchetti | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Jacek | Becla | 1996 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Jan | Biemond | 1996 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Christiane | Blessing | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
Rudy | Bock | 1996 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dmitry | Bolkhovityanov | 1996 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Andrew | Burdett | 1996 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Leeds |
Wisla | Carena | 1996 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Bryan Lawrence | Caron | 1996 | CSC | ST | Canada | University of Alberta |
Jose Luis | Casas Serradilla | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Chamont | 1996 | CSC | ST | France | Ecole Polytechnique |
Sergio | Cittolin | 1996 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Henk | Corporaal | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Technical University Delft |
Hans | Danielsson | 1996 | CSC | ST | Sweden | University of Lund |
John | Darlington | 1996 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Imperial College of Science |
Robert | Davis | 1996 | CSC | ST | Canada | University of Alberta |
Michiel | De Bakker | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
N.H.G. | De Boer | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Jurrien | De Knecht | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Dick | De Ridder | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Jan | De Ronde | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Manuel | Delfino | 1996 | CSC | LE | Spain | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
Silvia | Delgado Olabarriaga | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Yuzheng | Ding | 1996 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Stephanie Lilian | Ellenberger | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
François | Etienne | 1996 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Tiziana | Ferrari | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Franca | Fiumana | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNL Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |
François | Flückiger | 1996 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Garfagnini | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | University degli Studi della Calabria |
Jan-Mark | Geusebroek | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Luisella | Giulicchi | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nuria | Gomez-Rojo | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - Facultad de Informatica |
Vinod | Gupta | 1996 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Princeton University |
Ari-Pekka | Hameri | 1996 | CSC | LE | Finland | Helsinki University of Technology |
Sebastian | Hausmann | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Universitat Heidelberg |
Mika Aatos | Heikkinen | 1996 | CSC | ST | Finland | Research Institute for High Energy Physics |
Anthony | Hey | 1996 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Aarnoud | Hoekstra | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Hans | Hoffman | 1996 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Nils | Hoimyr | 1996 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
W. | Hoogland | 1996 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Thomas | Huang | 1996 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of Illinois |
Frank | Humbert | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Kai | Hwang | 1996 | CSC | LE | Hong Kong | University of Hong Kong |
Antonio | Imparato | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | ENEA |
Johan | Janssen | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Mateus | Joffily | 1996 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas |
Arnold | Jonk | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Amsterdam University |
Markus | Joos | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrius | Juodagalvis | 1996 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Vytautas Magnus University |
Drona | Kandhai | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1996 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Manfred | Korn | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Manfred | Liebhart | 1996 | CSC | ST | Austria | Tecnical University Graz |
Tony | Lindeberg | 1996 | CSC | LE | Sweden | Royal Institute of Technology |
Guy | Lonsdale | 1996 | CSC | LE | Germany | NEC |
Francisco Jose | Lozano Alemany | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Jochen | Luell | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
Peter | Luthaus | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Dortmund |
Gerd | Lutters | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | University Siegen |
Alexander | Madorsky | 1996 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Sonia | Mallon Amerigo | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Patricia | Mantecon Garcia | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Stephen | Mccloskey | 1996 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Ulster |
Michael | Metcalf | 1996 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Niels | Nes | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Free University Amsterdam |
Cathia | Ottavi | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino - Computer Science |
Benno | Overeinder | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1996 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Sandra | Parlati | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNGS Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso |
Alessandro | Polini | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Bologna |
Raul | Ramos Pollan | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidade Da Coruña |
Carsten | Raven | 1996 | CSC | ST | France | ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Freek | Reinders | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Fabio | Riccardi | 1996 | CSC | LE | France | INRIA |
Walter | Rinaldi | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
John | Romein | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Tim | Ruhl | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Marion | Rutsche | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Physikinstitut der Universitat Zurich |
Fouzia | Saadi | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jesus | Sanchez Gonzalez | 1996 | CSC | ST | Spain | Arqitectura de Ordenadores y Sistemas Operativos (Informatica) |
Vladimir | Sapounenko | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Joachim | Schambach | 1996 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Texas |
Erik | Schenkeveld | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Arjen | Schoneveld | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Nilo | Segura Chinchilla | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Florin | Serban | 1996 | CSC | ST | Romania | Institute of Atomic Physics |
Henk | Sips | 1996 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Arnold | Smeulders | 1996 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Sean | Smith | 1996 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Ulrich | Stiegler | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andy | Tanenbaum | 1996 | CSC | LE | The Netherlands | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
David | Tax | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Manoj | Thulasidas | 1996 | CSC | ST | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Holger | Thurn | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1996 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Masoud | Vakili | 1996 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Cincinnati |
Robert | Van Engelen | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Leiden University |
Michael | Van Ginkel | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
A.W. | Van Halderen | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Geert | Van Kempen | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Carlo | Vandoni | 1996 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Vincenzo | Vitale | 1996 | CSC | ST | Italy | ENEA |
Jeroen | Voogd | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Frank | Wajer | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Roland | Weigelt | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Bonn |
David | Williams | 1996 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Heinz-Peter Michael | Wirtz | 1996 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Thomas | Wolf | 1996 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mannheim |
Nicholas | Woolley | 1996 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Ted | Young | 1996 | CSC | AC/LE | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Alexander | Ypma | 1996 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
John | Allison | 1997 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
Christopher Robert | Anderson | 1997 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool Department of Physics High Energy Physics |
Eva | Arderiu Ribera | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michel | Arruat | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Ballaminut | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Udine - Department of Physics |
Antek | Baranski | 1997 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Haagse Hogeschool Sector Informatica |
Vlatko | Becanovic | 1997 | CSC | ST | Sweden | KTH Dept. of Physics Frescati |
Hanspeter | Beck | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics |
Pavel | Binko | 1997 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Christoph | Borgmeier | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University Berlin Institute of Physics |
Dante | Borillo | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Laurent | Brunel | 1997 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Kossuth University |
Toby | Burnett | 1997 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Stanford University |
Paolo | Camarri | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Roma |
Wisla | Carena | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Vladimir | Chaloupka | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomas | Davidek | 1997 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Dept. of Nuclear Centre Fac. of Mathematics and Physics |
Zelimir | Djurcic | 1997 | CSC | ST | Yugoslavia | Institute of Physics / Faculty of Sciences Nuclear Physics Laboratory |
Mark | Dönszelmann | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrik Hans Gunnar | Ekstrom | 1997 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Fysikum Stockholm University |
François | Etienne | 1997 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Felix | Fernandez Fernandez | 1997 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - Facultad de Informatica |
German | Fernandez Sanchez | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Xavier | Ferre Grau | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tatiana | Filipova | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
François | Flückiger | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Habte | Frezghi | 1997 | CSC | ST | Eritrea | University of Asmara Physics Department |
Marco | Ganz | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Frederic | Garzon | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabrizio | Gentile | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Manuel | Gonzàlez Bergés | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Moustafa | Hadri | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut fur Teilchenphysik ETH |
Wendy | Hall | 1997 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Southampton University |
Georges Henry | Hemelsoet | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
L.O | Hertzberger | 1997 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
T. | Hewitt | 1997 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
Anthony | Hey | 1997 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
D. | Hubbard | 1997 | CSC | LE | France | CEN Saclay |
Salvador | Iranzo Molinero | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Soren | Jacobsen | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bill | Johnston | 1997 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Dirk | Kahnert | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | II. Institut für Experimentalphysik der Universitat Hamburg |
Dirk | Kamrad | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Zeuthen |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Smain | Kermiche | 1997 | CSC | ST | France | CPPM |
Igor | Kharin | 1997 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Science Center Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Arash | Khodabandeh | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Anatoly | Kononov | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russia | Institute of High Energy Physics Department Of Neutrino Physics Pobedy |
Peter | Kravtsov | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russia | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute High Energy Physics Laboratory |
Tomasz | Ladzinski | 1997 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology - Institute of Control and Computation Engineering |
Theodota | Lagouri | 1997 | CSC | ST | Greece | Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory of Aristotle University |
Giovanna | Lehmann | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern Institut fur Hochenergiephysik |
Michela | Lenzi | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN Dipartimento de Fisica dell'Uni. di Firenze |
Michael | Levtchenko | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russia | St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute High Energy Physics Dept. |
Igor | Lokhtin | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russia | Nuclear Physics Institute of Moscow State University High Energy Division Vorobievy Gory |
Nina Anette Hagen | Madsen | 1997 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RHBNC University of London Department of Physics |
Susan | Malaika | 1997 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | IBM Corporation |
Jiri | Masik | 1997 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Dept. of Nuclear Centre Fac. of Mathematics and Physics |
Juergen | May | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Cristina | Mazzotta | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Lecce |
Mirco | Mazzucato | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Metcalf | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Jorge | Mocholi | 1997 | CSC | ST | Spain | Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT) |
Zurab | Modebadze | 1997 | CSC | ST | Georgia | High Energy Physics Institute Tbilisi State University |
Raluca Anca | Muresan | 1997 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Genis | Musulmanbekov | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Edouard | Nikonov | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Marcin | Nowak | 1997 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Mining and Metallurgy |
Kivan | Nurdan | 1997 | CSC | ST | Turkey | BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Burkhard | Pick | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Strahlen und Kernphysik |
Simone Georgia | Richter | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | TH Darmstadt Institut fur Kernphysik |
Alfonso | Rios | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Iztok | Ropotar | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Wuppertal |
Bertrand | Rousseau | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose-Luis | Sanchez Alvarez | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Sava | 1997 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Catania |
Sean | Smith | 1997 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Southampton University |
Karel | Soustruznik | 1997 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Dept. of Nuclear Centre Fac. of Mathematics and Physics |
Ralf | Spiwoks | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gennadii | Svarovskii | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Matevz | Tadel | 1997 | CSC | ST | Slovenia | Joseph Stefan Institute Dept. of Experimental High Energy Physics |
Lucas | Taylor | 1997 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Valeri | Tioukov | 1997 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Ulrich | Topp | 1997 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Freiburg Fakultaet fuer Physik |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1997 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Rogelio | Valencia | 1997 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Publica de Navarra |
Carlo | Vandoni | 1997 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Christian | Völcker | 1997 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrew | Walkden | 1997 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester Department of Physics and Astronomy High Energy Physics |
David | Williams | 1997 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Natasa | Zikic | 1997 | CSC | ST | Yugoslavia | Institute of Physics Nuclear Physics Laboratory |
Alberto | Aimar | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
José Carlos Pereira | Aparicio | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Klaus | Askerstaff | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alain | Aubord | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Observatoire de Genève Integral Science Data Centre |
Mark Christian | Beharrell | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juerg | Beringer | 1998 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California |
Laura | Bertolotto | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Naubet | Bisenov | 1998 | CSC | ST | Uzbekistan | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Dariusz | Bocian | 1998 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Department of High Energy Physics / ATLAS |
Alexandre | Bogdantchikov | 1998 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Chris | Brew | 1998 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Particle Physics Department |
Tamas | Budavari | 1998 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Eotvos Lorand University Dept. of Physics |
Amilcar | Cardoso | 1998 | CSC | LE | Portugal | University of Combra |
Wisla | Carena | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Emiliano | Cecchini | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita la Sapienza Dipartimento di Fisica |
Cristina | Centioli | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati |
Sergio | Coelho Da Silva | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Montserrat | Collados Polidura | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joao Paulo | Conceição | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Javier | Conde Gonzalez-Carrascosa | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro Miguel Saramago | Costa Pinto | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Departamento de Fisica |
Paulo A. V. | Crespo | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Coimbra Physics Department LIP-Coimbra |
Cristina Bordeanu | Cristina Bordeanu | 1998 | CSC | ST | Romania | Nat. Inst. for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei |
Nicola | D'Ambrosio | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Napoli |
Giuseppe | Della Ricca | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Mark | Dönszelmann | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Dressel | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Dirk | Düllmann | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Isa | Dumanoglu | 1998 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Cukurova University |
Florida | Estrella-Cainglet | 1998 | CSC | ST | Philippines | University of the Philippines Computer Science Dept. |
François | Etienne | 1998 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Joachim | Flammer | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
François | Flückiger | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Ian | Foster | 1998 | CSC | LE | United States of America | ANL - Argonne National Laboratory |
Fabio | Garufi | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Napoli |
Agostinho | Gomes | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
José Ricardo | Gonçalo | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Universidade de Coimbra Departamento de Fisica LIP-Laboratorio de Instrumentatão |
Isidro | Gonzalez | 1998 | CSC | ST | Spain | Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria Grupo de Altas Energfas |
Eric | Grancher | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Radu Liviu | Groza | 1998 | CSC | ST | Romania | Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering |
Leon | Guzenda | 1998 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Obectivity Inc |
Mika | Haapakorpi | 1998 | CSC | ST | Finland | Tampere University of Technology Electrical Physics |
L.O | Hertzberger | 1998 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Anthony | Hey | 1998 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Hoschek | 1998 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of Applied Computer Science Dep. of Information Systems - Linz |
Stephan | Hurling | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jenny | Ivarsson | 1998 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Institute of Physics Department of Elementary Particle Physics |
Jedrek | Iwanicki | 1998 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University |
Robert | Jacobsen | 1998 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Lucia | Jahnel | 1998 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron - LNLS |
Nuno | Jardim Nunes | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Madeira - Dep. Matematica Computer Science |
Andrey | Kazarov | 1998 | CSC | ST | Russia | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Arash | Khodabandeh | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jukka | Klem | 1998 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Marco | Maggiora | 1998 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino - Department of General Physics |
Martin | Mandl | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alain | Masserot | 1998 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Pere | Mato | 1998 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Christina | Matthey | 1998 | CSC | ST | United States of America | UCLA - University of California Los Angeles Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Michael | Metcalf | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Joao Carlos Oliveira | Morgado | 1998 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Oliver | Nix | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institüt für Hochenergiephysik |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Maciej | Peryt | 1998 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology - Institute of Control and Computation Engineering |
Konstantin | Petrov | 1998 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Alina | Radu | 1998 | CSC | ST | Romania | Institute of Physics / Nuclear Engineering Department of Applied Physics |
Natalia | Ratnikova | 1998 | CSC | ST | Russia | ITEP |
Anders | Rillbert | 1998 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Stockholm University Department of Physics |
Henri | Saarikoski | 1998 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Martin | Schaller | 1998 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Innsbruck Institut für Experimentalphysik |
Stefan | Scharein | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University Berlin Institute of Physics |
Olaf | Schwarzer | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Dietmar | Schweiger | 1998 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Innsbruck |
Matthias | Sessler | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mannheim - Institute of Computer Science |
Venktesh | Singh | 1998 | CSC | ST | India | Banaras Hindu University |
Holger | Singpiel | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mannheim - Institute of Computer Science |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1998 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlo | Vandoni | 1998 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Christoph | Von Praun | 1998 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dick | Watson | 1998 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LLNL - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
David | Williams | 1998 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Matthias | Wittgen | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Physik Universitat Mainz ETAP |
Eberhard | Wolff | 1998 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg Fachbereich Informatik Arbeitsgruppe Verteilte Systeme |
Gayane | Aghuzumtsyan | 1999 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute - Experimental Physics Department |
Aneta Malgorzata | Baran | 1999 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Department of High Energy |
Thomas | Baron | 1999 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexei | Bazavov | 1999 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Claus | Beier | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Tito | Bellunato | 1999 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Fisica |
Driss | Benchekroun | 1999 | CSC | ST | Morocco | Universite Hassan II Faculté des Sciences |
Cristina | Bordeanu | 1999 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei |
Holger | Brand | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Wisla | Carena | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Ozlem | Celik | 1999 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Bogazici University Physics Department |
Sofia | Chouridou | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) |
Sergio | Cittolin | 1999 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Tuba | Conka-Nurdan | 1999 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Bogazici University Physics Department |
Mario | David | 1999 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Pardeep Kumar | Dhiman | 1999 | CSC | ST | India | Kurukshetra University Uni. Science Instrumentation Centre |
Mark | Dönszelmann | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
A. | Dunlop | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Open Text AG |
Hakima | Erridi | 1999 | CSC | ST | Morocco | Faculty of Sciences Casablanca |
François | Etienne | 1999 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Dino | Ferrero Merlino | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabrizio | Gagliardi | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gonzalo | Gracia Abril | 1999 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Philippe | Gras | 1999 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gerald | Guglielmo | 1999 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Jukka | Heinonen | 1999 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
L.O | Hertzberger | 1999 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Anthony | Hey | 1999 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Hughes | 1999 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Francesco | Iannone | 1999 | CSC | ST | Italy | ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati |
B. | Ibrahim | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Robert | Jones | 1999 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Venkata Ramana Rao | Kaza | 1999 | CSC | ST | India | University of Rajasthan - Dept. of Physics |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Veronique | Lefebure | 1999 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Serghei | Malkov | 1999 | CSC | ST | Moldova | Academy of Sciences of Moldova Institute of Applied Physics |
Bruno | Mansoux | 1999 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Richard | Maracek | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Juergen | May | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Renate | Mohr | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik (Werner-Heisemberg-Institut Munchen) |
Maria | Nassiakou | 1999 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Research Center for Physical Sciences Demokritos |
Marcin | Nowak | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Ott | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Jose Ramon | Padilla Carreno | 1999 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia ETSI Telecomunicacion |
Paolo | Palazzi | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
James Rezende | Piton | 1999 | CSC | ST | Brazil | LNLS-Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron Grupo de Controle Caixa |
David | Pitz | 1999 | CSC | ST | France | CEA Saclay DSM/DAPNIA |
M. | Podgorny | 1999 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Syracuse University |
Alessandro | Razeto | 1999 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Genoa Dipartimento di Fisica |
Les | Robertson | 1999 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marcella | Scarpa | 1999 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Milano - INFN Sezione Particelle Elementari |
Karsten | Schmidt | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Ullrich | Schwanke | 1999 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Zeuthen |
Igor | Sfiligoi | 1999 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN LNF KLOE |
Armin | Simma | 1999 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Linz - Institut für Sytemwissenschafften |
Heinz | Stockinger | 1999 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for Applied Computer Science and Information Systems |
Kurt | Stockinger | 1999 | CSC | ST | Austria | Department of Data Engineering |
Stephen | Thompson | 1999 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | CLRC Daresbury Laboratory Warrington |
Jacqueline | Turner | 1999 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlo | Vandoni | 1999 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Williams | 1999 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Joern | Adamczewski | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Mohammad | Al-Turany | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Givanni | Aloisio | 2000 | CSC | LE | Italy | University of Leece |
M. | Asai | 2000 | CSC | LE | Japan | Hiroshima Institute of Technology |
Asimakis | Asimidis | 2000 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Ioannina - Physics Department |
Thomas | Berndt | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kirchhoff Institute for Physics Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg |
Tommaso | Boccali | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
Jean Marc | Bouche | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernard | Boutherin | 2000 | CSC | ST | France | Institut De Sciences Nucleaires Informatique - Grenoble |
René | Brun | 2000 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Caterina | Brusasco | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Philippe | Canal | 2000 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Eric | Cano | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wisla | Carena | 2000 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Vincent | Colin De Verdiere | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe Giovanni | Daquino | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNGS Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso |
Manuel | Delfino | 2000 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Olivier | Devroede | 2000 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
François | Etienne | 2000 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Andrea | Ferrero | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Fisica Generale |
François | Flückiger | 2000 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ulrich | Fricke | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Gianluca | Furano | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Roma - Tor Vergata - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica |
Enrique | Garcia | 2000 | CSC | ST | Mexico | CINVESTAV IPN |
Javier Dario | Gutierrez Pacheco | 2000 | CSC | ST | Venezuela | CeCalCULA Universidad de Los Andes |
Sigve | Haug | 2000 | CSC | ST | Norway | University Of Oslo - Physics Department |
Marc | Hemberger | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
L.O | Hertzberger | 2000 | CSC | AC | The Netherlands | University of Amsterdam |
Anthony | Hey | 2000 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Kirsten | Holtz | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Mainz - Institut für Physik |
Petr | Homola | 2000 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2000 | CSC | AC/LE | United States of America | University of California |
Anthony | Johnson | 2000 | CSC | LE | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Robert | Jones | 2000 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria Jose | Jorda Garcia | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Remigius | K. Mommsen | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics |
Anna | Kaczmarska | 2000 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Andrei | Kazarov | 2000 | CSC | ST | Russia | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - Information Technologies and Automatization Dep. |
Gotfrid | Kellner | 2000 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Mohammed Mohisin | Khan | 2000 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Sven | Kircher | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg - Fakultaet fuer Physik |
Serguei | Kolos | 2000 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Kugel | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mannheim - Dept. for Computer Science |
Sami | Lehti | 2000 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Falk | Lesser | 2000 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg - Kirchhoff Institute for Physics |
Nikolai | Levitski | 2000 | CSC | ST | Russia | Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics - Moscow |
Olivier | Lopez | 2000 | CSC | ST | France | Laboratoire de physique corpusculaire de Caen |
Levi | Lucio | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dominique | Mangeol | 2000 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | University of Nijmegen - Experimental High Energy Physics (EHEF) |
Maciej | Marczukajtis | 2000 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology - Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology |
Monica | Moles | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fred | Moore | 2000 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Horison Information Strategies |
Robertino | Mordente | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Jakub | Moscicki | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Musy | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome - La Sapienza |
Krzysztof | Nawrocki | 2000 | CSC | ST | Poland | Soltan's Institute for Nuclear Studies - High Energy Department |
Paul | Nilsson | 2000 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University - Physics Department |
Marcin | Nowak | 2000 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Oh | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivan | Palshin | 2000 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Andreas | Pfeiffer | 2000 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ilya | Pivovarov | 2000 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Juan Enrique | Pradas Simon | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dmitri | Prokofiev | 2000 | CSC | ST | Russia | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - High-Energy Physics Division Gatchina |
Fons | Rademakers | 2000 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eric | Roux | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pablo | Saiz | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mayly | Sanchez | 2000 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Tufts University - Department of Physics and Astronomy Science |
Mariusz | Sapinski | 2000 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Wolfgang | Schleifer | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Klaus | Schossmaier | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Sciabà | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Katarina | Sigerud | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Soler | 2000 | CSC | ST | Spain | CDTI |
Brian | Tierney | 2000 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Grigori | Troubnikov | 2000 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Vakhtang | Tsulaia | 2000 | CSC | ST | Georgia | E. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics - Georgian Academy of Science |
Jacqueline | Turner | 2000 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Steve | Udriot | 2000 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Zurich - Labor fuer Hochenergiephysik - Hoenggerberg |
Ikuo | Ueda | 2000 | CSC | ST | Japan | ICEPP University of Tokyo |
Vincenzo Maria | Vagnoni | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita di Bologna and INFN |
Jan | Valenta | 2000 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering |
Carlo | Vandoni | 2000 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Pascal | Vanlaer | 2000 | CSC | ST | Belgium | IIHE ULB |
Stephen | White | 2000 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
David | Williams | 2000 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Matthias | Winkler | 2000 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for High Energy Physics in Vienna |
Krzysztof | Wrona | 2000 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Mining and Metallurgy - Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques |
Zhen | Xie | 2000 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Christina | Zacharatou Jarlskog | 2000 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University - Physics Department |
Pablo | Arias | 2001 | CSC | LE | Spain | University of Cantabria |
Marian | Babik | 2001 | CSC | ST | Slovakia | Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Jan | Becker | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Eugenius | Bednarz | 2001 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Physics |
Riccardo | Brunetti | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Pavia |
Alessandro | Buffini | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | Department of Physics |
Paul | Burkmisher | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Cano | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | Institute of Physics of Cantabria |
Wisla | Carena | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergio | Cittolin | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose Antonio | Coarasa Perez | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik (Werner-Heisemberg-Institut Munchen) |
Emlyn | Corrin | 2001 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Maria | D'Amato | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Bari |
Alessandro | De Salvo | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Roma |
Manuel | Delfino | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Federico | Di Carlo | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza |
Mark | Dönszelmann | 2001 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Düllmann | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
R. | Edgecock | 2001 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
François | Etienne | 2001 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Roberta | Faggian | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabrizio | Gagliardi | 2001 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Elena | Gianolio | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Gloris | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Santiago | Gonzalez De La Hoz | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFIC |
Mercé | Griera I Fisa | 2001 | CSC | LE | Belgium | European Commission |
Christian | Haeberli | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Christian | Hinkelbein | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Mannheim |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Johannes-Gutenberg University |
Marian | Ivanov | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Darmstadt |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2001 | CSC | AC/LE | United States of America | University of California |
Phil | Janson | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | IBM Corporation |
Sverre | Jarp | 2001 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Johnson | 2001 | CSC | AC/LE | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Robert | Jones | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Radoslaw | Kaczorowski | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
G. | Kahn | 2001 | CSC | AC | France | INRIA |
Niko | Karlsson | 2001 | CSC | ST | Finland | Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology |
Peter | Kunszt | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Weidong | Li | 2001 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Martin | Liendl | 2001 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Michael | Maassen | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
David | Malon | 2001 | CSC | LE | United States of America | ANL - Argonne National Laboratory |
Livio | Mapelli | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Pietro | Martucci | 2001 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Eulalia | Mateos Miret | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2001 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Adrian | Mirea | 2001 | CSC | ST | Canada | University of Toronto |
Tigran | Mkrtchyan | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Nuno Miguel | Morais Gaspar | 2001 | CSC | ST | Portugal | FCUL - University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences |
David | Mosberger | 2001 | CSC | LE | United States of America | HP Lab |
Michael | Noerenberg | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Jean-Michel | Nonglaton | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Cristiano | Palomba | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome - La Sapienza |
Marco Antonio | Palomino-Zuniga | 2001 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Cambridge |
Luis | Pedro | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Petit | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Oscar | Ponce | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Cantabria |
Sergey | Prokudaylo | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Garching bein München |
Y. | Robert | 2001 | CSC | AC | France | INRIA |
Les | Robertson | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Rodríguez Gonzalez | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria |
Hannes | Sakulin | 2001 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Wayne | Salter | 2001 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergio | Saludes Rodil | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | CARTIF Centro de Automatización Robótica |
H. | Schellman | 2001 | CSC | LE | United States of America | Northwestern University |
Erich | Schikuta | 2001 | CSC | LE | Austria | University of Wien |
Sven | Schmidt | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Physik |
Rolf | Schneider | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Marco | Serra | 2001 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Roma |
Omar | Sharif | 2001 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Brunel University |
Jes | Sorensen | 2001 | CSC | LE | Canada | Wild Open Source Inc |
Timm Morten | Steinbeck | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kirchhoff Institute for Physics Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg |
Daniel | Torres | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Troquereau | 2001 | CSC | ST | France | PNHE-Paris (Lab. de Physique Nucleaire et des Hautes Energies) |
Jacqueline | Turner | 2001 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Ungil | 2001 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Max | Urban | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Peter | Van Der Reest | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Carlo | Vandoni | 2001 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicole | Werner | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Arne | Wiebalck | 2001 | CSC | ST | Germany | Kirchhoff Institute for Physics Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg |
Thijs | Wijnands | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephen | Wolbers | 2001 | CSC | LE | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Michael | Zalokar | 2001 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Marian | Zurek | 2001 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergio | Andreozzi | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
Maite | Barroso Lopez | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Belli | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | TILAB S.p.A. |
Rüdiger | Berlich | 2002 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ruhr-Universitat |
Michal | Bluj | 2002 | CSC | ST | Poland | Soltan's Institute for Nuclear Studies |
Tomasz | Bold | 2002 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Mining and Metallurgy |
Daniele | Bonacorsi | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Diana | Bosio | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Predrag | Buncic | 2002 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hugo | Caçote | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Arnaud | Camard | 2002 | CSC | ST | France | Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies (LPNHE) |
Wisla | Carena | 2002 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Federico | Carminati | 2002 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sylvain | Chapeland | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dinker | Charak | 2002 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Andrea | Chierici | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
Paula | Chin Kee Figueiredo | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Karim | Chouikh | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Benjamin | Couturier | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Cowles | 2002 | CSC | LE | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Stephen | Dallison | 2002 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Manuel | Delfino | 2002 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
R. | Edgecock | 2002 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Péter Pal | Ember | 2002 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Chemical Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
François | Etienne | 2002 | CSC | AC | France | Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille |
Gareth | Fairey | 2002 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Manchester University |
Alessandra | Fanfani | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Alessandro | Farnesi | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | Telecom Italia Lab |
Joao | Fernandes | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tiziana | Ferrari | 2002 | CSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Enrico | Ferro | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNL Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |
François | Flückiger | 2002 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Ian | Foster | 2002 | CSC | LE | United States of America | ANL - Argonne National Laboratory |
Giovanni | Franzoni | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca |
David | Front | 2002 | CSC | ST | Israel | The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Fabrizio | Gagliardi | 2002 | CSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Marek | Garbacz | 2002 | CSC | ST | Poland | Univerisity of Mining and Metallurgy |
Ruben Domingo | Gaspar Aparicio | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mario Rosario | Guarracino | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | ICAR-CNR |
Marcus | Hardt | 2002 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Research Center (FZK) |
Nils-Joar | Hoimyr | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Saima | Iqbal | 2002 | CSC | ST | United States of America | CALTECH |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2002 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Antonio Jose | Jimeno Yepes | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Johnson | 2002 | CSC | AC | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Robert | Jones | 2002 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Carl | Kesselman | 2002 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of South California |
Emil | Knezo | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tapio | Lampen | 2002 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Dietrich | Liko | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Lo Re | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Universita di Catania |
Nina | Loktionova | 2002 | CSC | ST | Russia | Lebedev Institute of Physics (FIAN) |
Ernesto | López | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Torino |
J. | Marco De Lucas | 2002 | CSC | AC | Spain | IFCA |
Maria | Maria Santa Mennea | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica |
Pietro | Martucci | 2002 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Anna | Mastroberardino | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita della Calabria |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2002 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Gonzalo | Merino | 2002 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFAE Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies |
Asif Jan | Muhammad | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Krzysztof | Nienartowicz | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Danila | Oleynik | 2002 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Gennaro | Oliva | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | CPS-CNR |
Carlos | Oliveira | 2002 | CSC | ST | Portugal | FCUL - University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences |
Stephen | Page | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan | Pelegrin | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria Valeria | Perez Reale | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Valentino | Pietrobon | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | University Ca' Foscari of Venice |
Piotr | Poznanski | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pascale | Primet | 2002 | CSC | LE | France | INRIA |
Alberto | Pulvirenti | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Catania |
Fons | Rademakers | 2002 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mario | Reale | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Bologna |
Nicola | Reale | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | TILAB S.p.A. |
Y. | Robert | 2002 | CSC | AC | France | ENS Lyon |
Elisabetta | Ronchieri | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
F. | Ruggieri | 2002 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Marta | Ruspa | 2002 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Kilian | Schwarz | 2002 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Tadeusz | Szymocha | 2002 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Lukas | Tomasek | 2002 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Institute of Physics |
Paolo | Tonella | 2002 | CSC | LE | Italy | Instituto Trentino di Cultura |
Jacqueline | Turner | 2002 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Vaccarossa | 2002 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Milano |
Jan | Van Eldik | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlo | Vandoni | 2002 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Fritz | Vollmer | 2002 | CSC | ST | Germany | LMU Muenchen |
Andrew | Washbrook | 2002 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Liverpool |
Katarzyna | Zajac | 2002 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Mining and Metallurgy |
Alexsander | Zaytsev | 2002 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Marianna | Zuin | 2002 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ovidiu | Achim | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Atila | Alves Neves | 2003 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Alberto | Amato | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Politecnico di Bari |
Sabrina | Argentati | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Nuno | Barros | 2003 | CSC | ST | Portugal | FCUL - University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences |
Karim | Bernardet | 2003 | CSC | ST | France | CPPM |
Vandy | Berten | 2003 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Laura | Bocchi | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Bologna University |
Damian | Bucher | 2003 | CSC | ST | Germany | Muenster University |
Giorgia | Camarda | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Bologna University |
Andrea | Causarano | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Catania University |
Andrea | Ceccanti | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Bologna University |
Chih-Chiang | Chang | 2003 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Michel | Christaller | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mirko | Corosu | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Tommaso | Coviello | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Rui Pedro | Da Sila Sampaio | 2003 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Agencia de Inovacio |
Alessandro | Di Mattia | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Manuel | Diaz-Gomez | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Geneva University |
Circo | Donalek | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples |
Rene | Donner | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alasdair | Earl | 2003 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
R. | Edgecock | 2003 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Farida | Fassi | 2003 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFIC |
François | Flückiger | 2003 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Forti | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Udine |
Matthias | Geugger | 2003 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Tamas | Hauer | 2003 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of West England |
Andi | Hektor | 2003 | CSC | ST | Estonia | NICPB |
Meng-Hang | Ho | 2003 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2003 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Mila | Katzarova | 2003 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Sofia University |
Carl | Kesselman | 2003 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of South California |
Miklos | Kozlovsky | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Theodota | Lagouri | 2003 | CSC | ST | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Helena | Larsen | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Erwin | Laure | 2003 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hurng-Chun | Lee | 2003 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Sophie | Lemaitre | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Xiaomei | Li | 2003 | CSC | ST | China | China Institute of Atomic Energy |
Ildefons | Magrans De Abril | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
J. | Marco De Lucas | 2003 | CSC | AC | Spain | IFCA |
Francisco | Martinez | 2003 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFAE Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies |
Pietro | Martucci | 2003 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2003 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Frederic | Melot | 2003 | CSC | ST | France | Lab for Subatomic Physics and cosmology |
Francesco | Minafra | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Kamran | Munir | 2003 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | NUST Institute of Information Technology |
Eric | Neilsen | 2003 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Norbert | Neumeister | 2003 | CSC | LE | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Peter | Niessen | 2003 | CSC | ST | Belgium | IIHE ULB |
Judit | Novak | 2003 | CSC | ST | Hungary | Eotvos Lorand University of Science |
Mathew | Noy | 2003 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Piotr | Nyczyk | 2003 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Jukka | Nysten | 2003 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Andreas | Pfeiffer | 2003 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefano | Piano | 2003 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Trieste |
Alessandra | Potrich | 2003 | CSC | AC | Italy | ITC |
Kirill | Prokofiev | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Zurich University |
Monika | Puchalska | 2003 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Christophe | Raber | 2003 | CSC | ST | France | Inst Superieur d'Electronique |
Mainhard | Regler | 2003 | CSC | LE | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Gerald | Richter | 2003 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut for High Energy Physics |
Igor | Roman Marino | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
F. | Ruggieri | 2003 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Hugo | Ruiz | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Salzburg | 2003 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Insbruck |
Hector | Sanchez San Martin | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Helmut | Schmuecker | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrei | Soukharev | 2003 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Alexanre | Sousa | 2003 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Tufts University |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2003 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Are | Strandlie | 2003 | CSC | LE | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Theodore | Todorov | 2003 | CSC | LE | France | IRES |
Paolo | Tonella | 2003 | CSC | LE | Italy | ITC |
Jacqueline | Turner | 2003 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Henrik | Tydesjo | 2003 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Zi-Hao | Wang | 2003 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Lauri | Wendland | 2003 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Joanna | Weng | 2003 | CSC | ST | Germany | GES |
Bengt | Wessling | 2003 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hamburg University |
Andreas | Wildauer | 2003 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of Experimental Physics |
Jacek | Wojcieszuk | 2003 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yuehong | Xie | 2003 | CSC | ST | China | Instutite of High Energy Physics |
Dehond | Zhang | 2003 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Klarina | Abazaj | 2004 | CSC | ST | Albania | Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Paolo | Adragna | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Miguel | Anjo | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ashiq | Anjum | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ignacio | Aracena | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Charles | Bacon | 2004 | CSC | LE | United States of America | ANL - Argonne National Laboratory |
Ioannis | Baltopoulos | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gerhard | Brandt | 2004 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physics Institute / University of Heidelberg |
Giuliano | Castelli | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste - INAF |
Giovanni | Chierico | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Coppola | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II / INFN Napoli |
Eva | Dafonte Perez | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marie | Di Marco | 2004 | CSC | ST | Canada | Queens University |
Sunil Manohar | Dogra | 2004 | CSC | ST | India | University of Jammu |
Markus | Duda | 2004 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Dirk | Düllmann | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mariya | Durchova | 2004 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Institute for Parallel Processing - BAS |
R. | Edgecock | 2004 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Victor | Engmark | 2004 | CSC | ST | Norway | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
François | Flückiger | 2004 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Fontana | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | CRIAI |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2004 | CSC | LE | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Alejandro | Garcia Lopez | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Laurent | Garnier | 2004 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Maria | Girone | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hege | Hansbakk | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sofiya | Ivanovska | 2004 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Institute for Parallel Processing - BAS |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2004 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Oliver | Keeble | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Piotr | Kolet | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adam | Kozakiewicz | 2004 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Michal | Kwiatek | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Erwin | Laure | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ignacio | Leon | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Martin | Liendl | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | SWX |
Christian | Lippmann | 2004 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan Antonio | Lopez Perez | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro | Loureiro | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Esben | Lund | 2004 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Valeria | Manna | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte |
J. | Marco De Lucas | 2004 | CSC | AC | Spain | IFCA |
Barbara | Martelli | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | CNAF - INFN |
Jesus | Martinez | 2004 | CSC | ST | Mexico | CINVESTAV IPN |
Pietro | Martucci | 2004 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Zdenek | Maxa | 2004 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | University College London |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2004 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Monica | Moles | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sophie | Monties | 2004 | CSC | ST | France | Etat de Geneve |
Maurizio | Nagni | 2004 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Tor Vergata |
Danila | Oleynik | 2004 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Petr | Olmer | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andres F. | Osorio-Oliveros | 2004 | CSC | ST | Colombia | University of Manchester |
Carlos | Osuna Escamilla | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Adam | Padee | 2004 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Andreas | Pfeiffer | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Joao | Pina | 2004 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Paulo | Pinto | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gergana | Popova | 2004 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Varna University of Economics |
Pawel | Przewlocki | 2004 | CSC | ST | Poland | A. Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies |
Alberto | Ribon | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefan | Roiser | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alain | Romeyer | 2004 | CSC | ST | France | Universite de Mons Hainaut |
F. | Ruggieri | 2004 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Sebastian | Schmidt | 2004 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
John Erik | Sloper | 2004 | CSC | ST | Norway | Bergen University College |
Ewa | Stanecka | 2004 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Maciej | Stepniewski | 2004 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2004 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Sulej | 2004 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Paolo | Tonella | 2004 | CSC | LE | Italy | ITC |
Jacqueline | Turner | 2004 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Yue | Zhou | 2004 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Mahesh | Ahlawat | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Nazeer | Ahmad | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Bamidele | Alasa | 2005 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | Institute of Agricultural Research and Training Ibadan |
Victor | Aleruchi | 2005 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | Rivers State University Of Science And Technology |
Mohd | Ayaz | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Ionela | Bacain | 2005 | CSC | ST | Romania | Al. I Cuza University of Iasi |
Ivan | Bedajanek | 2005 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics |
Marek | Biskup | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Goncalo | Borges | 2005 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Grzegorz | Brona | 2005 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University |
David | Cameron | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wisla | Carena | 2005 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Ozgur | Cobanoglu | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Torino |
Alberto | Colla | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stijn | De Weirdt | 2005 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Javier Alexandro | Del Pino Coronel | 2005 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM |
Mark | Dönszelmann | 2005 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sabine | Elles | 2005 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Luca | Fiorini | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Pisa |
Marte | Fjelland | 2005 | CSC | ST | Norway | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
François | Flückiger | 2005 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jackie | Franco-Turner | 2005 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2005 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Roman | Garbar | 2005 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Kharkiv National University |
Rosa Maria | Garcia Rioja | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Riccardo | Gargana | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Roma |
Vincent | Garonne | 2005 | CSC | ST | France | LAL - Laboratoire de laccélérateur linéaire - Orsay |
Sanjeev | Gautam | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Panjab University Chandigarh |
Piotr | Gawron | 2005 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Domenico | Giordano | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Bari |
Kondo | Gnanvo | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Queen Mary University of London |
Filippo | Grimaldi | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Raffaele | Grosso | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Artem | Harutyunyan | 2005 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Walaa | Hassan | 2005 | CSC | ST | Egypt | Cairo University - Faculty of Science |
Arsen | Hayrapetyan | 2005 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Benedikt Christopher | Hegner | 2005 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Szabolcs | Hernath | 2005 | CSC | ST | Hungary | MTA KFKI RMKI |
Per Thomas | Hille | 2005 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Tomas | Holy | 2005 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics |
Milosz Marian | Hulboj | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Florian | Ispas | 2005 | CSC | ST | Romania | Valahia State University of Targoviste |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2005 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Manoj | Jha | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | University of Delhi |
Thomas | Johansen | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tony | Johnson | 2005 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Stanford |
Otar | Kalandarishvili | 2005 | CSC | ST | Georgia | Institute of High Energy Physics and informatization |
Sihem | Kalli | 2005 | CSC | ST | Algeria | Mentouri University Constantine |
Sami | Kama | 2005 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Middle East Technical University |
Shiv | Kaushal | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Marcin | Kucharczyk | 2005 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Roman | Kuskov | 2005 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Erwin | Laure | 2005 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrick | Le Du | 2005 | CSC | AC | France | CEA Saclay |
Richard | Leyba Tejada | 2005 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Movie Gallery Inc. |
Martin | Liendl | 2005 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Wenguo | Liu | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2005 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Qiang | Lu | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Birmingham |
Dimitrije | Maletic | 2005 | CSC | ST | Serbia and Montenegro | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences |
Dusan | Mandat | 2005 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Joint Laboratory of Optics Of Palacky University |
Boris | Mangano | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
Pietro | Martucci | 2005 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Pere | Mato | 2005 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2005 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Jorge | Mercado-Perez | 2005 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Universitat Heidelberg |
Predrag | Milenovic | 2005 | CSC | ST | Serbia and Montenegro | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences |
Jaroslaw | Miszczak | 2005 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Silesia |
Saman | Moghimi-Araghi | 2005 | CSC | ST | Iran | Sharif University of Technology |
Mohammed | Mohsin | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Aleksander | Morgado-Juez | 2005 | CSC | ST | Spain | UPV-EHU - University of the Basque Country |
Fawad | Nazir | 2005 | CSC | ST | United States of America | SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
Ricardo | Nogueira Fernandes | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Eric | Nzuobontane | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University College London |
Ferhat | Özok | 2005 | CSC | ST | Turkey | istanbul University |
Alberto | Pace | 2005 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Silvio | Pardi | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Camille | Parisel | 2005 | CSC | ST | France | IRES |
Mahesh | Patil | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
Dhiraj | Patra | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | |
Bartlomiej | Pawlowski | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pepe | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gopakumar | Perumpilly | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Mahatma Gandhi University |
Andreas | Pfeiffer | 2005 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco Emilio | Poleggi | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro | Ramalhete | 2005 | CSC | ST | Portugal | IST - Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Faisal | Ranjha | 2005 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | NUST Institute of Information Technology |
Tiziana | Refice | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome - Roma Tre |
Alfio | Rizzo | 2005 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Marc | Rodriguez | 2005 | CSC | ST | Spain | PIC Port dInformació Científica |
Dmitry | Rogulin | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Christoph | Rosemann | 2005 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Frederico | Ruggieri | 2005 | CSC | AC | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Marina | Sahakyan | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nuno | Santos | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yousaf | Shah | 2005 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | National University of Sciences and Technology |
Giovanni | Siragusa | 2005 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Lecce |
Jan | Solca | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Elena | Sterpu | 2005 | CSC | ST | Romania | LSAC |
Olivier | Stezowski | 2005 | CSC | ST | France | Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2005 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | University of Vienna |
Marek | Szuba | 2005 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Giorgi | Taplashvili | 2005 | CSC | ST | Georgia | Institute of High Energy Physics and informatization |
Umair | Tariq | 2005 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad |
Liliana | Teodorescu | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Brunel University |
Ashish | Tiwari | 2005 | CSC | ST | India | Centre for Advanced Technology |
Oksana | Volkova | 2005 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | NSC Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 2005 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
James | Werner | 2005 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Edmund | Widl | 2005 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Dawid | Wojcik | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Zornitsa | Zaharieva | 2005 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bartlomiej | Zolnierkiewicz | 2005 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joachim | Zottl | 2005 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for Distributed and Multimedia Systems |
Stanislav | Zub | 2005 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Mykhaylo | Zynovyev | 2005 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine |
Lana | Abadie | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sunday | Adelaja | 2006 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | OSAFAWAK Group |
Iwan | Adhicandra | 2006 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Leeds Metropolitan University |
Mohammadayaz | Ahmad | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Maria | Alandes Pradillo | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pagano | Alfredo | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
Daniele | Andreotti | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Fareed | Arif | 2006 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | University of Central Punjab |
Shilpee | Arora | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Centre for Detector and Related Software Technology |
Olatunde | Ashiru | 2006 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | DOLPHINE COMPUTER LIMITED |
Mohd. Danish | Azmi | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2006 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Diane | Berkovits | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sofia | Betsi | 2006 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Havard | Bjerke | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Boccioli | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose | Caballero | 2006 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Wisla | Carena | 2006 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Zhiling | Chen | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Yaodong | Cheng | 2006 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Sai Suman | Cherukuwada | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Shih-Chun | Chiu | 2006 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Institute of Physics / Academia Sinica |
Hélène | Cordier | 2006 | CSC | LE | France | IN2P3 |
Marco | Corvo | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans Hjersing | Dalsgaard | 2006 | CSC | ST | Denmark | University of Copenhagen |
Marius | Dan | 2006 | CSC | ST | Romania | The West University of Timisoara |
Nuno | Dias | 2006 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Guillermo | Diez-Andino Sancho | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chris | Dixon | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vladimir | Fekete | 2006 | CSC | ST | Slovakia | Comenius University Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics |
Elisa | Feltrin | 2006 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Universite catholique de Louvain / Insitute de Physique Nucleaire |
François | Flückiger | 2006 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephen | Foulkes | 2006 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Leandro | Franco | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2006 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Elejabarrieta | Garitaonandia | 2006 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFAE Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies |
Manuel | Giffels | 2006 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Dmitri | Gladkov | 2006 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hamburg University |
Israel | Goitom | 2006 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Brunel University |
Xavier | Grehant | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriel | Guerrer | 2006 | CSC | ST | Brazil | CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas |
Pooja | Gupta | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Center for Detector and Related Software Technology |
Oystein Senneset | Haaland | 2006 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Byoung-Hee | Han | 2006 | CSC | ST | South Korea | Sejong University |
Naves | Hector | 2006 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2006 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Dirk | Hufnagel | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michal | Husejko | 2006 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Andrey | Ivanov | 2006 | CSC | ST | Russia | St. Petersburg State University |
Jan | Iwaszkiewicz | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2006 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Jan | Janke | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hungche | Jen | 2006 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Vladimir | Jokic | 2006 | CSC | ST | Serbia and Montenegro | Faculty of Sciences |
Darius | Jurciukonis | 2006 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University |
Pekka | Kaitaniemi | 2006 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Artur | Kalinowski | 2006 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University |
Juha | Kalliopuska | 2006 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Arshad | Kamal | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Anita | Kapusi | 2006 | CSC | ST | Hungary | University of Debrecen |
Georgia | Karapostoli | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Veikko | Karimaki | 2006 | CSC | AC | Finland | HIP |
Zaheer Abbas | Khan | 2006 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Danil | Korchagin | 2006 | CSC | ST | Russia | Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy of Science |
Kalman | Kovari | 2006 | CSC | ST | Hungary | MTA KFKI RMKI |
Anna | Kreshuk | 2006 | CSC | ST | Russia | Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy of Science |
Fabian | Lambert | 2006 | CSC | ST | France | LPSC Grenoble |
Erwin | Laure | 2006 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alfio | Lazzaro | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Milano |
Martin | Liendl | 2006 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Aigui | Liu | 2006 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Daniel | Lombra A Gonzalez | 2006 | CSC | ST | Spain | University of Extremadura |
Teppo | Maenpaa | 2006 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Hugo | Marques | 2006 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco |
Joao | Martins | 2006 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Arshad Ahmad | Masoodi | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2006 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Jorge | Mercado | 2006 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Heidelberg |
Lucia | Moreno Lopez | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manuel | Mussini | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Dimitri | Nilsen | 2006 | CSC | ST | Germany | Research Institute Karlsruhe |
Olufemi | Ogunleye | 2006 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | DOLPHINE COMPUTER LIMITED |
Edmund Dagunro | Olanrewaju | 2006 | CSC | ST | Nigeria | Lasswell Enterprises |
Cigdem | Ozkan | 2006 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Middle East Technical University |
Alberto | Pace | 2006 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Beata | Pawlukiewicz | 2006 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University Faculty of Physics |
Silvia | Pennazzi | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Eleni | Petrakou | 2006 | CSC | ST | Greece | NCSR Demokritos |
Antonio | Petrella | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Ferrara / INFN - Sezione di Ferrara |
Andreas | Pfeiffer | 2006 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Rishiraj | Pravahan | 2006 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Texas at Arlington |
Gianni | Pucciani | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Tina | Rajakentta | 2006 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Helsinki |
Volodymyr | Reshetnyk | 2006 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University |
Filimon | Roukoutakis | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Athens |
Timur | Sadykov | 2006 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Klaus | Schossmaier | 2006 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Satish | Sharma | 2006 | CSC | ST | India | University of Jammu |
Bruno | Silva | 2006 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Andrew | Smith | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Edinburgh |
Giovanni | Spiezia | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples |
Norraphat | Srimanobhas | 2006 | CSC | ST | Thailand | Chulalongkorn University |
Knut Ove | Standnes | 2006 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2006 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | University of Vienna |
Karolis | Tamosiunas | 2006 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Vilnius University |
Giovanni Francesco | Tassielli | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | University / INFN of LECCE |
Giulia | Taurelli | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Torstein | Thingnaes | 2006 | CSC | ST | Norway | Bergen University College |
Olena | Tkachenko | 2006 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University |
Zhechka | Toteva | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Cristina | Tronconi | 2006 | CSC | ST | Italy | CNR - Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Julien | Tugler | 2006 | CSC | ST | France | LLR IN2P3/CNRS |
Florian | Urmetzer | 2006 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Reading University |
Per-Olof | Vallin | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 2006 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Olga | Voznyuk | 2006 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Francisco | Yuste Garcia | 2006 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrey | Zarochentsev | 2006 | CSC | ST | Russia | St. Petersburg State University |
James | Adams | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Carlos | Aguado Sanchez | 2007 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Ayaz Mohammad | Ahmad | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Edmund | Amoah | 2007 | CSC | ST | Ghana | Active Technology Solutions |
Yelena | Baghdasaryan | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manuel | Bähr | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Karlsruhe |
Marcelo | Baquero Ruiz | 2007 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Maria Del Carmen | Barandela Pazos | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Teresa Manuela | Batista Neto | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Battaglia | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Carlo | Battilana | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli studi di Bologna |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2007 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Bertrand | Bellenot | 2007 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Bergauer | 2007 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Riccardo | Bevilacqua | 2007 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Nele | Boelaert | 2007 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Michèle | Bourgeat | 2007 | CSC | ST | France | LPTA - IN2P3 - CNRS |
Michal | Budzowski | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jerome | Caffaro | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wisla | Carena | 2007 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Vasco | Chibante Barroso | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Iris | Christadler | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | Leibniz Computing Centre |
Mattia | Cinquilli | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Costin Catalin | Ciobirca | 2007 | CSC | ST | Romania | University of Craiova |
Hélène | Cordier | 2007 | CSC | LE | France | IN2P3 |
Carlos | Corona | 2007 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Centro De Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV) |
Jose Miguel | Dana Perez | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Guillaume | Dargaud | 2007 | CSC | ST | France | CNRS |
Antonio | Delgado Peris | 2007 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Bilge | Demirkoz | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Oxford University |
Biagio | Di Micco | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Roma Tre |
Lorenzo | Dini | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Felix | Ehm | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Federica | Fanzago | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Armando | Fella | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
François | Flückiger | 2007 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2007 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Giulio | Galiero | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. |
Vipin | Gaur | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | High Energy Physics Lab. |
Ricardo | Godinho | 2007 | CSC | ST | Portugal | ADI Agencia de Inovaçao |
Martin | Goettlich | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Hamburg |
Marina | Grigoryan | 2007 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Laimonas | Guiga | 2007 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Vilnius University |
Pablo | Gutierrez Llamas | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Esteban | Gutierrez Mlot | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2007 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Hui-Tzu | Huang | 2007 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Emir | Imamagic | 2007 | CSC | ST | Croatia | University Computing Centre |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2007 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Weina | Ji | 2007 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Arshad | Kamal | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | High Energy Physics Lab. |
Edit | Karasz | 2007 | CSC | ST | Hungary | KFKI-RMKI |
Paul | Kennerley | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomasz | Kokoszka | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jiri | Kral | 2007 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Czech Technical University |
Erwin | Laure | 2007 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Anton | Lechner | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ying Ying | Li | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Cambridge |
Shuting | Liao | 2007 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Thomas | Loddenkoetter | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bonn University |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2007 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Erekle | Magradze | 2007 | CSC | ST | Georgia | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Anita | Mahajan | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | University of Jammu |
Gerhild | Maier | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Diego | Marcos | 2007 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - Facultad de Informatica |
Arshad | Masoodi | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Pere | Mato | 2007 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Patricia | Mcbridge | 2007 | CSC | AC | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Helen | Mcglone | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Glasgow |
Parag | Mhashilkar | 2007 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Madhukar | Mishra | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Banaras Hindu University |
Zurab | Modebadze | 2007 | CSC | ST | Georgia | Tbilisi State University |
Giorgos | Momferratos | 2007 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Srecko | Morovic | 2007 | CSC | ST | Croatia | Institute Ruder Boskovic |
Manfred | Muecke | 2007 | CSC | ST | Austria | Graz University of Technology |
Axel | Naumann | 2007 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Navneet | Navneet Kumar Pruthi | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Panjab University Chandigarh |
Annika | Nordt | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bob | Olivier | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Alberto | Pace | 2007 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alfredo | Pagano | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - CNAF Bologna |
Mikhail | Panshenskov | 2007 | CSC | ST | Russia | Saint-Petersburg State University |
Orlon | Petterson | 2007 | CSC | ST | New Zealand | University of Canterbury |
Guillaume | Philippon | 2007 | CSC | ST | France | CNRS - LAL |
Senka | Pintariand | 2007 | CSC | ST | Croatia | Ruander Boand Koviand Institute |
Tatevik | Poghosyan | 2007 | CSC | ST | Armenia | Yerevan Physics Institute |
Giovanni | Polese | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Branislav | Poletanovic | 2007 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Bonn |
Dunja | Polic | 2007 | CSC | ST | Croatia | Tecnical University of Split |
Ivica | Puijak | 2007 | CSC | AC | Croatia | University of Split |
Adriano | Rippa | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. |
Biagio | Rossi | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Tatiana | Rybitskaya | 2007 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Jose Afonso | Sanches | 2007 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro |
Kandarpa Kumar | Sarma | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Gauhati University |
Klaus | Schossmaier | 2007 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
George | Serbanut | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino - INFN Torino |
Syed Yousaf | Shah | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jingyan | Shi | 2007 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Leonid | Shirkov | 2007 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University |
Rodrigo | Sierra | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vasily | Simutkin | 2007 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Vikas | Singhal | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | VECC - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre |
Piotr | Skowronski | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marcin | Sobieszek | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Zbigniew | Stanecki | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Karol | Stanislawek | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gergana | Stefanova | 2007 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | University of Economics |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2007 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | University of Vienna |
Radu Ioan | Stoica | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Katrine Aam | Svendsen | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sergiy | Svistunov | 2007 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Sourav | Tarafdar | 2007 | CSC | ST | India | Banaras Hindu University |
James | Thorne | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Anton | Topurov | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Cristina | Tronconi | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | CNR - Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Alexander | Vakhitov | 2007 | CSC | ST | Russia | Saint-Petersburg State University |
Francesco | Valentini | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paolo | Veronesi | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Traian-Cristian | Vidrascu | 2007 | CSC | ST | Romania | University Al.I.Cuza of Iasi |
Dejan | Vitlacil | 2007 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Barthélémy | Von Haller | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 2007 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Lionel | Wallet | 2007 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Xun | Wang | 2007 | CSC | ST | China | Peking University |
Karol | Wawrzyniak | 2007 | CSC | ST | Poland | University of Warsaw |
Andrea | Weise | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Reading |
Leonardus | Wijnant | 2007 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Indicia Netherlands b.v. |
Jennifer | Williams | 2007 | CSC | ST | New Zealand | University of Canterbury |
Adam | Wren | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Royal Holloway University of London |
Sama | Yousif Al-Eshaiker | 2007 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | ACET Centre - University of Reading |
Arthur | Yuldashev | 2007 | CSC | ST | Russia | Ufa State Aviation Technical University |
Vaidas | Zvirblis | 2007 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Vilnius University |
Christoph | Aberle | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Nuno | Almeida | 2008 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Metin | Aydar | 2008 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences |
Romain | Basset | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2008 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Bertrand | Bellenot | 2008 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivan | Belotelov | 2008 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Gerard | Bernabeu Altayó | 2008 | CSC | ST | Spain | Port Informació Científica (PIC) |
Riccardo Maria | Bianchi | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Freiburg |
Arnau | Bria | 2008 | CSC | ST | Spain | Port Informació Científica (PIC) |
Sebastien | Ceuterickx | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Liangchen | Chen | 2008 | CSC | ST | Afghanistan | IHEP |
Roberto | Crupi | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN Sezione di Lecce / University Of Salento |
Constantin Mihai | Cuciuc | 2008 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei |
Zofia | Czyczula | 2008 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Copenhagen University |
Marko | Dragicevic | 2008 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Katarzyna | Dziedziniewicz | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2008 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2008 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Darius | Germanas | 2008 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Institute of Physics |
Tapasi | Ghosh | 2008 | CSC | ST | India | VECC - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre |
Raffaele | Giordano | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Napoli |
Hugo | Gomes | 2008 | CSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
David | Gomez Saavedra | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Gonzalez Maline | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Neeraj | Gupta | 2008 | CSC | ST | India | University of Jammu |
Olivier | Gutzwiller | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Huma | Haider | 2008 | CSC | ST | Afghanistan | Aligarh Muslim University |
Ahmad | Hassan | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2008 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Hugo | Hugosson | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vlastislav | Hynek | 2008 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Prague |
Vitaliano | Inglese | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2008 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Sverre | Jarp | 2008 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Samuele | Kaplun | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dorian | Kcira | 2008 | CSC | ST | Belgium | University of Louvain |
Matti | Kortelainen | 2008 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Anna | Ksyta | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Regina | Kwee | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Conradin | Langbrandtner | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Erwin | Laure | 2008 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hung-Te | Lee | 2008 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Luigi | Li Gioi | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Martin | Liendl | 2008 | CSC | LE | Germany | EPO - European Patent Office |
Lara | Lloret Iglesias | 2008 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo - Facultad de Ciencias |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2008 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Debra | Lumb | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg |
Pawel | Malecki | 2008 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Arshad | Masoodi | 2008 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Pere | Mato | 2008 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Mazurov | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Remi | Mollon | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefan E. | Mueller | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - LNF Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati |
Finian | Mwalongo | 2008 | CSC | ST | Tanzania | Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology |
Jordi | Nadal | 2008 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFAE Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies |
Axel | Naumann | 2008 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bryan | Newbold | 2008 | CSC | ST | United States of America | MIT - Massachusetts Institute for Technology |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2008 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Oliver | Oberst | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Gustavo | Ordonez Sanz | 2008 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Katarzyna | Ostrowska | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2008 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Giulia | Pesaro | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli studi di Trieste |
Antonio | Pierro | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Bari |
Ivica | Puijak | 2008 | CSC | AC | Croatia | University of Split |
Gang | Qin | 2008 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Daniel | Rodrigues | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Romano | 2008 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Catania |
Benjamin | Ruckert | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) |
Seangchan | Ryu | 2008 | CSC | ST | United States of America | FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Alba | Sambade Varela | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rainer | Schwemmer | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Siodmok | 2008 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE / Jagiellonian Univeristy |
Heinz | Stockinger | 2008 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | University of Vienna |
Are | Strandlie | 2008 | CSC | AC | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Agnes | Szeberenyi | 2008 | CSC | ST | Hungary | KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics |
Paolo | Tedesco | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Christian | Uría | 2008 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manfred | Valentan | 2008 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Technology Vienna |
Mehmet | Vergili | 2008 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Cukurova University |
Wolfgang | Von Rüden | 2008 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Lu | Wang | 2008 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Robert | Zimmermann | 2008 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
Arshad | Ahmad | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Mian Khawar Hasham | Ahmad | 2009 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Anton | Alkin | 2009 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Juan De Dios | Alvarez | 2009 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo |
Jamila | Bashir Butt | 2009 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | National Centre for Physics |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2009 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Barbara | Beccati | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bertrand | Bellenot | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Walter | Bender | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Matthias | Bergholz | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Zeuthen |
Nicola | Bessone | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefan | Birkholz | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Maksym | Borodin | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Carsten | Brachem | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August Universitat Göttingen |
Sebastian | Bukowiec | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Predrag | Buncic | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan Manuel | Caicedo Carvajal | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriele | Camellini | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luciano | Capasso | 2009 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples |
Dean | Dempsey | 2009 | CSC | ST | Ireland | LexisNexis |
Victor | Diez | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Oeystein | Djuvsland | 2009 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Laurentiu Alexandru | Dumitru | 2009 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Institute for R and D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering |
Jan | Engels | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Despoina | Evangelakou | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August Universitat Göttingen |
François | Flückiger | 2009 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2009 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Gabor | Gajdatsy | 2009 | CSC | ST | Hungary | University of Szeged |
Carlos | Garcia Rodriguez | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ana Maria | Gaspar Martinez | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Ghabrous | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Haensel | 2009 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) |
Christian | Hartl | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marc | Hausard | 2009 | CSC | ST | France | CC-IN2P3 |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2009 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2009 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Natascha | Hoermann | 2009 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) |
David | Horat | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2009 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Lukasz | Janyst | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sverre | Jarp | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Chad | Jarvis | 2009 | CSC | ST | United States of America | UCLA - University of California Los Angeles |
Pavel | Jez | 2009 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Tuomo | Kalliokoski | 2009 | CSC | ST | Finland | University of Jyväskylä |
Svetozar | Kapusta | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anton | Karneyeu | 2009 | CSC | ST | France | LAPP - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules |
Mathias | Kaspar | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August Universitat Göttingen |
Anna | Kotynia | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Daniele Francesco | Kruse | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tom | Lansdale | 2009 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Stefan | Lohn | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose Pedro | Macedo Alves Ferreira | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joris | Maes | 2009 | CSC | ST | Belgium | ULB - VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Fayaz | Mahessar | 2009 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | Institute Of Business Administration Karachi |
Alexander | Makeev | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pere | Mato | 2009 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rashid | Md.Mamunur | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Melvin | Meijer | 2009 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Alexander Navrose | Mensah | 2009 | CSC | ST | Mali | international business college |
Tim | Muenchen | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Luis Fernando | Muñoz Mejías | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Axel | Naumann | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2009 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Friederike | Nowak | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Malte | Nuhn | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | III Physikalisches Institut der Aachen |
Markus | Osterhoff | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Alberto | Pace | 2009 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernd | Panzer-Steindel | 2009 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Parenti | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Raquel | Pezoa | 2009 | CSC | ST | Chile | Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María |
Roko | Plestina | 2009 | CSC | ST | Croatia | FESB Split |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2009 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2009 | CSC | AC | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Benjamin | Radburn-Smith | 2009 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | STFC - RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Hassen | Riahi | 2009 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Perugia |
William A. | Romero R. | 2009 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Alexander | Runde | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August Universitat Göttingen |
Mohammed Salim M | Salim | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Jaroslava | Schovancova | 2009 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Institute of Physics ASCR |
Vijay | Sharma | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Birla Insitute of Technology and Science |
Michal | Simon | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Sinuela Pastor | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Therese | Sjursen | 2009 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Amit | Sohara | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Arena Animation |
Are | Strandlie | 2009 | CSC | AC | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Vivishek | Sudhir | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Amrita University |
Ugur Emrah | Surat | 2009 | CSC | ST | Turkey | METU |
David | Svantesson | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mohamed Ashraf | T | 2009 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Bayram | Tali | 2009 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Cukurova University |
Adriana | Telesca | 2009 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joni Jukka | Välimaa | 2009 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki institute of physics |
Adrian | Vogel | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universitat Bonn |
Uwe | Westerhoff | 2009 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Kernphysik |
Yan | Xiaofei | 2009 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Cenek | Zach | 2009 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | FNSPE at CTU in Prague |
Andres | Abad Rodriguez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ilya | Agapov | 2010 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY Hamburg |
Andras | Agócs | 2010 | CSC | ST | Hungary | MTA KFKI-RMKI |
Muhammad | Ahmad | 2010 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | National Centre for Physics |
Eduardo | Alvarez Fernandez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rahul | Arora | 2010 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Valerica | Baban | 2010 | CSC | ST | Romania | University of Bucharest |
Imon | Banerjee | 2010 | CSC | ST | India | National Institute Of Technology |
Zbigniew | Baranowski | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2010 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Bertrand | Bellenot | 2010 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marcin | Blaszczyk | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jakob | Blomer | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Predrag | Buncic | 2010 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Oleg | Bunetskyi | 2010 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Nicola | Chiapolini | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Universitat Zürich |
Pushpinder Kaur | Chouhan | 2010 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Christopher | Cowden | 2010 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Cambridge |
Daniele | De Ruschi | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Salvatore | Di Guida | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rajeshkumar | Dudhat | 2010 | CSC | ST | India | Sardar Vallabbhai National Institute of Technology |
Mohamed | Elamri | 2010 | CSC | ST | Morocco | Faculty of Sciences University Mohammed I |
Lucio | Fiscarelli | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Johanna | Fleckner | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2010 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Austria | HEPHY |
Luigi | Gallerani | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Garcia Fernandez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mikhail | Gavrilenko | 2010 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Giancarlo | Golluccio | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Gonçalves Pacheco | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alvaro | Gonzalez Alvarez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pablo | Guerrero | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Line | Gunther | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Hefferman | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aatos | Heikkinen | 2010 | CSC | LE | Finland | HIP |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2010 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Hirstius | 2010 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2010 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Sverre | Jarp | 2010 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
John | Kelly | 2010 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | STFC - RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Kim Siang | Khaw | 2010 | CSC | ST | Japan | University of Tokyo |
Taimoor | Khurshid | 2010 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | Quaid-i-Azam University |
Rajeev | Kumar | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vlad | Lapadatescu | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Petri | Lehtonen | 2010 | CSC | ST | United States of America | MIT - Massachusetts Institute for Technology |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2010 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Lobo Figueroa | 2010 | CSC | ST | Venezuela | CeCalCULA Universidad de Los Andes |
Stefano | Longo | 2010 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Loth | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jelena | Luetic | 2010 | CSC | ST | Croatia | FESB Split |
Wolfgang | Lukas | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ludmila | Marian | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pablo | Martinez Pedreira | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Faheem | Masoodi | 2010 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
Pere | Mato | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Loredana | Mereuta | 2010 | CSC | ST | Romania | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University |
Giuseppe | Montenero | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Almudena | Montiel | 2010 | CSC | ST | Germany | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerioneneforschung (GSI) |
Baoro Eric | Nadjiadoum | 2010 | CSC | ST | Chad | United Nations World Food Programme |
Moritz | Nadler | 2010 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institut für Hochenergiephysik |
Axel | Naumann | 2010 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2010 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Oliveira | 2010 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Aveiro |
Alberto | Pace | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Massimo | Paladin | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernd | Panzer-Steindel | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Pristavka | 2010 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2010 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Alberto | Resco Perez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Belmiro Danniel | Rodrigues Moreira | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan José | Rodríguez Vazquez | 2010 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Seyed Sajjad | Sahbaei Razavi | 2010 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Kamran | Soomro | 2010 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UWE - University of the West of England |
Are | Strandlie | 2010 | CSC | AC | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Liliana | Teodorescu | 2010 | CSC | AC | United Kingdom | Bernel University |
Maren | Ugland | 2010 | CSC | ST | Norway | Institute of Physics and Technology |
Pablo | Vazquez Caderno | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Frank | Volkmer | 2010 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Henning | Weiler | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomasz | Wolak | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Davide | Zambon | 2010 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jianlin | Zhu | 2010 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of Particle Physics |
Marcelo | Zimbres Silva | 2010 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Campinas State University |
Jonathan | Aguilar | 2011 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Mohammad Ayaz | Ahmad | 2011 | CSC | ST | Saudi Arabia | Tabuk University |
Ijaz | Ahmed | 2011 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | COMSATS Institute of Information Technology |
Sul-Ah | Ahn | 2011 | CSC | ST | South Korea | Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
Irene | Alonso Canella | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alejandro | Alvarez | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simone | Amoroso | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Universitat Freiburg |
Hushnud | Ansari | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | Aligarh Muslim University |
María | Arsuaga-Ríos | 2011 | CSC | ST | Spain | CETA-CIEMAT |
Fu Kit, Jay | Au-Yeung | 2011 | CSC | ST | Hong Kong | Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2011 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Mehdi | Belhay | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bertrand | Bellenot | 2011 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dario | Berzano | 2011 | CSC | ST | Italy | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and Universita degli Studi - Torino |
Claudia | Borer | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Serkan | Bozyigit | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ignas | Butenas | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Cervigni | 2011 | CSC | ST | Italy | Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Francois | Chatal | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mihai | Ciubancan | 2011 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei |
Mateusz | Dabrowski | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kushal | Das | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Cesare | Delle Fratte | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Darren | Demicoli | 2011 | CSC | ST | Malta | University of Malta |
Zbynek | Drasal | 2011 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Prague |
Agnieszka | Dudziak | 2011 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Mehmet | Durnali | 2011 | CSC | ST | Turkey | General Directorate of Educational Technologies of MONE |
Antonio | Falabella | 2011 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita di Ferrara |
François | Flückiger | 2011 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eike | Frank | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Bern |
Rudi | Frühwirth | 2011 | CSC | AC | Austria | HEPHY |
Raul | Garcia-Martinez | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sessegnon | Guei | 2011 | CSC | ST | Ivory Coast | University of Abobo-Adjamé |
Raghida | Hajj | 2011 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2011 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Glib | Ivashkevych | 2011 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2011 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Sverre | Jarp | 2011 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Maciej Piotr | Kepinski | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mohammed Mohisin | Khan | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | Applied Physics |
Palash | Khan | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Tatyana | Khan | 2011 | CSC | ST | South Korea | Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
Igor | Kulakov | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | Johann Wolfgang Goethe University |
Arun | Kumar | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | University of Delhi |
Fatima | Lachheb | 2011 | CSC | ST | Morocco | University Hassan II Faculty of Science Casablanca |
Vijay | Lamba | 2011 | CSC | ST | India | Haryana College of Technology and Mnagement Kaithal |
Martin | Leitgab | 2011 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2011 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Lomidze | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Physik Johannes Gutenberg-Universität |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2011 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Cinzia | Luzzi | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adil | Machmach | 2011 | CSC | ST | Morocco | Faculty of Sciences University HASSAN II of Casablanca |
Bruno | Magalhaes | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Blue Brain Project |
Manuel | Malo De Molina Martinez | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Mancilla | 2011 | CSC | ST | Chile | Federico Santa María Technical University |
Christos | Margiolas | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Martín Clavo | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manuel | Martin Marquez | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Javier | Martin Montull | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Mascetti | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sayed Hossein | Masoumi Tabaghdehi | 2011 | CSC | ST | Iran | Tarbiat Modares University |
Pere | Mato | 2011 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Mattera | 2011 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Varvara | Mizurova | 2011 | CSC | ST | Russia | Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Elamri | Mohamed | 2011 | CSC | ST | Morocco | University Mohammed I |
Piotr | Morawski | 2011 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Axel | Naumann | 2011 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Piotr | Nikiel | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2011 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Micha? | Nowotka | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Elena | Oliver García | 2011 | CSC | ST | Spain | Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular |
Alberto | Pace | 2011 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernd | Panzer-Steindel | 2011 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Pablo | Pera Mira | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Perez Perez | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Perfetto | 2011 | CSC | ST | Italy | Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II |
Piotr | Praczyk | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2011 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Seyed Ali | Rahimi | 2011 | CSC | ST | Iran | Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences |
Daniela | Remenska | 2011 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Bartolomeu Andre | Rodrigues Fernandes Rabacal | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Will | Rogers | 2011 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | STFC - RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Mehmet Ozgur | Sahin | 2011 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Middle East Technical University |
Sandra | Saornil Gamarra | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Universitat Zürich |
Elvin | Sindrilaru | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stig | Skelboe | 2011 | CSC | AC | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Are | Strandlie | 2011 | CSC | AC/LE | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Vijay Kartik | Subbiah | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pavlo | Svirin | 2011 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine |
Nicola | Tarocco | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ludovic Carrel | Tassy Fotso | 2011 | CSC | ST | Cameroon | Ecole National Supérieur des Postes et Telécommunication de Yaoundé |
Mario | Ubeda Garcia | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Muhammad | Umair | 2011 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Royal Institute of Technology |
Dmitry | Ustyushkin | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aleksandra | Wardzinska | 2011 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Naima | Zahar | 2011 | CSC | ST | Morocco | Hassan II University faculty of Science |
Alice | Zimmermann | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg |
Maksym | Zyzak | 2011 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt |
Geoffray | Adde | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Raphael | Ahrens | 2012 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Roberto | Alvarez Alonso | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Elias | Alvarez Granda | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carmen | Alvarez Perez | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Awais | Amjad | 2012 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | National University of Sciences and Technology |
George | Antoniadis | 2012 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Thessaloniki |
Sanjay | Arora | 2012 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Rutgers University |
Marilena | Bandieramonte | 2012 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Catania |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2012 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Vivek | Bhagat | 2012 | CSC | ST | India | Lovely Professional University |
Giovanni | Bianchi | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mirela | Botezatu | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gautam | Botrel | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mariana | Bustamante | 2012 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Samuele | Carli | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose | Castro Leon | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Cervigni | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriele | Compostella | 2012 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Samir | Cury Siqueira | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nitali | Dash | 2012 | CSC | ST | India | Nitali Dash |
Adrien | Devresse | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Dieguez | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrei | Dumitru | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Christian | Elsasser | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Xavier | Espinal | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Edgar | Fajardo | 2012 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Sergio | Fernandez | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anders | Floderus | 2012 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
François | Flückiger | 2012 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mirgita | Frasheri | 2012 | CSC | ST | Albania | Polytechnic University of Tirana |
Gorm | Galster | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaime | García Llopis | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Garcia Molero | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrick Oliver | Glauner | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roman | Gredig | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Physics Institute University of Zurich |
Martin | Hellmich | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2012 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Ieri | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Asad | Imam | 2012 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | NA |
Sheikh Muhammad Zeeshan | Iqbal | 2012 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | University of Karachi |
Ommair | Ishaque | 2012 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | University of Karachi |
Teodor | Ivanoaica | 2012 | CSC | ST | Romania | National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2012 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Sverre | Jarp | 2012 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gagik | Karapetyan | 2012 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Padova |
Tomas | Karasek | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikolaos | Kasioumis | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wolfgang | Kiesenhofer | 2012 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Blazej | Kolad | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Georgios | Koloventzos | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jilí | Kunlar | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Abhijit | Lamsoge | 2012 | CSC | ST | India | Digihome Solutions Pvt. Ltd |
Jan Åge | Lavik | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Claudia | Lazzaro | 2012 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Sezione di Padova |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2012 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2012 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dzmitry | Makatun | 2012 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR |
Mohammed | Mansour | 2012 | CSC | ST | Egypt | Fayoum University Faculty of Computer and Information |
Víctor Francisco | Martínez Silva | 2012 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Pere | Mato | 2012 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Mazzaferro | 2012 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome - Tor Vergata |
Ramon | Medrano Llamas | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2012 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ingela | Nyström | 2012 | CSC | AC | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Alberto | Pace | 2012 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Felice | Pantaleo | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Omar | Pera Mira | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Petya | Petrova | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Valerii | Pozniakov | 2012 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University |
Ivan | Prieto Barreiro | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2012 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2012 | CSC | AC | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Obaid | Qureshi | 2012 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | University of Karachi |
Benjamin | Radburn-Smith | 2012 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Martin | Ritter | 2012 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Luis | Rodrigues | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andre | Sailer | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Natalia | Savderova | 2012 | CSC | ST | Russia | St. Petersburg State Politechnical University |
Iwona | Sputowska | 2012 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Are | Strandlie | 2012 | CSC | LE | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Gregory | Timofiejew | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Silvia | Tomanin | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Athanasios | Topaloudis | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Tresch | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Physik Institut |
Christian | Uría Eismar | 2012 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Villaplana Pérez | 2012 | CSC | ST | Spain | IFIC |
Lars | Weuste | 2012 | CSC | ST | Germany | MPI - Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik |
Scott | Wolin | 2012 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dimitrios | Zilaskos | 2012 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | STFC - RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Maya | Abi Akl | 2013 | CSC | ST | Qatar | Texas A&M University at Qatar |
Telesca | Adriana | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ioannis | Agtzidis | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Valentina | Akishina | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt |
Alvarez Ayllon | Alejandro | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Parinaz | Ameri | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Abad Rodriguez | Andres | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marta | Antosik | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kalinowski | Artur | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Poland | University of Warsaw |
Paolo | Bagiacchi | 2013 | CSC | ST | Italy | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2013 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexandre | Beche | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Beermann | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lene | Bryngemark | 2013 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Syed Ali Zahir | Bukhari | 2013 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | COMSATS Institute of Information Technology |
Marco | Caberletti | 2013 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN-CNAF |
Ivan | Calvet | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Cervenkov | 2013 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Charles University Prague |
Wei-Jen | Chang | 2013 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre |
Lisa Azzurra | Chinzer | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ladislav | Chytka | 2013 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Palacký University Olomouc |
Christian | Contreras-Campana | 2013 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Rutgers University |
William | Dearnaley | 2013 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Lancaster University |
Charles | Delort | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thierry | Descombes | 2013 | CSC | ST | France | LPSC / IN2P3 |
Tyler | Dorland | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Makatun | Dzmitry | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Czech Republic | Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR |
Sebastian | Ehrhart | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main |
Gunar | Ernis | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Benjamin | Fiorini | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2013 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2013 | tCSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Nowak | Friederike | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Vítor | Gouveia | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wyszy?ski | Grzegorz | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Poland | Jagiellonian University |
Dargaud | Guillaume | 2013 | tCSC | ST | France | CNRS |
Daniel | Hahne | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn |
Josef | Hammer | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yasemin | Hauser | 2013 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Benedikt | Hegner | 2013 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Seppo | Heikkila | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2013 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Ieri | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Jacobsen | 2013 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California |
Sverre | Jarp | 2013 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sverre | Jarp | 2013 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Raúl | Jiménez Estupiñán | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivan | Kadochnikov | 2013 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Hovhannes | Khandanyan | 2013 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Stockholm University |
Khaw | Kim Siang | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Katarzyna | Kucharczyk | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jonas | Kunze | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Johannes-Gutenberg University |
Christos | Lazaridis | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jakob | Lettenbichler | 2013 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Martin | Ljunggren | 2013 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2013 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2013 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Lorena | Lobato | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan | López González | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2013 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alan | Malta Rodrigues | 2013 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro |
Valentina | Mancinelli | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Matteo | Manzali | 2013 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Andrea | Manzi | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chrzaszcz | Marcin | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Bandieramonte | Marilena | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Catania |
Pere | Mato | 2013 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Kortelainen | Matti | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Alison | Mccrea | 2013 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of California San Diego |
Francesco | Messi | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn |
Pedro | Montuenga | 2013 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Fernando | Moreno Pascual | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marcus | Morgenstern | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität Dresden |
Ljiljana | Morvaj | 2013 | CSC | ST | Japan | Nagoya University |
Haykuhi | Musheghyan | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universität Göttingen |
Khoi Nguyen | Nguyen | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2013 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2013 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hans | Pabst | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | Intel |
Alberto | Pace | 2013 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sizun | Patrick | 2013 | tCSC | ST | France | CEA Saclay |
Hanno | Perrey | 2013 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Andreas | Peters | 2013 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2013 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomica | Porobic | 2013 | CSC | ST | Belgium | IKS KU Leuven |
Fotis | Ptochos | 2013 | CSC | AC | Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2013 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Ivica | Pulijak | 2013 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2013 | CSC | AC | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Benjamin | Radburn-Smith | 2013 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Panos | Razis | 2013 | CSC | AC | Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Meusel | René | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Abreu | Ricardo | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tuva | Richert | 2013 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Laura | Rueda | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stella | Sabrina | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Trieste |
Oksana | Shadura | 2013 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Raja Babu | Sripada | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Are | Strandlie | 2013 | CSC | AC/LE | Norway | Gjøvik University College |
Yildiz | Suleyman Cenk | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Turkey | Bogazici University |
Jens | Timmerman | 2013 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Ghent University |
Barroso | Vasco | 2013 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robert | Veznaver | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Oleksandr | Viazlo | 2013 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Aleksandra | Wardzinska | 2013 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sang Un | Ahn | 2014 | CSC | ST | South Korea | Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
Mansour Salman | Alatawi | 2014 | CSC | ST | Saudi Arabia | University of Tabouk |
Lucio | Anderlini | 2014 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN e Università di Firenze |
Borja | Aparicio Cotarelo | 2014 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Juan Pedro | Araque Espinosa | 2014 | CSC | ST | Spain | LIP-Minho |
Wilco | Baan Hofman | 2014 | tCSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Dipanwitha | Banerjee | 2014 | CSC | ST | India | ETH Zurich |
Arwa | Bannoura | 2014 | CSC | ST | Palestine | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Fabienne | Baud-Lavigne | 2014 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Mehdi | Belhay | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sandro | Bjelogrlic | 2014 | CSC | ST | Croatia | NIKHEF / Utrecht University |
Erica | Brondolin | 2014 | CSC | ST | Italy | HEPHY |
Cheng-Hsi | Chao | 2014 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre |
Claude | Charlot | 2014 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Bianca-Cristina | Cristescu | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Romania | University of Manchester |
Vincent Alexander | Croft | 2014 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | NIKHEF / RU-Nijmegen |
Johannes | de Fine Licht | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Denmark | University of Copenhagen |
Vitor | De Oliveira | 2014 | CSC | AC | Portugal | Univeristy of Minho |
Marek | Denis | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adrien | Devresse | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Riccardo | Di Maria | 2014 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Cristovao Jose | Domingues Cordeiro | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | ADI Agencia de Inovaçao |
Lada | Ducheckova | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Czech Republic | Czech Technical University |
Luis | Fernandez Alvarez | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Max | Fischer | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
François | Flückiger | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Raphael Marius | Friese | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Griselda | Garcia Arza | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Juan | Garcia Ferrero | 2014 | CSC | ST | Spain | HEPHY (OAW) |
Henryk | Giemza | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Poland | National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) |
Fabian | Glaser | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Dominik | Haitz | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Helvi | Hartmann | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) |
Rainer | Haseitl | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Yasemin | Hauser | 2014 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Benedikt | Hegner | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2014 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2014 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Sverre | Jarp | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sverre | Jarp | 2014 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Brij Kishor | Jashal | 2014 | tCSC | ST | India | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Jelena | Jovicevic | 2014 | CSC | ST | Serbia | KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden |
Anastasios | Kalogeropoulos | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jukka | Kommeri | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Charalampos | Kouzinopoulos | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anna Bozena | Kowalewska | 2014 | CSC | ST | Poland | Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Eileen | Kuehn | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Jonas | Kunze | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Germany | University of Mainz |
Robert | Langenberg | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Technical University Munchen |
Zsolt | Lecz | 2014 | CSC | ST | Hungary | ELI-ALPS Szeged |
Luc | Legeard | 2014 | tCSC | ST | France | CNRS |
Jakob | Lettenbichler | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Luis Emiro | Linares Garcia | 2014 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Federica | Lionetto | 2014 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Zurich |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2014 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2014 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2014 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Mari Romero | 2014 | CSC | ST | Spain | Polytechnic University of Valencia |
Stefano | Martina | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ioanna | Miliou | 2014 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Hristo | Mohamed | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anthony | Morley | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Sweden | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Jeremi | Niedziela | 2014 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Christian | Nieke | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | TU Braunschweig |
Thomas | Nikodem | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2014 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Adam Jedrzej | Otto | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2014 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2014 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
János Dániel | Pék | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
André | Pereira | 2014 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Minho / LIP-Minho |
Andreas | Peters | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Pina | 2014 | CSC | AC | Portugal | Univeristy of Minho |
Danilo | Piparo | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2014 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Flavio | Pisani | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Puljak | 2014 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Ivica | Puljak | 2014 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2014 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Dinyar | Rabady | 2014 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Benjamin | Radburn-Smith | 2014 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Rodriguez Peon | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Antonio | Romero Marin | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Rubio-Roy | 2014 | tCSC | ST | France | CNRS |
Dan | Saunders | 2014 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Bristol University |
Oksana | Shadura | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
Elvin Alin | Sindrilaru | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joshua Wyatt | Smith | 2014 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Michael | Sokolov | 2014 | CSC | ST | Russia | Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University |
Adam | Sosnowski | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Katarzyna | Stachyra | 2014 | tCSC | ST | France | Universite Montpellier II |
Stefan Nicolae | Stancu | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Strutz | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Pavlo | Svirin | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine |
Pawel | Szostek | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Phillipp | Tepel | 2014 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Helga | Timko | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Katsuaki | Tomoyori | 2014 | CSC | ST | Japan | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Qurat | Ulain | 2014 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | COMSATS Institute of Information Technology |
Vytautas | Vislavicius | 2014 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Lund University |
Viktor | Voros | 2014 | CSC | ST | Hungary | ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. |
Antonis | Voulgaridis | 2014 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Volodymyr | Vovchenko | 2014 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Frankfurt University / GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung |
Muhammad | Waqar | 2014 | CSC | ST | Pakistan | COMSATS Institute of Information Technology |
Adam | Wegrzynek | 2014 | tCSC | ST | France | Warsaw University of Technology |
Damian | Wejnerowski | 2014 | CSC | ST | Poland | Bergen University College |
Sebastian Jerzy | Witowski | 2014 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hauser | Yasemin | 2014 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Eda | Yildirim | 2014 | CSC | ST | Turkey | DESY |
Hao | Yin | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Chiara | Zampolli | 2014 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Kim | Albertsson | 2015 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lulea University of Technology |
Danai | Andriopoulou | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anastasios | Andronidis | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Ioannina |
Alejandro | Aviles Del Moral | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Julian Andres | Badillo Rojas | 2015 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Fionn Amhairghen | Ball | 2015 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Bristol |
Dimitrios | Bandekas | 2015 | CSC | AC | Greece | Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Inst. of Technology |
Catrin | Bernius | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | New York University |
Ludovico | Bianchi | 2015 | CSC | ST | Italy | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Simone | Bologna | 2015 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca |
Serhiy | Boychenko | 2015 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Universidade de Coimbra |
Antonio | Branca | 2015 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Erica | Brondolin | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Ivan Dario | Caicedo Sierra | 2015 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Czech Technical University |
Valentina Maria Martina | Cairo | 2015 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Calabria / CERN |
Jose Daniel | Cano Arco | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
John Harvey | Casallas Leon | 2015 | CSC | ST | Colombia | Universidad de los Andes |
Rene | Caspart | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | KIT |
James | Catmore | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Jose Andres | Cordero Benitez | 2015 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Marco | Corvo | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Universita / INFN Ferrara |
Antoaneta | Damyanova | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Universite de Geneve |
Michael | Davis | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adam Mateusz | Dendek | 2015 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Alexander | Dibbo | 2015 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | STFC - RAL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Marcos | Fermin Lobo | 2015 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
François | Flückiger | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Leonor | Frazao | 2015 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Bristol |
Miguel | Garcia Gonzalez | 2015 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Ksenia | Gasnikova | 2015 | CSC | ST | Russia | DESY |
Despina | Gkika | 2015 | CSC | AC | Greece | Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Inst. of Technology |
João | Gouveia | 2015 | CSC | ST | Portugal | Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Julius Maximilian | Gronefeld | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Diana | Gudu | 2015 | CSC | ST | Romania | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Karel | Ha | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yasemin | Hauser | 2015 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Benedikt | Hegner | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2015 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Akos | Hencz | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kuo-Hao | Ho | 2015 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Malte Georg | Hoffmann | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hamburg University |
Asa | Hsu | 2015 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre |
Rogerio | Iope | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Brazil | UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista |
Todor Trendafilov | Ivanov | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Bulgaria | University of Sofia |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2015 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Ioannis | Kalathas | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Inst. of Technology |
Luka | Kanjir | 2015 | CSC | ST | Croatia | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Evgenios | Karanikolaou | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | DUTh - Democritus University of Thrace |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2015 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Ioannis | Kazanidis | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Thomas | Keck | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | KIT |
Axel | König | 2015 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Pavlos | Kosmidis | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Kamil Henryk | Krol | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yakov Petrovich | Kulinich | 2015 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Nicolas | Lang | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Santeri Henrikki | Laurila | 2015 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Ronja | Lewke | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2015 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Giuseppe | Lo Presti | 2015 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Artur | Lobanov | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2015 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Christos | Lougiakis | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Steffen | Maeland | 2015 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Lykourgos | Magafas | 2015 | CSC | AC | Greece | Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Inst. of Technology |
Lucas | Mcconnell | 2015 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Pedro Manuel | Mendes Correia | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | University of Aveiro |
Hristo | Mohamed | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Bulgaria | University of Sofia |
Evangelos | Montesnitsalis | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Matheus | Morais | 2015 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) |
Damian Radoslaw | Moskalik | 2015 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Kwinten | Nelissen | 2015 | CSC | ST | Hungary | ELI-ALPS Szeged |
Panagiotis | Nikoloutsopoulos | 2015 | CSC | ST | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2015 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2015 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2015 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Joaquim Manuel | Pereira Rocha | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Peters | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Malgorzata Maria | Pikies | 2015 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Danilo | Piparo | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2015 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Maksim | Piskunov | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Russia | Institute for Nuclear Research RAS (RU) |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2015 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Puljak | 2015 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Ivica | Puljak | 2015 | tCSC | AC/LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2015 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Quartullo | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Benjamin | Radburn-Smith | 2015 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Miroslav | Radman | 2015 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | MEDILS Croatia |
Rocio | Rama Ballesteros | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nathalie | Rauschmayr | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mario | Rey Regulez | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Rodriguez | 2015 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa |
Herve | Rousseau | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maria | Roussi | 2015 | CSC | AC | Greece | Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Inst. of Technology |
Gerhard Ferdinand | Rzehorz | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August-Universitaet Göttingen / CERN |
Aram | Santogidis | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel Martin | Saunders | 2015 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | unknown |
Ferdinand Wilhelm | Schenck | 2015 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Alexis Andre | Schreiber | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Illya | Shapoval | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN KIPT UNIFE INFN-FE |
Edvin | Sidebo | 2015 | CSC | ST | Sweden | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Vikas | Singhal | 2015 | tCSC | ST | India | Energy |
Sebastian | Skambraks | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität München |
Joshua Wyatt | Smith | 2015 | tCSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Kacper | Surdy | 2015 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivan | Tertychnyy | 2015 | CSC | ST | Russia | NRC-KI |
Heiner | Tholen | 2015 | CSC | ST | Germany | Hamburg University |
Xolisile Octavia | Thusini | 2015 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Helga | Timko | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Annika | Vanhoefer | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Hamburg University |
Viesturs | Veckalns | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Vassil | Verguilov | 2015 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | Bulgaria Academy of Sciences |
Joao Vitor | Viana Barbosa | 2015 | CSC | ST | Portugal | FCT Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia |
Carlos | Vigo Hernandez | 2015 | CSC | ST | Spain | ETH Zurich |
Maria Carmela | Vitelli | 2015 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Sannio |
Ji?í | Vysko?il | 2015 | CSC | ST | Czech Republic | Czech Technical University |
Adam Tadeusz | Wegrzynek | 2015 | CSC | ST | Poland | Warsaw University of Technology |
Hauser | Yasemin | 2015 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Anna | Zaborowska | 2015 | CSC | ST | Poland | CERN Warsaw / University of Technology |
Serena | Ziviani | 2015 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università di Modena / Reggio Emilia |
Cesar | Aguilera Padilla | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Alexopoulos | 2016 | CSC | ST | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Frank | Berghaus | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nicolò | Biesuz | 2016 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università di Pisa / INFN |
Georgios | Bitzes | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pascal | Boeschoten | 2016 | CSC | ST | France | Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes |
Eric | Borenstein | 2016 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Florida Atlantic University |
Krystof | Borkovec | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nils | Braun | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Germany | KIT |
Lukas | Breitwieser | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Brianza | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Daniel | Campora Perez | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Casalegno | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Blue Brain Project - EPFL |
Shao-Ting | Cheng | 2016 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Michele | Coeck | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | SCK-CEN |
Jorgen | D'Hondt | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | VUB |
Vincenzo | De Notaris | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adriano | Di Florio | 2016 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università / INFN Bari |
Martine | Dierckx | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | SCK-CEN |
Daniel | Fernandez Rodriguez | 2016 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
François | Flückiger | 2016 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ben | Folsom | 2016 | CSC | ST | Sweden | European Spallation Source |
Ramon | Garcia Vela Cenal | 2016 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Nico | Giangiacomi | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Blerina | Gkotse | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adam | Glos | 2016 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Marleen | Goeman | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | VUB |
Dunja | Gotovac | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Aurelien | Gounon | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joao | Gouveia | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Johannes | Grossmann | 2016 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Christian | Gumpert | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joona Juhani | Havukainen | 2016 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2016 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Helga | Holmestad | 2016 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Gabrielle | Hugo | 2016 | CSC | ST | France | Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes |
Konstantinos | Iliakis | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aimilios | Ioannou | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2016 | CSC | LE | United States of America | LBNL |
Maik | Kahnt | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Katja | Karppinen | 2016 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2016 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2016 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Keck | 2016 | CSC | LE | Germany | KIT |
Thomas | Keck | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Germany | KIT |
Jan Just | Keijser | 2016 | tCSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Edgar | Kellermann | 2016 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Nikolaos | Kokkinis Ntrenis | 2016 | CSC | ST | Greece | Harokopio University |
Ilknur | Koseoglu | 2016 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Istanbul Technical University |
Nefeli Iliana | Kousi | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Lanza Garcia | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefanos | Laskaridis | 2016 | CSC | ST | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Christos | Lazaridis | 2016 | tCSC | ST | United States of America | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Christian | Legrain | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | SCK-CEN |
Fahui | Lin | 2016 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Jared David | Little | 2016 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of Texas at Arlington |
Lorena | Lobato Pardavila | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Petra | Loncar | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2016 | CSC | AC/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2016 | tCSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Matic | Lubej | 2016 | CSC | ST | Slovakia | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Liana Delia | Lupsa | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Eamonn James | Maguire | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pere | Mato | 2016 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Emily | McDonald | 2016 | CSC | ST | Australia | University of Melbourne |
Victor | Mikhalev | 2016 | CSC | ST | Sweden | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Miha | Muskinja | 2016 | CSC | ST | Slovakia | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Antonio | Nappi | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Catharine | Noble | 2016 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Catharine | Noble | 2016 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2016 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2016 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Mateusz | Ostaszewski | 2016 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Alberto | Pace | 2016 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2016 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Pagani | 2016 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università degli studi di Genova / INFN |
Ionut Lucian | Pestritu | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Peters | 2016 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marko | Petric | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jose Manuel | Pintor Freire | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2016 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2016 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2016 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Elias | Pree | 2016 | CSC | ST | Austria | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Markus | Prim | 2016 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Sebastian | Pulido | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Puljak | 2016 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Ivica | Puljak | 2016 | tCSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2016 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Eduardo | Rodrigues | 2016 | tCSC | ST | United States of America | University of Cincinnati |
Emil | Rofors | 2016 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University / ESS |
Herve | Rousseau | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Merlijn | Sebrechts | 2016 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Ghent University |
Zeljko | Seremet | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Joana Catarina | Soares Machado | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | EPFL - EPF Lausanne |
Pawel | Soltysiak | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Ivo | Stancic | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Are | Strandlie | 2016 | CSC | AC | Norway | University of Oslo |
Enric | Tejedor | 2016 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marios | Theodoropoulos | 2016 | CSC | ST | France | CERN / Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes |
Are | Traeet | 2016 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Bergen |
Xavier | Valls Pla | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Broen | van Besien | 2016 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Baldur | van Lew | 2016 | tCSC | ST | The Netherlands | Leiden University Medical Center |
Griet | Vanderperren | 2016 | CSC | AC | Belgium | SCK-CEN |
Ioannis | Vasilas | 2016 | tCSC | ST | Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Valentin | Volkl | 2016 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Innsbruck |
George | Adamov | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Georgia | Georgian Technical University (GTU) |
Jonatan | Adolfsson | 2017 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Niloufar | Alipour Tehrani | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Roberto | Andrade Paredes | 2017 | CSC | ST | unknown | National Polytechnic School |
Eleni Myrto | Asimakopoulou | 2017 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University |
Marzieh | Bahmani | 2017 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Navrit | Bal | 2017 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Lennaert | Bel | 2017 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Jose Maria | Benlloch Rodriguez | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Spain | Institute for Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) |
Pirmin | Berger | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | Institut für Teilchenphysik ETH |
Georgios | Bitzes | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristian | Bjoerke | 2017 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Dominic | Blöch | 2017 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Christian | Bourjau | 2017 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Denis | Boyda | 2017 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Far Eastern Federal University |
Johannes | Brandstetter | 2017 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Milene | Calvetti | 2017 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Pisa National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Julio | Calvo Pinto | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesca | Capel | 2017 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Royal Institute of Technology |
Remco | Castelijn | 2017 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Stefan-Gabriel | Chitic | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mykhailo | Dalchenko | 2017 | tCSC | ST | United States of America | Texas A&M University (TAMU) |
Ram Krishna | Dewanjee | 2017 | CSC | ST | Estonia | National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics |
Ran | Du | 2017 | CSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Edoardo Maria | Farina | 2017 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Pavia National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Placido | Fernandez Declara | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
María | Fernández Pérez | 2017 | CSC | AC | Spain | Computer Science School Technical University of Madrid |
Xavier | Ferré | 2017 | CSC | AC | Spain | Computer Science School Technical University of Madrid |
Jefferson | Fialho Coelho de Jesus | 2017 | CSC | ST | Brazil | São Paulo Research and Analysis Center |
Kevin Marcel | Floeh | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Experimental Particle Physics Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
François | Flückiger | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriele | Fronzé | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics / University of Turin / SUBATECH |
Miroslav | Gabriel | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Marinela | García | 2017 | CSC | AC | Spain | Computer Science School Technical University of Madrid |
Moritz | Gelb | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Jochen | Gemmler | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Hugo | Gonzalez Labrador | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Helle | Gormsen | 2017 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Cambridge |
Christian | Graf | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Eva Brottmann | Hansen | 2017 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Nikola | Hardi | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Heil | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Ernst | Hellbaer | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2017 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Miguel | Hermo Serans | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Viktoria | Hinger | 2017 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Julia | Hrdinka | 2017 | CSC | ST | Austria | Vienna University of Technology |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2017 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California Berkeley |
Natalia Karina | Juszka | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2017 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2017 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Keck | 2017 | CSC | LE | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Lukas | Kreis | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Ante | Kristi? | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2017 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2017 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Madlener | 2017 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Eamonn | Maguire | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Pictet Asset Management |
Bartosz Piotr | Malecki | 2017 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Tea | Marasovi? | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Pere | Mato | 2017 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Felix | Metzner | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Auro Prasad | Mohanty | 2017 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | Institute for Subatomic Physics Utrecht University |
Servesh | Muralidharan | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Coralie | Neubuser | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Catharine | Noble | 2017 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Catharine | Noble | 2017 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2017 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Giacomo | Ortona | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Alberto | Pace | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michela | Paganini | 2017 | tCSC | ST | United States of America | Yale University |
Puneet Kumar | Patel | 2017 | CSC | ST | India | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Andrei | Patrascoiu | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Davide | Pedretti | 2017 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova / INFN - Legnaro National Laboratories |
Carlos Eugenio | Perez Lara | 2017 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Stony Brook University |
Francesco | Peri | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin |
Andreas Joachim | Peters | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2017 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Flavio | Pisani | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics / University of Bologna |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2017 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Markus | Prim | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Marina | Prvan | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Darya | Pryahina | 2017 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Thomas | Pugnat | 2017 | tCSC | ST | France | Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) |
Ivica | Puljak | 2017 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Ivica | Puljak | 2017 | tCSC | AC | Croatia | FESB Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2017 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Christina | Quast | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Rauch | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Arne Christoph | Reimers | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Joël | Repond | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Scott | Rowan | 2017 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Huddersfield |
Julien-Benjamin | Ruiz | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexandra | Schulte | 2017 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Physics Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz |
Toni | Sculac | 2017 | CSC | ST | Croatia | FESB Split |
Hannah | Short | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Antoni | Shtipliyski | 2017 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Hannu | Siikonen | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Vojtech | Simetka | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mikhail | Sizov | 2017 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Martin | Soderen | 2017 | tCSC | ST | unknown | Linköping University (LiU) |
Are | Strandlie | 2017 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexei | Sytov | 2017 | CSC | ST | Italy | Department of Physics and Earth Science University of Ferrara INFN |
Enric | Tejedor | 2017 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ulf Bobson Severin | Tigerstedt | 2017 | CSC | ST | Finland | Nordic Data Grid Facility Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Victoria | Tokareva | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Broen | van Besien | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marta | Vicente Romero | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Georgios | Voulgarakis | 2017 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tobias | Wegner | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chi-Hsun | Wu | 2017 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Benedikt | Würkner | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wojciech | Ziolek | 2017 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Alexopoulos | 2018 | tCSC | ST/LE | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Fabrizio | Alfonsi | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Fabrizio | Alfonsi | 2018 | tCSC | ST/LE | Italy | University of Bologna |
Luca | Ambroz | 2018 | tCSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Luca | Ambroz | 2018 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Simun | Andjelinovic | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Aris | Angelogiannopoulos | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Antoniazzi | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Italy | INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Francesco | Antoniazzi | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN CNAF |
Mikkel | Bjorn | 2018 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Óscar | Boente García | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Spain | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela |
Filip | Bogyai | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Karolina Maria | Bozek | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel Lawrence | Briglin | 2018 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Birmingham |
Alexander | Burker | 2018 | CSC | ST | Austria | TU Wien Atominstitut |
Julio | Calvo Pinto | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel Hugo | Campora Perez | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN / Universidad de Sevilla |
Javier | Cervantes Villanueva | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Julien | Collet | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Matteo | Concas | 2018 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN / Politecnico di Torino - DET |
Elena | Corni | 2018 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN-CNAF |
Eric Edward | Corrigan | 2018 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Diego | Davila Foyo | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marcus | De Beurs | 2018 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Michael | Eliachevitch | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Institute of Experimental Particle Physics |
Patrick | Emonts | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Remi | Ete | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Erez | Etzion | 2018 | CSC | LE | Israel | Tel Aviv University |
François | Flückiger | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Gabriel | Gallardo | 2018 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Victor Jose | Garcia Fernandez | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jochen | Gemmler | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | KIT Institute |
Paul | Gessinger-Befurt | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN / JGU Mainz |
Sven | Gotovac | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Eirik | Hatlen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Fudong | He | 2018 | CSC | ST | China | University of Science and Technology of China |
Malte | Hecker | 2018 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Christoph | Heidecker | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Experimental Particle Physics Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2018 | CSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2018 | tCSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernhard | Hohlweger | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Munich |
Jan-Paul | Hucka | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Germany | TU Darmstadt |
Jan-Paul | Hucka | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | TU Darmstadt |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2018 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California Berkeley |
Vytautas | Jankauskas | 2018 | CSC | ST | Lithuania | Vilnius University |
Jakub | Kandra | 2018 | CSC | ST | Czechia | Charles University |
Ioannis | Karkanias | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2018 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Keck | 2018 | CSC | LE | Germany | KIT |
Michal | Kolodziejski | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Piotr | Konopka | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Guy | Koren | 2018 | CSC | ST | Israel | Tel Aviv University |
Amjad | Kotobi | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikitas | Kotsolakos | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Wojciech | Krupa | 2018 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Stanko | Kruzic | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Dominik Marek | Kulikowski | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander | Leopold | 2018 | CSC | ST | France | LPNHE Paris |
Giorgio | Lopez | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | cern |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2018 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2018 | tCSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eamonn | Maguire | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Pictet Asset Management |
Laura | Martikainen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Tiago | Martins Ribeiro | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Masson | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Mathis | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität München |
Nicholai | Mauritzson | 2018 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Natalya | Melnikova | 2018 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Alexander | Melzer | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Andrea | Merli | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Università degli Studi di Milano / INFN |
Felix | Metzner | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | KIT Institute |
Christian | Michelsen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Denmark | University of Copenhagen |
Rizalina | Mingazheva | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Simone | Mosciatti | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tetiana | Moskalets | 2018 | CSC | ST | France | CEA Saclay |
Vaggelis | Motesnitsalis | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adrian Fereydon | Nassirpour | 2018 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University Department of Physics |
Dmitrii | Neverov | 2018 | CSC | ST | Japan | Nagoya University |
Niklas | Nolte | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technische Universität Dortmund |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Hubert | Odziemczyk | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Henrik | Oppen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Yaron | Otz | 2018 | CSC | LE | Israel | Tel Aviv University |
Alberto | Pace | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Vojtech | Pacik | 2018 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Peter | Paulitsch | 2018 | CSC | ST | Austria | Institute for High Energy Physics in Vienna |
Igor | Pelevanyuk | 2018 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Luigi | Pertoldi | 2018 | CSC | ST | Italy | Università degli Studi di Padova INFN Sezione di Padova |
Andreas Joachim | Peters | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Lepeke William | Phukungoane | 2018 | CSC | ST | South Africa | Center for High Performance Computing |
Danilo | Piparo | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Riccardo | Poggi | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Trine | Poulsen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Konstantin | Pugachev | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute |
Ivica | Puljak | 2018 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Ivica | Puljak | 2018 | tCSC | AC/LE | Croatia | FESB Split |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2018 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Eliezer | Rabinovici | 2018 | CSC | LE | Israel | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Miroslav | Radman | 2018 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | MEDILS Croatia |
Johann Vincent | Rauser | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Experimental Particle Physics Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Benjamin | Rottler | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Alexander | Ruede | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena |
Luisa Maria | Sanchez Avivar | 2018 | CSC | ST | Spain | Universidad de Oviedo |
Iago | Santos Pardo | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Debangana | Sarkar | 2018 | tCSC | ST | India | BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE |
Nicolas | Scharmberg | 2018 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Marcel Andre | Schneider | 2018 | tCSC | ST/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Matthias Jochen | Schnepf | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Steinbuch Centre for Computing at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Toni | Sculac | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Antoni | Shtipliyski | 2018 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Rabi | Soto Camacho | 2018 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |
William | Sutcliffe | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Maciej | Szymanski | 2018 | CSC | ST | China | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Enric | Tejedor | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Freja | Thoresen | 2018 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2018 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2018 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Petar | Tonkovic | 2018 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Knut Oddvar Hoie | Vadla | 2018 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo |
Raynette | Van Tonder | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Omar | Vazquez Rueda | 2018 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Ralf Florian | Von Cube | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Vadim | Wagner | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Germany | TU Darmstadt |
Pippa | Wells | 2018 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Wozniewski | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Institute of Experimental Particle Physics |
Stefan | Wunsch | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Zehua | Xu | 2018 | tCSC | ST | China | Tsinghua University |
Darko | Zari? | 2018 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split |
Miha | Zgubic | 2018 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Mingrui | Zhao | 2018 | CSC | ST | China | China Institute of Atomic Energy |
Knut | Zoch | 2018 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Goettingen |
Armenuhi | Abramyan | 2019 | CSC | ST | Armenia | A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory |
Sharad | Agarwal | 2019 | CSC | ST | United States of America | CERN / University of Wisconsin Madison |
Sharad | Agarwal | 2019 | tCSC | ST/LE | United States of America | University of Wisconsin Madison / CERN |
Asier | Aguado Corman | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Adeel | Ahmad | 2019 | tCSC | ST/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Akanksha | Ahuja | 2019 | CSC | ST | Bulgaria | CERN / University of Sofia |
Akanksha | Ahuja | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | EPFL Extension School |
Caio | Amadei Marques da Costa | 2019 | CSC | ST | Brazil | State University of Rio de Janeiro |
Artem | Amirkhanov | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Russian Federation | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Sitong | An | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simun | Andjelinovic | 2019 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Janik Walter | Andrejkovic | 2019 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Petr | Andriushchenko | 2019 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Far Eastern Federal University |
Miguel | Astrain Etxezarreta | 2019 | CSC | ST | Spain | Technical University of Madrid |
Yuval | Bashan | 2019 | CSC | ST | Israel | Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
Arif | Bayirli | 2019 | CSC | ST | Turkey | Bogazici University |
Iaroslava | Bezshyiko | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Yujiang | Bi | 2019 | tCSC | ST | China | Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Enrico | Bocchi | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vladimir | Bocharnikov | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Matteo | Bonanomi | 2019 | CSC | ST | France | CNRS / Ecole Polytechnique |
Syed Ali Zahir | Bukhari | 2019 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Derby |
Cedric | Caffy | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Diogo | Castro | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chen | Chen | 2019 | tCSC | ST | China | Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua University. |
Triet | Doan | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | GWDG |
Yunsheng | Dong | 2019 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN / University of Milan |
Dzhavad | Dzhavadzade | 2019 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Joshua | Fenech | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivan | Furic | 2019 | tCSC | ST | United States of America | University of Florida |
Lukas | Gedvilas | 2019 | CSC | ST | Spain | CERN / Technical University of Madrid (UPM) |
Nikolai | Gerasimenyuk | 2019 | CSC | ST | Russian Federation | Far Eastern Federal University |
Andrei | Gheata | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Duje | Giljanovic | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Syed Hashim | Gillani | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Artem | Golovatiuk | 2019 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples Federico II |
Sven | Gotovac | 2019 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Thomas Henry | Hancock | 2019 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Oxford |
Nikolai | Hartmann | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) |
Johannes Martin | Heinz | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences |
Frédéric | Hemmer | 2019 | tCSC | AC | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Henriques | 2019 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Coimbra |
Jubna | Irakkathil Jabbar | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2019 | CSC | LE | United States of America | University of California Berkeley |
Daniel | Juarez Gonzalez | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kimmo | Kallonen | 2019 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2019 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikos | Kasioumis | 2019 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Hessamoddin | Kaveh | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY |
Natasha | Khan | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Natasha | Khan | 2019 | tCSC | ST/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrius | Kirilovas | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Lithuania | Vilnius University |
Stefanie | Kirschenmann | 2019 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Emil | Kleszcz | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabian | Klimpel | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pierre | Korysko | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ioannis | Koukovinis Platias | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Cosmin | Lazar | 2019 | CSC | LE | Romania | Bosch |
Lukas | Lechner | 2019 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Kilian | Lieret | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) |
Cornelis | Ligtenberg | 2019 | CSC | ST | The Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2019 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2019 | tCSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eamonn | Maguire | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Pictet Asset Management |
Devin | Mahon | 2019 | CSC | ST | United States of America | Columbia University |
Maciej Witold | Majewski | 2019 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Narine | Manukyan | 2019 | CSC | ST | Armenia | A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory |
Pedro | Marques | 2019 | CSC | ST | Portugal | CERN / University of Lisbon |
Oliver | Matonoha | 2019 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
David | Medina Godoy | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nis | Meinert | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Institut für Physik |
Md Saad | Memon | 2019 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of St. Andrews |
Michele | Michetti | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin |
Ruchi | Mishra | 2019 | CSC | ST | Poland | Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center |
Andrew | Naylor | 2019 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
Virginia | Niculescu | 2019 | CSC | LE | Romania | Babes-Bolyai University |
Daniel Stefaniak | Nielsen | 2019 | CSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen |
Toby | Nonnenmacher | 2019 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
Andrzej | Novak | 2019 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2019 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Alberto | Pace | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Pablo | Panero | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mihai | Patrascoiu | 2019 | tCSC | ST/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos | Perez Dengra | 2019 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Andreas Joachim | Peters | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefano | Petrucci | 2019 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh |
Ciprian | Pinzaru | 2019 | CSC | ST | Romania | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University |
Danilo | Piparo | 2019 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2019 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ivica | Puljak | 2019 | CSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Ivica | Puljak | 2019 | tCSC | AC/LE | Croatia | University of Split FESB |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2019 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Goettingen |
Chloe | Ransom | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Brendan | Regnery | 2019 | CSC | ST | United States of America | University of California Davis |
Julien | Rische | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Diego | Rodriguez Rodriguez | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rita | Roque | 2019 | CSC | ST | Portugal | University of Coimbra |
Cosmin-Gabriel | Samoila | 2019 | CSC | ST | Romania | University Politehnica of Bucharest |
Anna | Scaife | 2019 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Cristian | Schuszter | 2019 | tCSC | ST/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Sciabà | 2019 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Surya | Seetharaman | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Robbie | Simpson | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Enric | Tejedor | 2019 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Templ | 2019 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Liliana | Teodorescu | 2019 | CSC | LE | United Kingdom | Brunel University |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2019 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2019 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sorin | Ujeniuc | 2019 | CSC | ST | Romania | University Politehnica of Bucharest / IFIN-HH |
Felix | Ulrich-Pur | 2019 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Willem | Verbeke | 2019 | CSC | ST | Belgium | Ghent University |
Ao | Xu | 2019 | tCSC | ST | China | Center for High Energy Physics Tsinghua University |
Ting-Chang | Yang | 2019 | CSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica |
Hevjin | Yarar | 2019 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN / University of Padova |
Juan | Zamora Solís | 2019 | CSC | ST | Mexico | Ibero-American University |
Dehua | Zhu | 2019 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Adam | Abed Abud | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Liverpool, UK; and CERN |
Alice | Alfonsi | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Konstantinos | Axiotis | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | University of Geneva, Switzerland; and CERN |
Marie | Bachmayer | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Juan | Baptista de Souza Leite | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Brazil | Brazilian Center for Research in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Matteo | Barbetti | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN and University of Florence, Italy |
Maria | Barlou | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | University of Athens, Greece |
David | Brunner | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Leonid | Burmistrov | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | IJClab/IN2P3/CNRS, France |
Florian | Bury | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Belgium | Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium |
Daniel Hugo | Campora Perez | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Netherlands | University of Maastricht |
Matthieu | Carrère | 2021 | tCSC | ST | France | LUPM / IN2P3 / CNRS, Montpellier, France |
Wonqook | Choi | 2021 | tCSC | ST | South Korea | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Neha | Chug | 2021 | tCSC | ST | India | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland |
Jose Manuel | Clavijo Columbie | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Cuba | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Patrick | Connor | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Belgium | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Leonardo | Cristella | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | CERN |
Riccardo | De Maria | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Micol | De Simoni | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Jacco Andreas | De Vries | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Netherlands | Maastricht University, Netherlands |
Sylvain | Fargier | 2021 | tCSC | ST | France | CERN |
Matteo | Favoni | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Technical University of Vienna, Austria |
Dinko | Ferencek | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Croatia | Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia |
Massimiliano | Galli | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Tonatiuh | Garcia Chavez | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Mexico | Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico |
Alexander Leon | Gilman | 2021 | tCSC | ST | United States | University of Oxford, UK |
Luca | Giommi | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna and INFN, Italy |
Davide | Giordano | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Torino and INFN, Italy |
Artur | Gottmann | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Lex | Greeven | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Netherlands | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Stephan | Hageboeck | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | CERN |
Alexandre | Hakimi | 2021 | tCSC | ST | France | LLR and Ecole Polytechnique, France |
Sassia | Hedia | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Tunisia | CEA Saclay, France |
Marc | Huwiler | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Igor | Kostiuk | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Robert | Kralik | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Slovakia | University of Sussex, UK |
Panagiotis | Lantavos-Stratigakis | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Clara | Lasaosa Garcia | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Spain | Institute of Physics of Cantabria, Santander, Spain |
Moises David | Leon Coello | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Venezuela | University of Sonora, Mexico |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2021 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Michal | Maciejewski | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Poland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Alberto | Manfreda | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN, Pisa, Italy |
Georgiana | Mania | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Romania | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Laura | Martikainen | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland |
Saswat | Mishra | 2021 | tCSC | ST | India | Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia |
Pablo Israel | Morales Guzman | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Mexico | Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany |
Jalal | Mostafa | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Lebanon | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Nikos | Nikolopoulos | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Xavier Eric | Ouvrard | 2021 | tCSC | ST | France | CERN |
Vincenzo Eduardo | Padulano | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain |
Konstantinos | Paraschou | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN, and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Danilo | Piparo | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2021 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrei | Popescu | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Romania | University of Cambridge, UK |
Atousa | Pournaghi | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Iran | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Laura | Promberger | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | CERN |
Ivica | Puljak | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Thorben | Quast | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Germany | CERN |
Dimbiniaina | Rafanoharana | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Madagascar | Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany |
Michael | Reid | 2021 | tCSC | ST | United States | Cornell University, Ithaca, US |
Haakon Andre | Reme-Ness | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Norway | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Sergey | Ryzhikov | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Russia | IHEP, Russia |
Athanasios | Samantas | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Toni | Sculac | 2021 | tCSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Mykyta | Shchedrolosiev | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Edward | Shields | 2021 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | INFN and University of Milano, Italy |
Bartosz | Sobol | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Poland | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland |
Maksim Melnik | Storetvedt | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Norway | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway |
Olga | Sunneborn Gudnadottir | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2021 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Natalia | Triantafyllou | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Liv Helen | Vage | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Norway | Imperial College London, UK |
Ferdinand-Joseph | Vanmaele | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Belgium | Heidelberg University, Germany |
Anna | Vnuchenko | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Ukraine | CERN |
Dorothea | vom Bruch | 2021 | tCSC | LE | France | CPPM/CNRS |
Albert | Zhou | 2021 | tCSC | ST | Australia | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Ahmed | Abdelmotteleb | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
Andrey | Abramov | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Igor | Abritta Costa | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | Roma Tre University |
Mohamed | Aly | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
Chemseddine | Ananna | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Rocco | Ardino | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Padua, Italy |
Mauricio | Ayllon Unzueta | 2022 | CSC | ST | United States | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States |
Maximilian | Babeluk | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY, Vienna, Austria |
Moritz | Bauer | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Maryam | Bayatmakou | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Zacarias | Benta | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Portugal | LIP, Lisbon, Portugal |
Philipp Peter | Blumer | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Michael | Boehler | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany |
Ludmila | Botelho | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics PAN, Poland |
Alexandre Franck | Boyer | 2022 | sCSC | ST | France | Clermont Auvergne University, France |
Davide | Bruschini | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa, Italy |
Aodhan | Burke | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
Oleksandr | Burlayenko | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany |
Elena | Busch | 2022 | CSC | ST | United States | Columbia University, New York City, United States |
Daniel Hugo | Campora Perez | 2022 | tCSC | LE | Netherlands | University of Maastricht |
Elisabet | Carrasco Santos | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Spain | PIC-IFAE, Barcelona, Spain |
Viola | Cavallini | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Ferrara and INFN, Italy |
Martin | Cejp | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aleksei | Chernov | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland |
Jin | Choi | 2022 | tCSC | ST | South Korea | Seoul National University, South Korea |
Olha | Chuchuk | 2022 | CSC | ST | France | CERN and Inria, Cote d'Azur University, France |
Neha | Chug | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland |
Pierfrancesco | Cifra | 2022 | CSC | ST | Netherlands | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
David | Cohen | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Israel | Technion, Haifa, Israel |
Andrew Picot | Conaboy | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
Rose | Cooper | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), United Kingdom |
Brice | Copy | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Davide | Cremonini | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN and University of Bologna, Italy |
David | Crooks | 2022 | sCSC | LE | United Kingdom | UKRI STFC |
Pau | Cutrina Vilalta | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Thomas | Dack | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), United Kingdom |
Radu | Daia | 2022 | CSC | ST | Romania | University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania |
Konstantinos | Damanakis | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY, Vienna, Austria |
Archita Rani | Dash | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Munster, Germany |
Remco | de Boer | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Gianmaria | Del Monte | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Claudia Caterina | Delogu | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Padua, Italy |
Matthew Steven | Doidge | 2022 | sCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Lancaster, UK |
Marco | Donadoni | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrei-Daniel | Dumitru | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Patrick | Ecker | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Per Alexander | Ekman | 2022 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University, Sweden |
Maria | Fava | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Finn | Feindt | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Javier | Ferrer | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mateusz | Fila | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Poland | University of Warsaw, Poland |
Federico | Fornari | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy |
Sven | Gabriel | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Massimiliano | Galli | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Marcela | Garcia Hernandez | 2022 | CSC | ST | Mexico | National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico |
Elena | Gazzarrini | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Krunal Bipin | Gedia | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Marvin Emin | Geyik | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Wuppertal, Germany |
Andrei | Gheata | 2022 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Miltiadis | Gialousis | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luca | Giommi | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna and INFN, Italy |
German Felipe | Giraldo Villa | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Maciej Artur | Giza | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland |
Franz | Glessgen | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Christian | Grech | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Aurora | Grefsrud | 2022 | CSC | ST | Norway | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Kristina | Gunne | 2022 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Neven | Gutic | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Hageboeck | 2022 | CSC | LE | Germany | CERN |
Felix | Hagemann | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany |
Isabel | Haide | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Nathan | Heatley | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom |
Christian | Henke | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Germany | University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany |
Jack | Henschel | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Hofer | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joshua | Horswill | 2022 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
Maximilian Maria | Horzela | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Daniel | Hundhausen | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Konstantinos | Iliakis | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gianfranco | Ingratta | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN, Bologna, Italy |
Guillermo | Izquierdo Moreno | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2022 | CSC | LE | United States | University of California Berkeley |
Daniel | Juarez Gonzalez | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Won | Jun | 2022 | tCSC | ST | South Korea | Seoul National University, South Korea |
Henrik | Junkerkalefeld | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn, Germany |
Paweł | Jurgielewicz | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland |
Ante | Jurjević | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Croatia | University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Ivan | Kabadzhov | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Kamila | Kalecinska | 2022 | CSC | LE | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland |
Melih | Kara | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Stefanie | Kaser | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY, Vienna, Austria |
Peter | Kicsiny | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gerd | Kluge | 2022 | CSC | ST | Norway | University of Oslo, Norway |
Piotr | Konopka | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tomas | Kontrimas | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Charis Kleio | Koraka | 2022 | tCSC | ST | United States | University of Wisconsin Madison, US |
William | Korcari | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Igor | Kostiuk | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Netherlands | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Daniel | Kouril | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Czechia | Masaryk University, Brno |
Barbara | Krasovec | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Slovenia | ISJ Ljubljana |
Aurora | Langella | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Björn | Leder | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
Christopher | Lee | 2022 | sCSC | ST | United States | Stony Brook University, New York, US |
Abhishek | Lekshmanan | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ruohan | Li | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Fabian | Lingenhöl | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2022 | sCSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2022 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2022 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Florian | Lorkowski | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Stefan | Lueders | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Valeriia | Lukashenko | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Netherlands | Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Thomas | Madlener | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Eamonn | Maguire | 2022 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Proton |
Mostafa | Mahdavikhorrami | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Belgium | Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
Jakub | Malczewski | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland |
Raquel | Malta | 2022 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Federal University of ABC, Brazil |
Saverio | Mariani | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN Florence, Italy |
Jose Luis | Martinez Marin | 2022 | CSC | ST | United States | Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, United States |
Matteo | Migliorini | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Padua, Italy |
Zuzana | Moravcova | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Denmark | Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Cecilia Maria | Morcillo Perez | 2022 | CSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain |
Joana | Niermann | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | University of Goettingen, Germany |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2022 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | TIK Services |
Ryunosuke | O'Neil | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
Hubert | Odziemczyk | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Francisco | Ogallar Ruiz | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander Maximilian | Paasch | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Alberto | Pace | 2022 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sokratis | Papadopoulos | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas Joachim | Peters | 2022 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexander Julian | Pfleger | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2022 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2022 | sCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2022 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2022 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2022 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2022 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Goettingen |
Valentina | Raskina | 2022 | tCSC | ST | France | LPNHE-CNRS, France |
Wahid | Redjeb | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Anupama | Reghunath | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
Mathieu | Rodrigues Da Conceicao | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tim Sebastian | Rogoschinski | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany |
Simone | Rossi Tisbeni | 2022 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna, Italy |
José Alejandro | Rubiera Gimeno | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Graziella | Russo | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Riccardo | Salvatico | 2022 | tCSC | ST | United States | University of Kansas, US |
Nicole | Schulte | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Dortmund, Germany |
Ana | Sculac | 2022 | CSC | ST | Croatia | University of Split, Croatia |
Toni | Sculac | 2022 | CSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
Marcos Antonio | Seco Miguelez | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Spain | IGFAE, Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
Mayank | Sharma | 2022 | sCSC | ST | United States | University of Texas at Arlington, US |
Vitor José | Shen | 2022 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Hannah | Short | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Elton | Shumka | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Bulgaria | University of Sofia, Bulgaria |
Patrick | Sieberer | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY, Vienna, Austria |
Ankur | Singh | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Igor | Slazyk | 2022 | CSC | ST | Norway | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Christian Ulrik | Soettrup | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Denmark | University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Felipe Luan | Souza De Almeida | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Brazil | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Peter | Stratmann | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Munster, Germany |
Tomasz | Szumlak | 2022 | CSC | LE | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland |
Jacopo | Talpini | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Italy | University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy |
Jeny | Teheran Sierra | 2022 | sCSC | ST | United States | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, US |
Aravind | Thachayath Sugunan | 2022 | tCSC | ST | India | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India |
Alexander | Thaler | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | University of Innsbruck, Austria |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2022 | sCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2022 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Joelma | Tolomeo | 2022 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Diogo Filipe | Tomas Guerra | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carina | Trippl | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Beata | Trzpil-Jurgielewicz | 2022 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland |
Ilias | Tsaklidis | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn, Germany |
Aman | Upadhyay | 2022 | tCSC | ST | India | National Institute of Science Education and Research, India |
Antonio | Vagnerini | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Turin, Italy |
Davide | Valsecchi | 2022 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland |
Roberto | Valverde Cameselle | 2022 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alba | Vendrell Moya | 2022 | CSC | ST | Spain | CERN |
Akanksha | Vishwakarma | 2022 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
Dorothea | vom Bruch | 2022 | tCSC | LE | France | CPPM/CNRS |
Lubos | Vozdecky | 2022 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom |
Felix | Wagner | 2022 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY, Vienna, Austria |
Ron | Wagner | 2022 | CSC | ST | Israel | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Romain | Wartel | 2022 | sCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Williams | 2022 | CSC | ST | United States | Columbia University, New York City, United States |
Darja-Anna | Yurovsky | 2022 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | SWITCH, Zurich, Switzerland |
Philipp | Zehetner | 2022 | CSC | ST | Germany | CERN |
Bernardo | Abreu Figueiredo | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
James | Acris | 2023 | sCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Sten | Astrand | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Vlad-Andrei | Badoiu | 2023 | CSC | ST | Romania | University Politehnica of Bucharest |
Emmanouil | Bagakis | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Berk | Balci | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Benjamin | Banto Oberhauser | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zürich IPA |
Sara | Benitez Berrocal | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marta | Bertran Ferrer | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Benedikt | Bieringer | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | University of Münster |
Jyoti Prakash | Biswal | 2023 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Diego | Cabas Alvarez | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lara | Calic | 2023 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Daniel | Campora | 2023 | tCSC | LE | Netherlands | Maastricht University |
Viola | Cavallini | 2023 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN and University of Ferrara |
Sofia | Cella | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Chainika | Chauhan | 2023 | CSC | ST | Czechia | Charles University |
Charlie | Chen | 2023 | CSC | ST | Canada | University of Victoria |
Anna | Churilova | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Carlos Eduardo | Cocha Toapaxi | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Heidelberg |
Alessio | Cosenza | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
David | Crooks | 2023 | sCSC | LE | United Kingdom | UKRI STFC |
Tom | Dack | 2023 | sCSC | LE | United Kingdom | STFC |
Konstantinos | Dalianis | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Florine | de Geus | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jernej | Debevc | 2023 | CSC | ST | Slovenia | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Lorenzo | Del Pianta | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nuno | Dos Santos Fernandes | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |
Christian | Dreisbach | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Munich |
Marco | Faltelli | 2023 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN |
Siavas | Firoozbakht | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
François | Flückiger | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mathis | Frahm | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Universität Hamburg |
Sven | Gabriel | 2023 | sCSC | LE | Netherlands | NIKHEF |
Enrique | Garcia | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jan | Gavranovic | 2023 | CSC | ST | Slovenia | The Jozef Stefan Institute |
Andrei | Gheata | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Jamie | Gooding | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Dortmund |
Kristina | Gunne | 2023 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2023 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2023 | sCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Hageboeck | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hadi | Hashamipour | 2023 | CSC | ST | Iran | The Institute for Research in Fundamental Science |
Alexander | Heidelbach | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Lukas | Heinrich | 2023 | CSC | LE | Germany | Technische Universitat Munchen |
Zdenko | Hives | 2023 | CSC | ST | Czechia | Charles University |
Robin | Hofsaess | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Institute for Experimental Particle Physics and Steinbuch Centre for Computing |
Ting-Hsiang | Hsu | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Taiwan | National Taiwan University |
Patin | Inkaew | 2023 | CSC | ST | Finland | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Kaare Endrup | Iversen | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Pratik | Jawahar | 2023 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester - ATLAS Experiment |
Izabela | Juszczak | 2023 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN |
Sabin Hashmi | Kalavan Kadavath | 2023 | CSC | ST | Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology |
Apostolos | Karvelas | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Greece | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Ewoud | Ketele | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fauzia | Khan | 2023 | CSC | ST | Estonia | University of Tartu |
David Martin | Koch | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität |
Violeta | Koleva | 2023 | sCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Arm |
Daniel | Kouril | 2023 | sCSC | LE | Czechia | Masaryk University |
Barbara | Krasovec | 2023 | sCSC | LE | Slovenia | ISJ |
Anna | Kravchenko | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Johannes | Lange | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Universität Hamburg |
Giovanna | Lazzari Miotto | 2023 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul |
Mateusz | Leputa | 2023 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | ISIS Neutron and Muon Source |
Elias | Leutgeb | 2023 | CSC | ST | Austria | CERN |
Przemyslaw | Lewandowski | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anfeng | Li | 2023 | CSC | ST | China | Tsinghua University |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2023 | sCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stefan | Lueders | 2023 | sCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Eamonn | Maguire | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | Proton |
Elizabeth | Mamtsits | 2023 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Xola | Mapekula | 2023 | tCSC | ST | South Africa | University of Johannesburg |
Matteo | Marchegiani | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zürich |
Javier | Martinez Samblas | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Spain | CIEMAT |
Krzysztof Michal | Mastyna | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pere | Mato | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Mark Nicholas | Matthewman | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Christopher | Matthies | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg |
Matthias | Mayer | 2023 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Roberta | Miccoli | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Italy | INFN CNAF |
Ehsan | Moradpur Tari | 2023 | CSC | ST | Estonia | University of Tartu |
Diego | Morenza Vazquez | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN (Universidad de Oviedo) |
Stefan E. | Müller | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Vlad-Iulius | Nastase | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Romania | University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest |
Nina Francesca | Nathanson | 2023 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Davide | Nicotra | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Netherlands | Maastricht University |
Timothy | Noble | 2023 | tCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science & Technology Facilities Council / Rutherford Appleton Labs |
Andrzej | Nowak | 2023 | tCSC | LE | Poland | TIK services |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2023 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2023 | sCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Raul | Nunez Garcia | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Matic | Orehar | 2023 | CSC | ST | Slovenia | University of Ljubljana |
Ferhat | Öztürk | 2023 | CSC | ST | Poland | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN |
Alberto | Pace | 2023 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2023 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2023 | sCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Aroosha | Pervaiz | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Peters | 2023 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexandros | Petridis | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alexandros | Petridis | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Bernhard | Pilsl | 2023 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY |
Alberto | Pimpo | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Danilo | Piparo | 2023 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Uday Saidev | Polisetty | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Georg-August University of Goettingen |
Callum | Pollock | 2023 | sCSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2023 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Jaroslaw | Polok | 2023 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2023 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ning | Qin | 2023 | CSC | ST | China | Tsinghua University |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2023 | CSC | LE | Germany | University of Göttingen |
Elizaveta | Ragozina | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Diogo | Reis Santos | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lea | Reuter | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Valeria Zelina | Reyna Ortiz | 2023 | CSC | ST | Poland | Jan Kochanowski University |
Andries Roeland J | Reyskens | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Javier | Romero Castro | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simone | Rossi Tisbeni | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna |
Pavithran | Sakamuri | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies |
Alejandro | Sanchez Teruel | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lorenzo | Santi | 2023 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Rome, La Sapienza |
Christof | Sauer | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut |
Cristian | Schuszter | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Anton | Schwarz | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Toni | Sculac | 2023 | CSC | LE | Croatia | University of Split |
rabia | shaheen | 2023 | CSC | ST | Sweden | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Vasvi | Sharma | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Shrija Rajen | Sheth | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ksenia | Solovieva | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg |
Eva | Sommer | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Joey | Staa | 2023 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Andreas | Stefl | 2023 | CSC | ST | Austria | Vienna University of Technology |
Roman | Sumailov | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Natalia Diana | Szczepanek | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simon | Thiele | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn |
giorgia | tonani | 2023 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN and University of Milan |
Marcel | Trattner | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Germany | HTW Berlin / PUNCH4nfid |
Spyridon | Trigazis | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Valenzuela Ramirez | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Fabio | Vanoni | 2023 | CSC | ST | Italy | Polytechnic of Milan |
Francesco | Vaselli | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Italy | INFN & Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa |
Miguel | Viana | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Portugal | LIP |
Marta | Vila Fernandes | 2023 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Tim | Voigtlaender | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Dorothea | vom Bruch | 2023 | tCSC | LE | France | CPPM/CNRS |
Luka | Vomberg | 2023 | CSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn |
Leon | Welchert | 2023 | sCSC | ST | Germany | University of Münster |
Zenny Jovi Joestar | Wettersten | 2023 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Vsevolod | Yeroshenko | 2023 | CSC | ST | France | Paris-Saclay University |
Alberto | Pace | 2024 | tCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2024 | tCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2024 | tCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Campora | 2024 | tCSC | LE | Spain | NVIDIA |
Danilo | Piparo | 2024 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2024 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Guilherme | Amadio | 2024 | tCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Airat | Galiamov | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Russia | Promwad d.o.o. |
Aleksandar | Petos | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | University of Belgrade |
Alper | Pahsa | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Türkiye | Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University |
Anna | Bartsch | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Carmen | Marcos | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Spain | CERN |
Christian | Winter | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Experimental Particle Physics, KIT |
Chrysoula | Dikonimaki | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Damir | Devetak | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | University of Belgrade |
Daniele | Dal Santo | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bern |
Danilo | Djordjevic | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | Trinity Smart It |
Diana | Gaponcic | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Romania | CERN |
Dijana | Knežević | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | Information technology school (ITS) |
Fotis | Giasemis | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Greece | LIP6/LPNHE |
Georg | Sumailov | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Estonia | CERN |
Giacomo | Da Molin | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Italy | LIP Lisbon |
Gianmaria | Del Monte | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Italy | CERN |
Jordy | Butter | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Netherlands | University of Cambridge |
Jovan | Kupusović | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | Faculty of Sciences |
Laura | Boggia | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Switzerland | LPNHE / CNRS |
Lekang | Jia | 2024 | tCSC | ST | China | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Luka | Cubrilo | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | University of Novi Sad |
Luka | Stanic | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | University of Belgrade |
Nicole | Schulte | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | TU Dortmund University |
Nikolaos | Smyrnioudis | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Greece | CERN |
Paolo | Cacace | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Italy | CERN |
Pedro Miguel | Esteves Maximino | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Portugal | CERN |
Peter | Hinderberger | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Technical University of Munich |
Richard | Salomon | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | University of Münster |
Severin | Diederichs | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | CERN |
Stefan | Grubic | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | Visoka škola strukovnih studija za IT |
Viktor | Varkulja | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Serbia | ITS - Information Technology School |
Cedric | Verstege | 2024 | tCSC | ST | Germany | Institute of Experimental Particle Physics, KIT |
Alberto | Pace | 2024 | CSC | DI/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2024 | CSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2024 | CSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Ana-Lucia | Varbanescu | 2024 | CSC | LE | Netherlands | University of Twente |
Andreas Joachim | Peters | 2024 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrei | Gheata | 2024 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Arnulf | Quadt | 2024 | CSC | LE | Germany | Universität Göttingen |
Bob | Jacobsen | 2024 | CSC | LE | USA | University of California, Berkeley |
Giulio | Eulisse | 2024 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Judith | Katzy | 2024 | CSC | LE | Germany | DESY |
Peter | Steinbach | 2024 | CSC | LE | Germany | HZDR |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2024 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Hageboeck | 2024 | CSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Toni | Šćulac | 2024 | CSC | LE | Croatia | Faculty of Science, University of Split |
Zeinab | Abdelrazik | 2024 | CSC | ST | Egypt | Faculty of science / Cairo university |
Laurids | Adler | 2024 | CSC | ST | Austria | MedAustron |
Cristina-Andreea | Alexe | 2024 | CSC | ST | Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore & INFN Pisa |
Dominik | Arominski | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Sten | Astrand | 2024 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Atakan | Azakli | 2024 | CSC | ST | Canada | Simon Fraser University |
Abdul | Aziz | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UKRI STFC |
Sara Rebeca | Ban | 2024 | CSC | ST | Romania | Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)/IFIN-HH |
Anna | Bartsch | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Nora | Bluhme | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main |
Leesa | Brown | 2024 | CSC | ST | Canada | University of Victoria/TRIUMF |
Niels | Bügel | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Mariano | Cababie | 2024 | CSC | ST | Austria | HEPHY / TU Wien |
Rongrong | Cai | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN/EPFL |
Daniele | Calzolari | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
James | Carpenter | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Durham |
Harshit | Choudhary | 2024 | CSC | ST | Canada | Simon Fraser University |
Donald | Chung | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
George | Coldstream | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) |
Adriano | Del Vincio | 2024 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Brescia |
Nikita | Dolganov | 2024 | CSC | ST | Canada | Simon Fraser University |
Colas | Droin | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Guillermo | Facundo Colunga | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lorenz | Fischl | 2024 | CSC | ST | Austria | EBG MedAustron GmbH |
Antra | Gaile | 2024 | CSC | ST | Latvia | Riga Technical University Institute of Particle Physics and Accelerator Technologies |
Lorenz | Gärtner | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Andrea | Germinario | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andreas | Gruber | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Giovanni | Guerrieri | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Simran Sunil | Gurdasani | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Thierry Guillaume | Harte | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Johannes | Hessler | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Kaare Endrup | Iversen | 2024 | CSC | ST | Sweden | Lund University |
Valerii | Kholoimov | 2024 | CSC | ST | Spain | Instituto de Física Corpuscular |
Ankur | Kothiwal | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Aleksandra | Kowalczuk | 2024 | CSC | ST | Poland | Accenture/University of Warsaw/WSB Merito Universities |
Nicolo | Lai | 2024 | CSC | ST | Italy | University of Padova |
Szymon | Lopaciuk | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Clemens | Maderböck | 2024 | CSC | ST | Austria | EBG MedAustron GmbH |
Daniele | Massaro | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Larissa | Mendes | 2024 | CSC | ST | Germany | Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY |
Thales | Menezes De Oliveira | 2024 | CSC | ST | Brazil | Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF) |
Spyridon | Merianos | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Con | Muangkod | 2024 | CSC | ST | United States | University of Colorado Boulder |
Luis Antonio | Obis Aparicio | 2024 | CSC | ST | Spain | CAPA / University of Zaragoza |
Ki Ryeong | Park | 2024 | CSC | ST | United States | Columbia University |
Gustavo | Patino-Alvarez | 2024 | CSC | ST | Colombia | University of Antioquia |
Rosa | Petrini | 2024 | CSC | ST | Italy | INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) |
Eirini | Poimenidou | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Stephan | Potgieter | 2024 | CSC | ST | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Zefran | Rozario | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Glasgow |
Sebastian | Ruiz Gonzalez | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of York |
Giovanni | Rupnik Boero | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gaelle | Sadowski | 2024 | CSC | ST | France | CNRS-IPHC |
Philipp | Schreiner | 2024 | CSC | ST | Austria | TU Wien, HEPHY |
Konstantina | Skovola | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Felix | Soubelet | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Michel | Succar | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Volodymyr | Svintozelskyi | 2024 | CSC | ST | Ukraine | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Denys | Timoshyn | 2024 | CSC | ST | Czechia | Charles University, Faculty of Math and Physics |
Stylianos | Tzelepis | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Paul | Van Uytvinck | 2024 | CSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Elliot | Watton | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Glasgow |
Nicholas | Whyatt | 2024 | CSC | ST | United Kingdom | UKRI - STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Scientific Computing |
Ota | Zaplatilek | 2024 | CSC | ST | Czechia | Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU in Prague) |
Alberto | Pace | 2024 | mlCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2024 | mlCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2024 | mlCSC | TM | Switzerland | CERN |
Ilaria | Louise | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Michael | Schenk | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Francesco | Vaselli | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore & INFN Pisa |
Verena | Kain | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sofia | Vallecorsa | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Toni | Šćulac | 2024 | mlCSC | LE | Croatia | Faculty of Science, University of Split |
Mammad | Aliyev | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Glasgow |
Maria | Bossa | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Italy | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Napoli |
Nikolina | Bunijevac | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Yi-Ru | CHEN | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Taiwan | Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Luka | Čubrilo | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Serbia | University of Novi Sad |
Federica | Cuna | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Italy | INFN- Sezione di Bari |
Jimil | Desai | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | European Organization for Nuclear Physics (CERN) |
Matei Stefan | Filip | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Romania | 1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania 2) IFIN-HH, Particle Physics Department, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania |
Antonio | Gilardi | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | CERN |
Yanxi | Gu | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | University of California, San Diego |
Malek | Haj Tahar | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | TRANSMUTEX SA |
Fiona Ann | Jolly | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | India | Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) |
Pavlo | Kashko | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Belgium | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels) |
Veronica Soelund | Kirsebom | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Nino | Kovačić | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Croatia | Faculty of Science (PMF), University of Zagreb |
Lakshan Ram | Madhan Mohan | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | University of Cambridge |
Jack Charlie | Munday | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrea | Paccagnella | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Italy | Università Degli Studi di Firenze |
Lukas | Pfaffenbichler | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | Technical University of Vienna CERN, ATLAS |
Alberto | Pimpo | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | CERN |
Asrith Krishna | Radhakrishnan | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Italy | University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
George | Raduta | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK; - ALICE, CERN |
Anupama | Reghunath | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Germany | Humboldt University of Berlin |
Stella Felice | Schaefer | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Germany | University of Hamburg, (CERN beginning Oct. 1st) |
Phil Lennart | Stahlhut | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Germany | Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University |
Jaroslav | Štorek | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Simon | Thiele | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Germany | University of Bonn, Physical Institute |
Nikodemas | Tuckus | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Lithuania | CERN (EP-CMG-CO) |
Joel Axel | Wulff | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | CERN |
Ho Yin Derek | Yeung | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | United Kingdom | University of Manchester |
Luxin | Zhang | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | France | University of Science and Technology of China |
Dina L | Zimmermann | 2024 | mlCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pace | 2024 | itCSC | DI | Switzerland | CERN |
Kristina | Gunne | 2024 | itCSC | AM | Switzerland | CERN |
Andrzej | Nowicki | 2024 | itCSC | TM/LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Abhishek | Lekshmanan | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Alberto | Pimpo | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ben | Jones | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Diana | Gaponcic | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Diogo | Castro | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Enric | Tejedor Saavedra | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Francisco | Borges Aurindo Barros | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Giacomo | Tenaglia | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Hannah | Short | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Donadoni | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Nils | Hoimyr | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Pedro Miguel | Esteves Maximino | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Raulian-Ionut | Chiorescu | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Ricardo | Rocha | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastian | Lopienski | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Sebastien | Ponce | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Tibor | Simko | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Vasvi | Sharma | 2024 | itCSC | LE | Switzerland | CERN |
Shahzaib | Aamir | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Berk | Balci | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nayana | Bangaru | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gábor | Bíró | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Abhishek | Bohare | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Marco | Buonsante | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Gianluca | De Bonis | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Elena | De la Fuente Garcia | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Pascal | Egner | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jesse | Geens | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Ediz | Genc | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Panagiotis | Georgopoulos | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Panagiotis | Gkonis | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Daniel | Goncalves Portovedo | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Dmytro | Gruzdo | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Hannes Jakob | Hansen | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jakub | Jelinek | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Musa | KAYMAZ | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Orfeas | Kazepis | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Idriss | Larbi | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Luis | Pelaez Bover | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Manuel | Ramirez Garcia | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
João | Ramiro | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Rimsky Alejandro | Rojas Caballero | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jonathan | Samuel | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Nikolaos | Smyrnioudis | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Franciska-Leonóra | Török | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lorenzo | Valentini | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Lorenzo | Ventura Vagliano | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Jan Hauke | Voss | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Julian | Weick | 2024 | itCSC | ST | Switzerland | CERN |
Role: ST – student, LE – Lecturer, DI – Director, AC – Advisory Committee, AM – Administrative Manager, TM – Technical Manager .
School: CSC – Main CERN School of Computing, tCSC – Thematic CERN School of Computing.
Country is the affiliation country of the person.
This database has been compiled from multiple sources, if you detect missing or incorrect information please contact us for data correction.